Smartmatic sues FOX news for 2.7B for blatant lies about election fraud



Both FOX and the republican party needs to be dismantled and abolished forever. I hope they get they get every penny from Faux news  Fox news.

Entry #22


Avatar noise-gate -
Yes. If you spread lies, knowing full well that you for ratings, you better be prepared to accept the consequences. Dominion & Smartmatic took a huge financial hit because of Fox & company genuflecting to Trump & his lies.
Newsmax cut the pillow guy off as well. That character went on the show & started talking about the Dominion machines & knowing they were warned by that company, told Mr Pillow to stop it. Real Lawsuits do that. Jewels & Sidney are feeling the heat as well. Good.
Avatar lakerben -
Oh well.
Avatar Stack47 -
Many of the Trump supporters still believe there had to be some type of election fraud because to many of them it's almost like a religious belief; it was impossible for him to lose. From there it became a "let's find a reason that supports our claims". The people at Fox News decided to give them a how and a possible way for wide spread voter fraud.

Bet part of the Fox News defense will be, "we were just reporting what Trump said". And probably similar to what many of the people arrested in the storming of the Capital Building will say. The key as always with the news media is was it absent of malice.

Avatar KAL035 -
Otay, Buckwheat. Ah believes you, effing low-IQ types, Lol
Avatar lakerben -
Yup! Sue,sue,sue!
Pay the fiddler!
Avatar noise-gate -
The low IQ fools are those who refuse to accept the truth. It's similar to your BF, GF, Spouse telling you it's OVER, and you saying it's not. You fools will believe anything: If Trump said he would live to a ripe old age of 170, you fools would believe him.
Avatar grwurston -
Instead of always saying how bad Trump is, why don't you tell us what makes Biden so good?
Unless you think he sucks.
Avatar noise-gate -
Personally, l think had Trump accepted defeat at the ballot box, history would have treated him kinder. It’s the lawsuits, going after persons of his own party to undo a legitimate process, getting people all worked up at rallies, and then sitting back and watching the chaos unfold that made him small in the world’s eyes.
Bush Snr accepted defeat by Clinton & welcomed him to the WH. Trump on the other hand acting like a child who lost in a game of marbles & decided he didn’t want to play anymore.
If he ever returned to the WH, his status on the world stage would be viewed as a returning loser.
Avatar grwurston -
You didn't say what makes Biden so good.
Avatar noise-gate -
I don’t have to. Every President has their good & bad sides during their term in office.Biden’s is just beginning so we shall see. One thing is for sure, Biden is an adult and l doubt you going to see him having rallies to work up the troops if things don’t go his way. You pulled the lever for a guy who treated the Presidency as a reality show & you know it. Disrespectful to journalists, doctors, you name it. Getting pally pally with Dictators. Then we have the golfing, oh man. We in the middle of a pandemic & the commander needs to take in a round. It’s no wonder the guy had the energy to show up at rallies, it’s because he did very little on the job.
Avatar Stack47 -
I'm still waiting for anyone to say how well the Trump administration did without using the word "if". Starting sentences with "Once upon a time" seems to be part of the MAGA vocabulary. Add that to "let's compare four years to less than three weeks"; speaking of an intelligence quotient.

And it wasn't just Trump not accepting the reality of his defeat, but a handful of Senators and lots of House Reps. Kevin McCarthy won't even accept the fact some people in his party feared for their lives on January 6 when Trump's rally stormed the Capital Building. Hopefully someone will explain to him why "Hang Mike Pence" is not a campaign slogan.
Avatar noise-gate -
l wonder how Kevin would have acted had a republican Congressman or Woman lost their lives at the Capitol due to the rioting? it was pointed out to me that my posting a pic of two panhandlers sitting on the side of the road was somehow connected to Biden's action. especially with people losing their jobs. Hello, Joe has only been in there 3 weeks.

Has this person forgotten that Trump was President in 2020- the year some 37.6 million Americans filing for unemployment insurance since the beginning of March and the official unemployment rate reached 14.7 percent in April—a level not seen since the Great Depression—the American economy is in a disastrous state, with repercussions expected for years to come. But oh No- Its Joe's fault. These folks sitting out there could have been the result of Trump's inept handling of the virus, but no... it's got to be Joe.

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