Mitch voted to acquit and then...



........... went on a tirade and even suggested Trump should face criminal charges. From comments by state Republicans leaders, Mitch voted not guilty because he believed Trump is a former President and can't be tried in the Senate. It's an excuse for voting "not guilty", just not a very good one. 

Looks like Mitch gets it, but no point in me explaining to the Kool-Aid drinkers why an acquittal is not the same as exoneration. O.J. learned the difference the hard way.

Entry #62


Avatar noise-gate -
Remember this " NPR.ORG

Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters'
January 23, 20165:00 PM ET
Colin Dwyer 2018

With less than two weeks to go until the Iowa caucus, Donald Trump remains characteristically confident about his chances. In fact, the Republican front-runner is so confident, he says his supporters would stay loyal even if he happened to commit a capital offense.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

* Who would have thought that the republican party would prove him right in other ways.

Avatar Stack47 -
After producing zero proof, his die hard supporters still believed the election was rigged and Trump really won by a landslide. Ashli E. Babbitt believed Trump, but sadly became a victim. We don't have to prove many of Trump's supporters drank some type of mind altering drug because their comments on social media prove it.

Trumps C-19 response still has an effect on people. Saw a photo of a group of about 20 people partying, sitting side by side, and not one wore a mask. Makes one wonder how many of the almost 500,000 deaths attributed to C-19 might never caught it had everyone simple wore a mask.

But hey, Trump's Kool-Aid is powerful stuff and especially effects the very gullible among us.
Avatar Brunette21 -
Avatar Stack47 -
Don't see any questions here, 21; are you playing Jeopardy?
Avatar noise-gate -
Perhaps 21 is not prepared for vilification, we used to the heat in the kitchen.

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