"ordinary political rhetoric."


Could have been an interesting defense hadn't Trump made that phone call to Georgia.  "What I want to do is this. I just want you to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state."

Asking to find more votes after the election was certified three times IMO isn't my definition of "ordinary political rhetoric". Sort of changes the meaning of "we'll go there and fight" too. Didn't watch or listen to the defense arguments after David Schoen chose to attack the House Managers instead of defending his client. 

Have a prediction, a majority of the Senators will vote guilty, but the two thirds threshold won't be reached. 

Entry #60


Avatar noise-gate -
The vast majority of the Republican Senators are not prepared to fall on their swords by going against Donny. One wonders what will they tell their grandchildren when all of this is looked upon 30 years from now.
Darla: Grandpa- you were in the Senate back then huh, how did you come to clear the President of working against democracy? Were you threatened?
Senator: You wouldn’t understand, those were difficult times, we had liberals and Antifa, BLM to deal with, and only Trump had the stones as President to take them on..
Darla: But Grandpa, we talking about impeachment..
Senator: l know, but someone had to stop them, and we made a judgment call for the good of the country.
Avatar Stack47 -
Maybe their kids or grandkids will ask Trump's lawyers why they lied when questioned by U.S. Senators in the well of the Senate.

Question: "Exactly when did President Trump learn of the breach of the Capitol, and what specific actions did he take to bring the rioting to an end? And when did he take them? Please be as detailed as possible."

Answer: “House Managers have given us absolutely no evidence one way or another onto that question.”

Hire lawyers that pretend they can't understand a simple question, but instead blame the House Managers that were being evacuated with the rest of the Reps, Senators, their families and staff. Their client is on trial and knows when he learned the building was breached. It's really sad when the only defense Trump has is to lie.

After finally acknowledging the Capital Building was breached at 2:00 PM, another question was asked: "When President Trump sent the disparaging tweet at 2:24 p.m. about Pence, was he aware the VP had been removed from the Senate by the Secret Service for his safety?"

Answer: "At no point was the president informed the vice president was in any danger," he said, "because the House rushed through this impeachment in seven days with no evidence, there is nothing at all in the record on this point because the House failed to do even a minimum amount of due diligence."

But Senator Tuberville told Trump "‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,'” Pence was evacuated from the chamber at about 2:15 p.m. and Trump sent his tweet attacking Pence at 2:24 pm. Why lie about something so easily to dispute?

Won't comment on the Kevin McCarty call to Trump, but if it's true, it's going to be very interesting tomorrow. Oh and BTW, all the questions I showed were asked by Republican Senators.
Avatar noise-gate -
..and l see the usual suspects are overjoyed with the ruling that Trump was acquitted. Of course been acquitted does not mean innocent. We learned that with OJ. People died at the Capitol, egged on by Donny himself, and the 80 million plus voters who voted against Donny will not forget. Try running in 2024 and come up with lies & excuses about a witch hunt, just remember, video footage is FOREVER. You may escape the Senate, but the voters will hold you accountable. How anyone can find this outcome amusing is beyond saner heads.
Avatar Stack47 -
Weird to call it an acquittal when 57 Senators voted guilty, but considering 66 guilty votes wasn't enough, it's exactly what I expected. Besides it wasn't like a Senate guilty verdict was going send him to prison and has no effect on any future criminal proceedings. Don't take my word for it, I'm quoting Mitch McConnell.

As for the 81 million plus voters, after hearing all the evidence and seeing the results, they know their votes are justified. The people with a Kool-Aid buzz couldn't see it, but Trump was impeached to keep him occupied so he wouldn't do something even more stupid in the last couple days of his presidency. And it worked too.

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