Ex-RNC Chair: Trump Silent On Domestic Terrorist 'These Are His People'


Entry #26,480


Avatar konane -
Think he might be waiting for results of a complete investigation? We've seen recently what happens when words are spoken without having all facts at hand.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Pictures of weapons, ammunition, and a hit list is self explanatory. It doesn't leaves much to the imagination.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Well, Konane, I for once will partially agree with you specifically due to the revelations of the Justin Smollett case. It was because of his personal status in life being famous, black, and gay that he was able to initially use the hate crime card to a very brief advantage. It caught up with him pretty ed fast, though, and what he did was not only career-destroying destructive to him but to the black community which is plagued with hate crimes...both seen and unseen. However, where I disagree with you on this cost guard's issue is that the Coast Guard itself had already launched its own investigation into their own guy long before it was turned over to the FBI which is the way it should be. Given how Trump is constantly trying to tear down the very organization tasked with keeping this country safe and, him as well, it means he cannot buck the FBI's evidence and continued investigation because it originated with his own Coast Guard first.

Believe you me, Trump is well aware by now of just who this guy is, what he stands for, and why...and he knows he's a product of his own rhetoric. To be fair, let's look at what just happened in Illinois where the shooter was black and killed (5) people at his work place. Listen, this had nothing to do with politics, hatred of Republicans, or anything of the sort. This was about that lost his job after (15) of service there, okay. I'm not saying he did the right thing at all by any stretch but, I can sort of understand why his mind would snap like that. It's akin to 'going postal' which we're all familiar with. This cost guard, though, was well employed and living a happy life and no one was bothering him but, he was being fed a steady diet of hatred by right wing extremists who only targeted Democrats, okay. Let's remember the recent bomber that also only targeted Democrats and Trump has still never sympathized with those targeted Democrats on their lives being threatened by one of his own. Well, here we go again and I'd argue to the end that Trump will NEVER address this either in terms of turning his followers away from such violence towards Dem's.

The reason why is because it would take away from the 'energy' that drives even yourself and your friends here at LP to hate me and others here that are opposite of you politically. You and your friends hate us in the same way that Coast Guard hates Democrats, okay. *Anytime you read where someone agrees that the 9/11 plane should've crashed into the NY Times building instead, you have a REAL SERIOUS problem. It's as though they're suggesting that ONLY Republicans worked in the Twin Towers. Let that sink in for a second. Why would anyone want for ANY plane to run into ANY building? We may not necessarily like any of you and disagree with you a majority of the time but, we're not gonna wish anything bad on any of you or the party...on that level. This cost guard has some serious issues, and, the scary part is that there are so many more of him just waiting to 'receive the torch' on his behalf now.

Also as a recent reference, the Sebring Bank shooter in Florida also killed (5) people for absolutely no good reason..and did so execution style. It was reported that he was kicked out of school for revealing he had dreamed of 'killing everyone in the school.' No one took that seriously and look what happened. This coast guard was so eaten up with the hate you all promote that he dreamed of 'killing everyone on this Earth.' Konane, you people honestly need to get a grip on all this right wing crap that you support by listening to and circulating, okay. Even if you do not personally support or circulate such extremism, your complacency still fosters support. On the other hand, I get it that if you were to speak out you'd be dubbed a RINO, libtard lover, traitor, and a host of other names. Essentially, you're d@amned if you do or don't due to fear. Just wanted to engage you on the mature level in which we should all be doing during these past and present times.

Avatar CARBOB -
You are attempting to put all the blame for hate crimes on Conservatives and that is no where close to the truth.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
No, CARBOB, I am not and you know I'm not. You also know I'm telling the truth regarding all these hate crimes and violence coming from the right. You people people try to categorize liberals-Democrats marching and protesting as violent and hate crimes-promoting which is patently false. Liberals generally show up to protest AGAINST violence and/or violence-promoting hate speeches, okay. Yes, your Charlottseville white supremacists have a certain right to show up with all their "Jews will not replace us!" and Nazi BS but, the Dems also have a right to show up and peacefully counter such protests. You people don't think they have a right to be there in order to promote peace, if possible, and denounce such rhetoric and you know it. Likewise, I do realize that sometimes liberals do get out of line with blocking roads during their protests and touching people's vehicles etc. I certainly don't condone this and it's no excuse but, it's still a far cry from showing up with "Kill whitey", "Sand ni**ers must go", and all that crap that your people show up with under the premise of peaceful protesting.

