Hey MAGA people:


Is this making America great again?

But those people don't care, they are too busy trying overturn an election they lost by more than 7 million votes.

Entry #25


Avatar sully16 -
Go on twitter and find all the people who have been reporting on the EMPTY F%^^%%ing Hospitals.
More fake news.
Avatar lakerben -
I just lost another cousin. Its not fake news. The hospitals are full here in town. The morgues are overflowing.
Avatar Stack47 -
Sorry to hear that, Ben.
Avatar Stack47 -
I know for a fact the hospital closest to me has 150 ICU beds and only 12 are empty. The only good news is many of the staff there already had the virus. People are dying yet our resident "wana-be expert" is quoting Twitter.

Have no sense of decency, Sully?
Avatar noise-gate -
The only thing believed by Trump supporters is that he was robbed of a 2nd term. Hospitalizations are a hoax, so is covid.

If Trump said cancer & lung disease, even brain tumors are a hoax, his supporters would believe it.
Avatar lakerben -
I know at least 3 trump supporters who refused to wear a mask that have died. Everyone told them to snap but they were Trump fanatics. Now they are dead.
Avatar noise-gate -
Talking about “ Great” Our fair President invites this elderly gentleman to the White House to be honored with a Medal Ceremony. With his wife, children and grandchildren standing by, Trump walks out of the event with the guy raises his hands as if to ask “ What about me standing here, let’s finish this thing.” But no, a question from the press set Trump off and that was the end of it.
No words..
Avatar noise-gate -
Someday a book published on all the lies Trump has uttered since coming into WH will become a Best Seller.

Who can forget this gem from about a week or two ago “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again. I am the President of the United States.”
Or during the covid pandemic “ l am ordering the States to open up for business, as President, l have that authority.”
Avatar sully16 -
ROTFLMAO, I can't take you 3 serious.
Avatar noise-gate -
Come on Sully, is the nation as a whole supposed to take Trump serious with he's claim of being robbed a 2nd term? Now l see a slew I log States where Trump won banding together with Texas AG to subvert the willing of the people in 4 States when Repub Governors are saying " We counted the voters, our guy lost."

What Paxton fails to tell the Trump supporters is that individual States make the rules on how they want their citizens to vote, the SCOTUS does not get involved in how it is run, just as long as democracy prevails. Paxton along with these other States gave been drinking the Kool- aid for too long. This is how democracy dies, when without PROOF, these guys continue to fight a losing battle.
Avatar noise-gate -
Come on Sully, is the nation as a whole supposed to take Trump serious with he's claim of being robbed a 2nd term? Now l see a slew I log States where Trump won banding together with Texas AG to subvert the willing of the people in 4 States when Repub Governors are saying " We counted the voters, our guy lost."

What Paxton fails to tell the Trump supporters is that individual States make the rules on how they want their citizens to vote, the SCOTUS does not get involved in how it is run, just as long as democracy prevails. Paxton along with these other States gave been drinking the Kool- aid for too long. This is how democracy dies, when without PROOF, these guys continue to fight a losing battle.
Avatar lakerben -
What the difference between Trump and a Christmas Tree? Nothing we wil get rid of both of them in January!
Avatar Stack47 -
Hey Sully, do me a favor; we're trying to discuss some serious stuff here and you're posting like an eight year old. Take you're clown act over to konane's blog.
Avatar noise-gate -
Did a look-see into this Attorney who calls herself Cleta Mitchell and is joined at the hip with the Trump camp on getting Georgia overturned and awarded to Trump. This woman is a piece of work.

She says things " weren't done correctly in Georgia, and because of fraud, there's that word again & illegal cast votes, according to the Constitution, the State should hold off on certifying the election in Georgia, and that the Governor should dismiss the votes that were cast, and must appoint electors that reflect Georgia and send them to cast their votes for Trump. So what is this?
Why have elections if this is the way things are supposed to go? Why let people stand in line for hours on end only to be told, we really didnt need you to do that- we plan on sending " our picks" ahead.
Caught a bit of the AG of Michigan on TV telling the AG from Texas to " Stay in your own lane" and mind your own business. She said that no one she knows voted in Texas, so why is Paxton concerned about what Mich does? She brought out the point that Texas allowed only ONE DROP OFF location in Harris County, a county with a population of more than 4 mil. If that is not voter suppression, what is?
Avatar jarasan -
Avatar noise-gate -
Kemp is a Republican, and he can buy whatever he thinks will benefit the State. What's next, importing toilet paper from Venezuela?
I just want Trump out of office so this nation can move on.

I can't imagine a scenario where he ever won, and if he did , can you imagine him going on " Victory rallies" all paid for by the States? Claiming he was Right all along, the Evangelicals would literally start calling him a Messiah for America. This BS has to stop, and good riddance.
Avatar lakerben -
Now Powell is claiming votes were flown in from China. And space aliens voted in Arizona for Biden without an id.
Avatar Stack47 -
Just so I have the story correct, Republican Governor Kemp awarded a contract to Dominion two weeks after meeting with the Chinese Consul General, but now the Rudy and "kraken Powell" show are telling Federal Judges the Democrats rigged the election OOOOOOOOOOOOK
Avatar Stack47 -
Just saw where Sully hasn't posted on their blog in nine months. So much for their credibility. Never planned on the reality of the election results sinking in would last this long because I'd rather discuss lottery strategies, But considering the D-Bag they are following, reality will never sink in.

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