Can't think - bombarded


I have a 21 year old son who plays all types of guitars (7 of them not including a violin)  with amplifiers  and "wa-wa" pedals three feet from where I'm trying to think and use a computer and make lottery picks.  I get so shaky I can hardly even think straight or use the keyboard.  I like quiet; don't like dissonance, volume or discord. 

So please forgive all wrong picks and bad posts I've made on Sat. 1/29 especially those made between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. Central time.

Now that I'm done on LP,  he's  decided to stop.  They don't make medications strong enough to deal with this.

You should see it when he gets a few of his buddies together.  The living room is a constant sound studio and the cacophony  sends me to my bedroom with the door closed,  me in a fetal position curled up in the corner of my closet with headphones on playing "white noise".

But I truly love him and his contribution to our family's sanity  makes it all worth it.  I guess I just get upset when I'm trying to think and can't.  I hate it when I can't concentrate on my own thoughts.  For example I rarely listen to the radio in the car.  My sons think it's weird and I guess it is, but I'd be a real psycho if I didn't have some quiet time to just think about things.

Thanks as usual for letting me rant.  I've been a widower for 15 years since my 2 sons were in pre-school, raised them on my own since then and appreciate people that can understand my problems and psychotic episodes.  Sometimes I get acerbic on here and I apologize for that.

I've done that with a few members on LP and feel like a jerk afterwards, but my apologies to them are sincere.

Entry #15


Avatar Litebets27 -
You should be commended on your steadfast parenting. It takes a special loving man to raise two boys alone after such a loss. Psychotic out burst are a part of parenting.As long as it's in private, it's acceptable. Good luck!
Avatar Rick G -
Thanks Litebets27...I appreciate your support and understanding. Kind of bummed out now so your response is especially treasured!
Avatar four4me -
I have buddies that go through the same thing. Until i told them to invest in some sound proofing. They turned a section of the basement into a studio of sorts. And it's a lot more sane around the house now.
Avatar Todd -
I don't think it's wierd to ride in the car without the radio on. I do that all the time - but probably 'cause I'm enjoying listening to my Borla Stinger exhaust system on my Vette! ;-)

It makes its own sweet music.

Wow, you've had a lot to deal with over the course of 15 years, I can't imagine doing it alone. You are your kids' hero, for sure. (Wait a few more years and they might actually tell you that!)

Avatar Rick G -
Thanks Todd....and If I was driving a Vette, I wouldn't need the music on either. I'd be too busy looking for babes to pick up. But my '89 Bonneville that needs a paint job just doesn't cut older son, (the "musician") has told me that he appreciates what I've done for them, and that's why I tolerate his guitar. :-) And they can live here as long as they want because I will be needing their help just as they needed mine.

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