Top 20 States With More Voters Registered Than Adult Citizens



Georgia is on the list and Stacy Abrahms inferred voters were being disenfranchised.  Hmmmm not enough illegals, dead people and pets on the voter rolls perhaps???

Top 20 States With More Voters Registered Than Adult Citizens


Entry #5,143


Avatar mikeintexas -
Texas recently found 95K ineligible voters on the rolls and 58k had voted in at least one election since registering. The leftists here claim that figure is vastly overstated, mainly due to the fact that a few of them may have become naturalized citizens and thereby eligible to vote. That's probably likely but I'd like to know just how many of THOSE voted before become citizens.   That should void their citizenship, but it won't.

The large numbers of ineligible voters is alarming, esp. considering that only a few votes can decide an election, but even if ONE ineligible vote is cast, it can negate a vote from a citizen. I do not want that, no matter how either vote is cast as it deprives the legal voter of their voice...someone who is not a citizen should not have a voice with anything in regards to how this country is governed. They can hightail it back to their own country and whine about it if they like (or are allowed to) but not here.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Mike. I just added a meme to the above post. We need a national voter ID, paid for by states if someone doesn't have money for one. One of Abrhams arguments was precincts were changed, polling places moved which disenfranchised voters.

It's our responsibility to keep up with changes like that.
Avatar grwurston -
Looking at the chart, half of them are in California. It makes it very obvious why all the politicians there (Pelosi, Harris, etc) are all for open borders and don't want to fix the voter rolls.
Votes, votes, votes.
Avatar CARBOB -
Judicial Watch won a court hearing against California. They have to remove 1.5 million registered voters from the rolls.
Avatar grwurston -
Thanks for that CARBOB. I wasn't aware of that. Let's hope it happens before 2020.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Grwurston. Yep votes votes votes, remain in power forever, all on the backs of legal American citizens.
Avatar konane -
Thanks CARBOB. I wish there was a federal mandate to remove ineligible voters from all states rolls.
Avatar konane -
If my memory is correct then Sec of State, now Gov Kemp purged around 100k ineligible voters from our voter rolls, but Abrahms got her panties in a wad and believe she was going to or has filed a lawsuit. Guess she needs those illegals, dead people and family pets votes.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Good one, konane. I've seen that one before and it makes a helluva lot more sense than the meme that "proves" we're already socialist here, listing fire and police departments, our streets and roads, etc.

I voted a couple of yrs. ago and one of my neighbors was manning the tables and she still asked to see my I.D. I was cool w/ that.   I read the other day that my home town "the most pro-Trump town in America" was going back to paper ballots. We used them up until a couple of elections ago and I sure would like to go back to that.

Pretty soon you'll have to be 100 yr. old and older to buy a pack of smokes in Hawaii, hear about that?
Avatar eddessaknight -
Thanks konane, mike & CARBOB, many valid points being made -

What is missing is punishment to fit the crime of voter fraud - then there will be one quick hurry reduction in these election corruption practices.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Mike. I like your original suggestion about illegals " That should void their citizenship". If they raised illegal voting to a felony and made it retroactive (like Bill Clinton did for taxes back when he took office) we might see a southward migration.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Eddessa. Make it a felony national ID required, problem solved. That would eliminate counterfeit documents and drastically cut provisional voting.

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