Trump still doesn't understand the vote counting process.


And he was still complaining while toasting newlyweds at a Mar-a-Lago wedding reception

"The former president then makes comments about how many votes he got in the 2020 presidential election and questions how Biden was able to come from behind on election night and win."

He could be told 100 more times the early votes were counted AFTER the votes cast on election day were counted and it still won't sink in. And he is still forgetting he told his supporters not to vote early or by mail. 

Trump said "I've been watching the news" but apparently missed where his lawyer Sidney Powell said, "reasonable people wouldn't have believed as fact her assertions of fraud after the 2020 presidential election." And understandable considering even some of his supporter think Trump is not a reasonable person.

There was nothing reasonable when the magician-in-chief said Covid-19 would magically disappear or when Trump was the comedian-in-chief by suggesting people inject disinfectant. His denial of the pandemic didn't change the fact there is one and making it necessary to change when we vote.

Entry #75


Avatar noise-gate -
This guy has to be the most narcissistic President this country has ever had. I think had Custer survived, he probably would have blamed someone else for the loss of his troops.

In all honesty, the guy should feel good about having being President, for however short a time. Others with more political savvy have tried and failed in attempts to get to the Oval Office. I can think of many Republicans & Democrats that failed. Yet on his first try he got in, and now thinks that his loss is impossible. He got lucky- thing is he doesn’t know it yet.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
What do you expect from a retarded moron. He's not fit to run a roach infested motel.
Avatar KAL035 -
"Pick3FartMaster" apart from the fact that you couldn't pick a winning Pick 3 number if your miserable life depended on it, I would say that you are eminently qualified to run a roach-infested motel. Congrats! You are so special, Lol. How much experience you got running 5-star luxury resort hotels you prick?
Avatar Stack47 -
Oh goody; another ignorant Kool-Aid drinking Trump supporter wanting to prove why Trump loves all his uneducated supporters.

And speaking of running running 5-star luxury resort hotels, after Trump bankrupted all three of his Atlantic City hotel, the the Taj Mahal is now the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the Trump Marina is now the Golden Nugget. Those buildings faired much better than Trump's Plaza that was imploded with 3,000 sticks of dynamite last month.

Wonder how many of the 6000 people that lost their Trump Plaza jobs voted for Trump?
Avatar jarasan -
And how many companies did Biden or Harris own and operate?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kalo, your typical trump loving moron who likes to redirect when he can't defend his dictator's stupidity. Like dictator, like kalo, hand in hand. No wonder trump said he loves the uneducated. Dumb as rocks, sorry rocks.
Avatar jarasan -
The only dictator is currently and illegitimately hiding in the White House.
Avatar Stack47 -
We're talking about Trump that is still saying "the election was rigged even after his own lawyer said it was all a big lie and "reasonable people wouldn't have believed as fact her assertions of fraud". Trump is a moron that that wouldn't suggest social distancing or simply wearing masks but instead suggested injecting disinfectant, Jarasan. But what else could the educated Americans expect from someone that was too stupid to even tell his supporters he and his family were vaccinated?

Are you asking how many companies because you can't comprehend how to us Google or another search engine? I'll bet getting called you out for posting misleading and false information and down right lies is one reason why I and others are blocked from commenting on your "copy and paste" blog entries. Am I right or can you come up with a logical reason, Jarasan?
Avatar lakerben -
Avatar noise-gate -
Let’s be fair, If Biden had turned to doctor’s at a press conference and said : How about injecting disinfectant into the body, or wearing a mask at my rallies at optional, or l was born a genius- Conservatives would have said : THIS GUY IS NUTS. Yet not a one will say that about 45, why is that?
Avatar Stack47 -
Won't be fair until whatever is in the Kool-Aid wears off. Sadly much of it is aimed at the very gullible. Saw a video on Facebook showing Biden apparently playing with a pen in his inside pocket. After further review it was a loop that made it appear he was having a problem. What makes it worse it says "this is hard to watch" but should add "unless you're incredibly stupid".

It sure looks "bankrupt them all" Trump convinced many of his followers to act like grade school kids.

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