*Not once have any one of you come here and denounced legitimate articles outlining legit hate crimes against blacks, muslims, or mexicans...not once. Likewise, none of you acknowledged not one of the at least half dozen mass shootings carried out by your own race and are also Trump supporters, okay. Not a word on church shootings, school shootings, or the largest mass shooting ever carried out at the Las Vegas concert. All of you just tuck your tails and wait for anyone non-white or conservative to carry out a typical robbery resulting in a fatality so you can then come here trying to run the board with commentary. That's both weak and immature, buddy, but it's also expected by now. It is a known fact that neither muslims, mexicans, or blacks carry out such shootings on a mass scale REGULARLY...and they're not Democrats either. You know who they are which is why you all remain quiet. To my knowledge, only two people have made death threats to Trump and/or his family and they are Shawn Christy and Richard DeVille Jr. Both of these guys are young, easily influenced people that don't know their @ss from a tree stump. Do a Goggle search on Obama death threats and you'll find the following:


Header: Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service

Buddy, this was in 2009 when the man had only been in office a year office as president, okay. Want more? One of your own LP running buddies posted that he wanted to see Obama's 'demise.' You people don't know how to disagree or address with policies you don't like other than to threaten violence or death. What's more is that you're so d@mned gullible with ANYTHING if it's Obama or Hillary and having absolutely ZERO MERIT. Look at what happened with the Pizza Gate deal. Hillary running child sex out of pizza parlor and you all jump right on it!! Come to find out it was all made up, start to finish, AFTER some dumb@ass Republican ran over there and shot up the place! He either did no diligence or simply didn't care...take your pick. Well, his @ss is now locked up but, I'm pretty sure you feel it was well worth it because it was Hillary stuff. Every time Trump opens his mouth about anything Hillary, you folks are like flies landing on a pile of $hit around here when a link is posted. When it comes to all the evidence pointing to Trump almost certainly being a part of this breech in our electoral system based on what all of those that have flipped have testified to, you simply tuck your tails like always and resort to the BS that Rush promotes like 'A Reasonable Prosecutor Did Want To Charge Hillary.' I'm surprised you're not still harping on Benghazi but, I'm not ruling it out as a back up plan you'll use at some point real soon.

What about the Uranium 1 Gate? How about getting that started although its been dispelled time and again already by now. Oh, but be sure not to discuss how Trump knew that Flynn was brokering a deal to sell our highly sensitive nuclear program to Saudi Arabia. No, don't touch that one! If this were Obama, you'd be in Intensive Care right now especially after Obama has completely ignored a legal American journalist being killed and refused to listen to the tapes validating the murder by the prince. No, I'm not blaming all the Conservatives for hate crimes but, they could all do a helluva lot more in terms of denouncing it publicly and introducing punishment for such BS. In the cyberworld, CARBOB, it's not liberals promoting lies and hatred. It's the Conservative Extremists and it's an on record fact. I see it everyday as it's part of my daily task. What's so uninspiring is that all of you have been this way every since I first starting commenting in the blogs years ago when I first came to LP and was attacked by yours truly.....Ridge Runner followed by the rest during that time. I knew no one and was simply voicing my opinion. I've maintained records of it all to substantiate my findings. YOU are the problem...not me.
Avatar jarasan -
Det shortbus I believe nobody hates you, what is annoying is the lengthy crap trail of twisted contorted leaps of half baked statistics and statements deemed by you to be conclusive evidence of some brilliant conclusions that have no basis in reality. It is painful to read your manifestos and diatribes.

Hint: Bullsh1t on "not once...." I have on my blog many times denounced police abuse, racism injustices animal cruelty etc. Seek and ye shall find.
Avatar amber124 -
About a week ago I posted a video of a guy who listed a whole bunch of white supremacist idiots but the right-wing a-holes ignores it because it's not part of their agenda.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Listen jarasan, I've told already told you many times that NO ONE forces you to read any portion of what I write, okay. So, if you've read my stuff before and have had the same feelings while yet CONTINUING to read my commentary then, it's YOU that's the problem and not me.

"It is painful to read your manifestos and diatribes."

Buddy, you've said the exact same thing before and you're STILL inflicting this supposed pain on yourself??? You have the serious issues...not me son.
Avatar jarasan -
Look Det. Shortbus I don't read your crap (that IS very painful) I scan it. Bu11sh1t has to be called out and you shovel a lot of it, just like the other libtarted plantation dwellers. Scalise, who shot Scalise? Where's coonman? Can you tell us what happened to coonman? What about the kid that was sucker punched at Berkely?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASH1T GFY retard.
Avatar CARBOB -
To prove that Loser, Speedy ignore facts, this is one Kaepernick ignored also. During the last 30 years Blacks have killed over 300,000 other Blacks. During those years police killed 1400 Blacks. You will never see or hear anything about Blacks killing Blacks. The media keeps quite about those facts and so do other Blacks.
Avatar CARBOB -
What I would like to know, do Blacks and the media consider those hate crimes??
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
CARBO diversion tactics don't work. Most violent hate crimes are committed by right-wing white nut jobs. Also where did you get 300,000 from? You are a F-ing LIAR you old coot. Take your meds.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Also CARBO, if you did adequate research you would know that the vast majority of black on black crime is committed by gang activity. Since this is Black History Month, do yourself a favor and try to learn something about Blacks other than STEREOTYPES you old bigot.
Avatar CARBOB -
Made a mistake, added a zero. Whether they are gang members or not they are Black on Black. Are they hate related? There are more Black children living without fathers than ones who do. You want to dispute that.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
There are many reasons Blacks are fatherless. It's not all gang related. You're not concerned about the death of Blacks, you try to use it as a diversion tactic. The truth of the matter you have deep seeded hate in your heart for people of color, All I can say to you is that you better not die with it, because all your living will be in vain.

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