Washington Post Op Ed: Donald Trump Must Never Have A Presidential Library


Entry #28,736


Avatar JAP69 -
With the wealth that Trump has he may just decide to have a pyramid built to be entombed in.
Avatar noise-gate -
My mother told me years ago that a friend of a friend adopted two children decades ago. One of the kids had severe, mental problems: attempting to set the house on fire, playing with matches, drinking mouth wash, etc. They decided that they couldn't handle that behavior and returned the one child to the adoption agency.

When l think of the carnage that happened under Trump's watch, from contesting the outcome of the election to inciting violence at the Capitol- to going awol, a dereliction of duty, l think Trump needs to be " returned to society" away from the position of Leader of the Free World.
Avatar KAL035 -
Speaking of severe mental handicaps, NG, do you honestly think anybody cares one whit about you think? Or gives any credence to the non-stop lies that you spew forth here on a daily basis? No "carnage" happened under Trump's watch, you nitwit! What are even you babbling about now? Stop with all the Trump lies! Quite naturally, Trump contested the outcome of the election since it was obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells (not including you) that that the devious/dishonest/cheating dim-dems rigged and stole the election from the onset. Senile/bumbling "Lunch Bucket" Joe (that couldn't get 50 dum-dums at a campaign rally) is a totally illegitimate so-called "President" that deserves respect from no one! His every action is all about exacting revenge against Trump for stopping Billary Clinton from continuing the sneaky/conniving Kenyan's legacy. Biden makes me sick every time I see him. You know as well as I do that Trump won the election in a landslide. But you and your ilk, as self-righteous "progreeesive" statists are so smug and content with the results achieved by dishonest/ fraudulent means since Obammy now gets his 3rd term. You, yourself, need to be returned to the adoption agency as nobody wants a clueless idiot in the family.

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