Illegal Immigrants from my wife's Facebook page


Dan Shea

April 6, 2016 McGregor, FL

From a Florida ER doctor:
Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that's right 8, all Illegal Anchor Babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to say, "We are the dumbest nation on earth," Now I must say and sadly admit: WE are the dumbest people on earth (that includes ME) For we Elected the Idiot Ideologues who have passed the Bills that allow this.
Sorry, but we need a Revolution, If the Illegal Immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004. She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22' (notch) for her. It is interesting that the Federal Government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in Social Assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month. This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in Old Age Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our Pensioners should apply as Refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the Refugees cut back to $1,012 and the Pensioners up to $2,470. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.

Entry #10


Avatar eddessaknight -
Excellent post on the cost illegal reality to US citizens
Avatar mikeintexas -
I was behind a Hispanic woman in the grocery store checkout line the other day and she used a Lone Star Card to pay for the items it would cover, then pulled out a hundred from a wad of them to pay for the other things. I didn't have much in my basket, so I was out in about a half minute. As I was heading to my pickup, I saw that woman finish loading her bags, then get into the driver's side of an Escalade and drive off.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
Our tax dollars at work Mike.
Avatar grwurston -
The left will tell you with all that money they're helping the economy. smh
Avatar mikeintexas -
That's just the most recent case, rcb; I could relate dozens of other incidents, only no Escalades...just brand new trucks and guys wearing Air Jordans....but all using the Lone Star Card.

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