If elections can be rigged...


........... to the degree Trump and his supporters are saying, why even bother campaigning and holding rallies for the Georgia run-off election? 

If it's possible to rig elections in six states, it should be simple to rig the Georgia election and any or all future elections. But since we're talking about the same people that said Obama's parents and grandparents knew someday he would run for President so they decided on the day he was born to make sure his birth place was in the U.S. If I recall correctly nobody could prove Obama's birth certificate was a fake.

FYI, Trump has always maintained Obama because his father was not born in the U.S. was ineligible to become President. It's sort of difficult following Trump's logic when twp of his wives were not born in the U.S. so four of his children are ineligible too. 

Anybody finally see any proof of Trump's "large scale voter fraud"?

Entry #23


Avatar sully16 -
Little Barry Dunham, hehehehehe
Nothing like some Sunday evening Gaslighting to get your juices flowing, lol
Avatar noise-gate -
I read somewhere that in order to pull off an election fraud of this magnitude, thousands of people would have been involved. Blaming machines is not enough. I have yet to read " We have rounded up this bunch of people." Why is that?
Avatar Stack47 -
I asked if anyone finally saw any proof of Trump's "large scale voter fraud" and get an answer that is childish at best, but more likely racist.

How to pull off "election fraud of this magnitude" should be explained by Trump, but so far his only "proof" of fraud is based on the fact the President of the United States is either ignorant of the vote counting processes or he is relying on the ignorance of his supporters. When out to Trump his FBI Director said there is no evidence of widespread fraud and Trump responded with: “Oh, really? Then he's not doing a great job. 50,000 in Ohio, the great state of Ohio. 50,000 in another location, I think North Carolina.

Even if he has solid proof of 50,000 fraudulent votes in Ohio and another 50,000 in North Carolina, HE WON BOTH OF THOSE STATES. Just when we though nobody could be that stupid, Trump proves us wrong again.

Add that to many people in his own party saying his Covid-19 response is borderline criminal, even the village can understand why Trump lost by over 7 million votes.
Avatar Stack47 -
In another Sidney Powell election fraud court case. part of a Federal Judge in Michigan 36 page opinion said "Plaintiffs ask this Court to ignore the orderly statutory scheme established to challenge elections and to ignore the will of millions of voters. This the Court cannot, and will not, do. The people have spoken."

Has Powell ever won a legal case?
Avatar noise-gate -
Read where the Trump administration is being sued by Presidential historians for the “ Preservation of documents “ for the archives & the Freedom of information act. Apparently Trump doesn’t play by the rules & loves shredding documents, memos etc etc. it seems he doesn’t want a paper trail on his whereabouts & going on’s while in office. It’s as though he doesn’t want us to know he was there.
Avatar grwurston -
cnn eplains how election fraud happened in 2006. Same machines company used in 2020
Avatar noise-gate -
Sidney likes trying high profile cases: Gen Fynn. But l think she goes in knowing she cannot win, but it’s good exposure for the law firm.
Avatar Stack47 -
On January 25, 2017 Trump tweeted

"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....""even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!"

If there really was a "VOTER FRAUD investigation" and Trump's team "strengthen up voting procedures" like he said he would, how could there be voter fraud in 2020?

It's not like he was spending his time responding to the pandemic.
Avatar sully16 -
The FASTER the lower courts throw out the cases, the FASTER it gets to the Supreme Court. hehehehe
To say there is no fraud, is just plain dishonest.
Avatar sully16 -
And another thing, drop the racist crap, I'm Chippewa and Scottish.
Avatar Stack47 -
Sully goes out of their way to make racists remarks and tells me to "drop the racist crap". Wonder if all MAGA supporters as classy as Sully?
Avatar noise-gate -
What's Texas up to nosing around other States calling the election for Biden?Read where there AG is suing Georgia, Wisconsin & other States up the the Supreme Court, hoping they will overturn the voters & select Trump's electors. What on earth is going on here, since when we did become a nation that is afraid of change?
I have said this before: Republicans in all political offices nationwide are in utter fear of Trump & his base. It's been said that if you value your political future, you have to toe the line.
How did a Hotel boss take over a political party, the guy knew nothing of politics on a World scale, we saw it, yet this guy has the party leaders by the throats. It's not loyalty- It's worship.
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As dumb as it sounds, some Republicans in some states are saying they can go before the Supreme Court with no proof and with no standing and that Court will overturn the election results and disenfranchise almost 160 million voters. And the Trump supporters believe every word. James Carville wondered how many times Trump planned on losing state elections by demanding recounts. Trump now has lost vote counts in Georgia three times.

