No Republican!


Senator voted to advance the Covid-19 stimulus package. Never could figure out why some average working men and woman voted for a political party that doesn't have their constituents best interests in mind. Is it because they want those people to hurt financially or are they just out of touch? The package will probably add another $2 trillion to the deficit, but why ignore the large number of Americans that are really hurting?

I know people that haven't worked since March 2020 that still haven't received their first unemployment check let alone the $600 weekly extra checks some get. People are complaining because many school systems are closed and this package has funds designed to help schools reopen. Rand Paul will find out in November 2022 if the voters in Kentucky remember his "no" vote and I'm sure someone will make sure the voters won't forget.

Entry #57


Avatar grwurston -
It's all politics. We aren't going to get anything. Pelosi held it up last year, because she didn't want Trump get credit for it. Then after she knew Trump was going to be gone, she accepted a much lower package then what she originally wanted. There's video of her admitting it.

There's plenty of blame to go around on both sides. Everyone wants to take care of their pet projects first, and send money overseas, then they forget all about the people here who really need it.
If the politicians really cared, and really wanted to help the people, they would have put aside their bickering and gotten us the money and the help months ago. But they didn't. So now we know where we stand in the scheme of things. Meanwhile, they'll tell us the checks in the mail. Yeah, right.

Avatar Stack47 -
grwurston posted: "There's plenty of blame to go around on both sides."

Which part of "No Republican Senators voted to advance the Covid-19 stimulus bill" is confusing you now? Especially when it's almost the same group of Republican Senators that voted against their Republican President Trump's purposed $2000 stimulus payments. If it's all about politics, why did the two Republican branches of Government want two different things? It sure doesn't look like there are two different Republican Parties.

"She accepted a much lower package" because "She" knew the 117th Congress would be controlled by the Democrats. And FYI, Congress passed the $900 billion stimulus relief package that gave most Americans $600 on December 28, 2020. "She" knew Trump was out the first week in November.

Calling this stimulus relief package that provides $1400 to most Americans, support for small businesses, states and local governments, increased funding for vaccinations and testing, funds to help schools reopen, enhanced unemployment, raising minimum wage, and subsidies for health insurance premiums a "pet project" might be one of the dumbest things I read lately.

I really doubt most people purchased stock in Gamestop with their $600 check; most probably stocked their cupboard and refrigerator. Some of your comments are like reading a long winded rant from Emily Litella. (Without the "never mind")

Avatar noise-gate -
It’s the same old thing. The “ My grandparents & parents were of this party so l am.” No thinking outside the box. I know by reading that there are people of a certain political group that will vote for the party that is against abortion, nothing else.

Forget your medical costs, your stimulus checks- just abortion. As much as l personally hate abortion, those persons will answer to a higher power, not me.
Lindsay wants to hold off the confirmation of Garland because of the Impeachment trial. So Lindsay cannot walk & chew gum this once. We as a country can “ function” without an Attorney General because Graham says so, isn’t the Republican Party, oops Trump party for law & order? Funny how coming up with the Trillions of Dollars or was that Billions for the Tax-cut for the wealthy, yet dazed & confused people will continue to vote a certain way. It’s amazing that some evolved from being segregationist.. or have they?
Avatar grwurston -
Maybe you should just watch this cnn interview and see for yourself how Pelosi screwed everyone with her politics. Pay attention to where she says, "We're not going to wait untill February." That was in October.

Your second paragraph is exactly my point. As I said, if they really wanted to help the people they would have done it months ago. Not Dec 28 when they passed it. Has anyone gotten a check yet? Nope. Like I first said, It's all politics.
You really should work on your reading comprehension skills. They're terrible.

I really doubt most people purchased stock in Gamestop with their $600 check; most probably stocked their cupboard and refrigerator.
Gee, ya think?? Way to go Capt Obvious.

Avatar Stack47 -
"if they really wanted to help the people they would have done it months ago. Not Dec 28 "

"They" is McConnell and his Republican majority because the Democrat House passed the bill on May 16, 2020. It's really difficult reading and understanding the same old meaningless stuff especially when it's not true. Can you at least try to be honest posting on my Blog; put the dishonesty on your Blog.

"Your second paragraph"

Did you flunk civics class or where out sick when "how a bill becomes law" was taught?

Google shows 196,000,000 results in 0.63 seconds, but apparently you can't find any.

Avatar Stack47 -
"As much as l personally hate abortion, those persons will answer to a higher power, not me."

One of my Facebook friends got a "time out" for being dishonest by posting an 20 week Ultrasound video that was probably more like 30 week or more fetish. I too dislike "birth control" abortions, but nobody appointed me God so as much as I dislike it, I'll defer.

"Lindsay wants to hold off the confirmation of Garland because of the Impeachment trial."

Because he threatened to "bring in FBI testimony" if the witnesses are called. With Garland confirmed as AG, the testimony won't be what Graham wants to hear.
Avatar grwurston -
I suppose the dems have never done the same thing when the repubs have passed a bill?
This is getting old and boring. Cya
Avatar Stack47 -
"This is getting old and boring" is about what the Courts said about Powell, Lin, Giuliani, and the other baseless lawsuits claiming voter fraud.

If people have to be schooled on Government process, they should take a step back and do some research. Especially after calling relief bills that has an effect on millions of Americans "pet projects". FTI, "The same thing" can only be done when a party is in control of the House, Senate, or where ever they have a majority.

Trump talk has evolved into Republican talk where even the party leaders are either scared to death of the Trump supporters or are flat out lying. The GOP is now making it very difficult to be in the center and listening to both sides.

But don't feel bad about not understanding the U.S. Government processes, Trump still hasn't figured it out.
Avatar lakerben -
I bought some chicken and steaks with my check I got last week.
Avatar Stack47 -
It looks like another $1400 will be sent depending on your 2019 income. Saw where someone suggested waiting to file if you made more in 2020.

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