Last Call!


And the last chance to make pre-election predictions or maybe make some sense out of very complex election. Just taking a small break from discussing lottery related stuff and looking for some thoughts on tomorrow's election outcome.

My local news channels are filled with ads for Senator and House Representative that are probably the worse name calling, misinformation, and down right lies I saw in years. Only saw a couple ads for the presidential nominees but they were pro and neither mentioned the other. But I live in a "red" state so national campaign money is spent elsewhere.

This "In the Arab world drawing a picture of Mohommed can incur a death sentence, criticizing our President seems to be viewed in the same vein- give me a #^&& break!" pretty much sums up many of the Trump supporters. Not saying they make "hit contracts" on someone for criticism, but just can't understand going the distance trying to defend many of the weird statements Trump made. For instance the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy listed "ending the Covid-19 pandemic" as a major accomplishment of the Trump administration while many states set records for the most covid-19 cases. Apparently the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing or don't care.

And read this "they must have had toilet paper, food, sundries, et al. in all the stores you were shopping in during February. Not where I live- a run on everything and much sold out." and while very true, it flies in the face of trying to justify "not telling the people how dangerous the virus is for fear of panic". Wonder if more people would wear masks and practice social distancing had we known in February. It looks to me as just more of the same damage control after saying something stupid.

I see one major flaw in both candidates and the that is age. Trump was the oldest person ever elected President in 2016 and he is now four years older. But Biden is four years older than Trump and doesn't even qualify as a post war baby boomer. Bet Dr. Rick's unbecoming your parents book will fly off the shelves.

All thoughts are welcome including those who have me blocked from their blogs.

Entry #5


Avatar sully16 -
I would love to fight with you, but I don't have it in me anymore, and in the spirit of a long 2020 I have unblocked you. Feel free to run amuck in my blog.
2021 can't come soon enough, maybe next year we can duke it out.
Avatar Stack47 -
I wasn't interested in debating, just wanted to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions. Didn't even know you had me blocked. LOL
Avatar Stack47 -
Most state ballets have more names than just the two main party candidates and mine is no exception. It's common to see Green Party, Libertarian and a couple of others running for President, Senator and House Representative. Saw very few campaign ads for a third party nominee for President, but never saw more than one ad for someone running for Senator until this year.

About ten days ago, Brad Barron who is running against Mitch McConnell as a Libertarian ran a couple campaign ads mostly touting that he was much more conservative than Mitch. Last night his campaign ran an ad attacking McConnell's health and he so far as showing a person laying in a hospital bed and saying our Democrat Governor would appoint a Democrat to replace Mitch. It looked to me like Barron's campaign was suggesting Mitch would die while in office.

Just when we thought 2016 was a nasty campaign season, 2020 IMO proved to be much worse. 2020 will go down in history as the "year of lies" and agree with Sully, "2021 can't come soon enough".
Avatar Stack47 -
Looks like we're going to extra innings for this one! Last night tried to find a TV news network that was actually reporting results without a group of talking heads giving their bias opinions; I never found one. Quickly changed channels after the CBS "news" anchor Norah O'Donnell said there is "breaking news" and then announced CBS was projecting that Georgia as "too close to call" and Wisconsin "to early to call".

I sure miss Walter Cronkite.
Avatar lakerben -
Lots of false info about stealing the election. All the votes have to be counted.   What ever happened to dignity and class?
Avatar Stack47 -
The RNC told their supporters to vote in person on election day while the DNC suggested people with virus concerns vote by mail or if they could in their state, vote early. Those options applied to all voters and that's exactly what the people in Kentucky did without any claims of fraud or trying to steal the election. Currently all the unsubstantiated allegations were made by the President in a WH briefing and by his son Eric and Rudy Giuliani in Philadelphia.

After all the false and/or misleading claims he made about Covid-19, one would think Trump's advisers would tell him to be very careful making any false and/or misleading claims about the election vote counting and results. But when you're being advised by the likes of Gingrich, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and Vladimir Putin class and dignity go out the window.
Avatar Stack47 -
The writing was on the wall when Wisconsin and Michigan were called for Biden, but lots of people are still trying to convince others that Trump was the better choice. Does anybody really think recounts will change the 5 million more votes outcome?

The day before the election, it was reported almost 100 million people had already voted, but many states didn't allow those votes to be counted until the polls were closed. And some states waited until Friday to count mail-in votes. Because of the time it took, it gave every conspiracy theorist in the country time to come up with something only the ignorant believed.

Had Trump actually did most of what he promised and made an all out effort with the virus, he may have won re-election. Just can't think of anything dumber than holding events at the White House with very few masks and zero social distancing. And right on cue, today Trump is playing golf while the country is setting another record day of Americans getting the virus.

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