It reminds me of the LP members saying lottery game drawings are rigged to prevent "them" from winning. I played golf with a bookie that took pick-3 bets along with the other types of bets. I asked him how he could give $6 worth of bets for $5 and pay $600 for $1 straight bets and still make money and said because he had a "40% edge". Not as good as the 50% edge in most state lotteries, but more than most casino and horse racing edges.

I thought charges of rigging would stop when the popular vote reached 4 million more for Biden, but they are still going strong after a margin of 7 million votes. And it won't stop on December 15 or on January 21 either.

Avatar noise-gate -
I just don’t understand what is with all the political prayers. Just the other day, Rep Collins was addressing a crowd in support of the two Repub Senators from Georgia & the guy asked the supporters to bow their heads in a moment of prayer for the senators victory. What on earth is the point?
We had Paula White, Copeland, Robertson give prayers to let God know they expected him to get Trump re elected. We know for sure that those prayers went unanswered. If these two Senators are re elected, Will the supporters then say “ Perhaps God didn’t want Trump to win a 2nd term?”
By the way: l have yet to read of Jesus praying personally for Herod, Caesar or Pilate, what does that tell you? Prayers in politics, don’t work. Voters elect people to high office, not God!
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According to Mikhail Gorbachev "Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind."

I don't know how Jesus would vote but I really doubt he would support building walls to prevent people from seeking a better life. And there is that sticky thing about "bearing false witness" Trump ignores. Even though Pilate knew Jesus did nothing wrong he still allowed the false accusations by the Pharisees to stand.

Oh, by the way, saw were people are starting a class action suit over Trump's handling of the pandemic. Considering over 15 million people were infected after Trump said “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” they may have a much better case than any of Rudy's or Sidney's.
Avatar noise-gate -
I see where 6 or 7 States are joining Texas in calling for the electors to STOP certifying Penn & other swing States, and instead let them pick tjeir own electors for Trump, so that he can have a 2nd term. Ignore the voters in those States, just go ahead & do it. I wonder how they would feel if CA or NY wanted Texas to certify their States for Biden?
To add insult to injury, our dumb President said today " Let's see if one or more justices on the Supreme Court has the COURAGE to do the right thing." I swear this guy has nental health issues.
Does he truly think that if he appoints judges to the bench that they " owe him" that they must come through for him in the future? That's the same thinking that got him impeached.
Good to see the SCOTUS refused to listen to his lawyers arguement. So in short- It's done, he has no further recourse, just let this nightmare end.
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Only an idiot believes it's courageous for one or more of the Supreme Court Justices to rule against the will of the people. But Trump saying idiotic things got us to where we are today. Lots of states including some blue states are ticked off at the Kentucky voters for re-electing Mitch McConnel to his SEVENTH six year term in the Senate. I'd ask if the Supreme Court could overturn that election based on it effects the lives of citizens in other states, but along with one state asking the Court to overturn an election in another state is why the word "moron" was invented.

It's starting to look like more and more people are demanding the abolishment of the Electoral College because it makes no sense when everything else we do in the United States is by majority rule.
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Did some research and being Chippewa and Scottish doesn't not exonerate making racists remarks. And just like Trump, I'm asking why don't you have the courage to do the right thing and admit you're a racist?

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