"Office of the Former President"


Jimmy Carter, W Bush, Bill Clinton or maybe Barack Obama? 

Nope Trump created and announced it today. Is he finally acknowledging what the majority of Americans already know?

Can't wait to read the spin on this one. Lurking

Entry #53


Avatar sully16 -
He was mocking obama, lol lol. he'll play their way now, lolo lol lol
Avatar Stack47 -
That makes no sense, Sully.
Avatar noise-gate -
I think people miss the point that if a President loses re election, history will call him a Loser. Why?
Cause whatever he did in his 1st term is not good enough for the American voters to give him or her another 4 years. Now Trump may say “ l was robbed, there was fraud $ mischief afoot” but absence solid evidence- Trump will be judges as a loser of. President. That would apply to to an extent Ford, but definitely Carter & Bush Snr so far. Trump joins that happy band. One may disagree, but it’s a fact.
Avatar KAL035 -
"A fact, my behind! It's a blatant LIE for the low-IQ gullible types such as "NG" and "Stack47" Power-hungry devious Dim-Dems don't care about the lie, so long as they get their way. With Dim-dems, the end always justify the means. President Trump won in a landslide, but it didn't matter since the election had been stolen in advance. Dim-Dems are fine with that since that hate freedom and patriotism. They are all about tyranny and "cancel-culture". That's all.
Avatar noise-gate -
You have no Wits to begin with. Your thinking is no better than people who flock to faith healers hoping to be cured of cancer, leprosy, AIDS & other ailments. You never hear of reporters interviewing any of these so called healed people, they simply just faded into the ether, why? Because it’s BS.

Trump lost and that’s a fact. The only people in denial are you and others who think like you. Where does this love for Trump come from, considering Trump was not a politician to begin with. Btw- Politicians come & go, but the fervor in which you and your ilk hold onto the sashes of Trump’s skirt is beyond ridiculous. It’s akin to the feelings the Iranians had for the Ayatollah Khomieni, the spiritual leader of the resistance.
You know this already, but Conservative judges as well as the SCOTUS have reviewed the stuff presented & denied Trump a 2nd term. He lost, and he lost to a guy older than him.
Stop carrying water for a man that wanted to subvert the Constitution & bring in his own brand of rule.
Why don’t you binge watching the “ Apprentice “ to soothe you fragile ego, there are plenty of season of that crap to make you long for the old days.
Avatar noise-gate -
You have no Wits to begin with. Your thinking is no better than people who flock to faith healers hoping to be cured of cancer, leprosy, AIDS & other ailments. You never hear of reporters interviewing any of these so called healed people, they simply just faded into the ether, why? Because it’s BS.

Trump lost and that’s a fact. The only people in denial are you and others who think like you. Where does this love for Trump come from, considering Trump was not a politician to begin with. Btw- Politicians come & go, but the fervor in which you and your ilk hold onto the sashes of Trump’s skirt is beyond ridiculous. It’s akin to the feelings the Iranians had for the Ayatollah Khomieni, the spiritual leader of the resistance.
You know this already, but Conservative judges as well as the SCOTUS have reviewed the stuff presented & denied Trump a 2nd term. He lost, and he lost to a guy older than him.
Stop carrying water for a man that wanted to subvert the Constitution & bring in his own brand of rule.
Why don’t you binge watching the “ Apprentice “ to soothe you fragile ego, there are plenty of season of that crap to make you long for the old days.
Avatar noise-gate -
I click twice- me bad, but maybe this character needed to binge read my post twice.
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump WON and that's a FACT, you useless/disgusting pea-brain nit-wit you. You make plenty of noise, that's a fact; but doesn't change the fact that you are a low-IQ devious Dim-Dem given to spouting off lies that you learned from MS-LSD and and your beloved boy Don Lemon on CNN. I'm sure you will be deliriously happy when your senile/clueless puppet Biden reinstates Obammy's treasonous Iran nuclear "deal" since you seem to have an affinity for terrorist nations that threaten the very existence of the USA. I never once watched the "Apprentice", but very closely watched the Commander-In-Chief fulfilling his every campaign promise to patriots that hold the USA in high esteem. As previously stated, you are a clueless lying idiot. Nobody gives one whit about your opinion.
Avatar lakerben -
Avatar noise-gate -
Trump won in an alternate Universe where reality is spin by a mouse on a treadmill. If Trump won, why is it that NONE of his lawsuits saw the light of day? How is it possible that the President of the United States is denied a thorough review of his claim? Know why? Cause folks who went to law school saw through the BS.
These scholars are not going to be judged by history forgoing against the US Constitution to satisfy Trump's ego, and yes- you do.care about my opinion, after all you responding to it.
Avatar noise-gate -
Next you going to tell us that the " horned guy " the Qanon Sharman who was at the Capitol has a law degree from UMass. You not very convincing.
Avatar lakerben -
Well said noisegate!
Avatar Stack47 -
"Trump WON and that's a FACT"

Management said "no childish name calling" making it very difficult not to after reading that. Probably useless asking which part of Trump opened "the office of the former president" is confusing them. Hint: look up the definition of "former president".

Bet the fact I didn't block them goes way over their head too.
Avatar KAL035 -
Mea culpa; admittedly, I was a bit hasty. I thought it was a Truesee blog I had posted to; didn't notice until now that it was the Leftist Utopian Mutual Admiration Society Blog. Otherwise, wouldn't have bothered. My bad! You can block me if you wish. Makes no difference to me since I have no interest in posting on leftist blogs as it accomplishes nothing but wasting bandwidth on people that that already have their minds made up, regardless of the actual facts.
Avatar noise-gate -
There is nothing Right about Right-wing when they claim the election was stolen. Americans went to the polls and cast their votes, and it just so happened that Joe Biden beat Trump. It matters not that Trump had huge rallies or that he was showing his supporters how strong he was, getting covid, doing a driveby, and then ripping his mask off his face to show he was a man of strength.

What comatose Right-wingers do not get is that " People lose all the freaking time." Take the two Senate seats in Georgia- those Repubs lost there as well. It funny how you don't see anyone claiming a rigged outcome for those two seats, yet there is fraud for Trump, and Trump alone?

The fact of the matter is- Trump was not bulletproof to the voters, they probably thought to themselves " Man, if this guy can't come clean on a virus that is killing Americans, can we count on him if something worse is coming our way? Nah- let's flush this adminstration down.
Avatar Stack47 -
I was correct again when I said the fact I didn't block them would go way over their head.

Trump created a large group of followers and not a problem for most fair minded people and established Republicans. But there is a small very far right faction that turned into a brown shirted Sturmabteilung and along with some very gullible other Trump supporter saying they were "caught in the moment" stormed the Capital Building.

From reading and hearing the text of of Trump's speech, it's a fact he fired them up by again claiming he won the election. But if he really believes he won the election "by a land slide" like a child believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or the Easter Bunny, why did Trump acknowledge defeat by creating the "Office of the Former President"?

The Russian collusion was based on millions of social media posts designed to divide Americans and can't think of better way to divide than to claim imaginary voter fraud. Sprinkle in some of the usual childish name calling by calling anyone not following their party "leftists" similar to the way Hitler's far right National Socialist Workers' Party did.

Will Trump's 21st Century version of the Sturmabteilung turn violent; just watch the video of them storming the Capital Building or ask the family's of those killed.
Avatar Stack47 -
Saw were Trump's Office of the Former President got 81,281,502 "likes" on Facebook!

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