Facebook Oversight Board upholds Donald Trump's suspension


Entry #29,088


Avatar noise-gate -
As it should. Instead of riding off gently into the sunset, we had a President that thought it was impossible for him to lose, so what did he do, only attempt to twist the arms of State officials to overturn legitimate voters and give him another 4 years.
Good riddance.
Avatar JAP69 -
Hillary Clinton has always has had her face in the news day in and day out.
And she was not even President.

Obama thinks he is King s**t also.
Avatar KAL035 -
NG, are you really that clueless? It was in fact impossible for the mighty DJT to lose, but the despicable, devious, cheating dim-dems had the fix for that. Duh! Good riddance to you!
Avatar noise-gate -
That’s a BS comment and you know it. The difference is that Obama didn’t get himself into hot water, he didn’t need too. After he’s spell in the WH, he wanted to get as far away as possible from it. He had mentioned eloquently that “ Presidents are simply occupying the WH until the next person takes the controls” With 45, he is simmering over his lose as though a body part of his has been removed against his will. Losing is bitter in a presidential race, but you move on. It’s as l mentioned before. Trump was a celebrity President, he worked 6 hours a day & had the attention span of a grasshopper.

He relied on his rallies & nothing else. Had he gone before the nation in Prime Time and explained the crisis facing the America in February, he would come across as having foresight, but instead the BS with “ it will come and be gone before you know it” buried him. As for Hillary, she is a public figure & she was Sec of State- at least she knew her way around government.
Personally, l have had it with idiotic Presidents, but that’s just me.
Avatar noise-gate -
Kalo- just about every post you put out there has no basis in reality. The majority of the folk who backed Trump in the beginning were cabs and groupies if the guy from his tv show. When he said he was going to run, those same fans, including yourself saw an opportunity to continue your affection with the guy, and boy did he not disappoint.
He spoke about all the things you wanted to hear: Build a wall etc etc.
Looking back you ought to agree that he carried more as a dictator than a President- ordering William Barr to “ investigate “ this person or that person, this idiot didn’t know that there is a line he could not cross, Nixon found that out, but this guy.. please. As l mentioned, he relied on his rallies to claim victory, guess what, Hitler had rallies too. But Don, when his plans went up in smoke, he claimed fraud .” You have been drinking that Kool aid for far to long Kalo.
Avatar jarasan -
Noisy fart is a nazi.
Avatar grwurston -
Where in the world do you get your facts?

Obama didn't get himself in hot water... What NONSENSE!!!! His admin had scandal after scandal.

1.The great stimulus heist virtually zero private-sector jobs. 2. Operation Fast and Furious resulted in loss of life for two border patrol agents, Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata. 3. Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress. 4. Jonathan Gruber, PHD, MIT said ObamaCare would not be affordable, which he said played on the stupidity of the American voter. 5. Spying on journalists. 6. The IRS scandal. 7. Benghazi — four Americans died because Obama and Clinton refused to send help. 8. Hillary Clinton’s secret server. 9. The Pigford scandal. l0. NSA spying. 11. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl deserter, soldiers died. 12. Iran Nuclear deal and ransom payment. 13. Polluting the Colorado River. 14. General Services Administration scandal. 15. VA death list. 16. Solyndra wasted $535 million tax dollars. 17. Secret Service gone wild. 18. Shutdown Theater.

He wanted to get away from the White House as far as possible. More NONSENSE!!!
When their presidential term comes to end, most first families are eager to return to a life of anonymity far away from Washington DC — but the Obamas aren't most first families. Their younger daughter, Sasha, has a couple years of school left. With this in mind, Politico has revealed that the Obamas are staying put in DC, at least until Sasha graduates.

They've traded the White House for a luxurious brick mansion in the upscale DC neighborhood of Kalorama, just two miles away. This makes Barack Obama the first president to stay in DC after his term since Woodrow Wilson in 1921. Kalorama is home to many embassies and ambassadors' residences, so it already has the security its new residents need.
C'mon Man...
Avatar Stack47 -
I see the Trump worshiping "block anyone from posting the truth on their Blogs" cowards are out in force. So why else did you block me JAP and grwurston? Are you both afraid of the truth?

KAL and jarasan don't count because based on their usual childish responses both appear to be intellectually challenged.
Avatar sully16 -
TOS Stack, read it, what's good for your precious facebook is good for LP.
Avatar JAP69 -
posted by Stack47 : 3:19 AM
You are not on my block list. Never was.
Avatar noise-gate -
There is no " Cmon Man." When l wrote Obama wanted to get away as far away as the WH, l meant you were going to get this BS of " From the office of the 45 President of the US." This narcissistic moron doesn't know when to walk away. Now you getting all his trades flying down to FL to kiss his ring and get his blessings in order to carry on his self absorbed persona. The guy is crazy, yet his grip on the GOP is astounding. Now he has his minions in the process of removing Liz & replacing her with one of his devotees. Doesn't truth matter to this party anymore?
So in the majority of conservatives on the hill,Trump did no wrong for anything? The guy just doesn't know when to shut the hell up. If it's not challenging doctor's & experts in fields unknown to 45, it's he's wanting to commandeer any subject, if its not talking about disinfectant or telling California how to prevent forest fires, its attacking Fauci as though he has a skew of medical degrees that Dauci has yet to achieve. To think this nut got into the WH was & is a shock.
He loved talking about Obamagate, yet when asked " what is it?" He had no clue.
As for scandals, how many really took off in Obama's time? You bring up Bhenhazi, more than a dozen hearings over the deth of 4 people in a war zone- how about the deaths of over 400 Marines in the Reagan years, how many investigations were carried out? Pray tell.

Trump is to the GOP what the Khomeini was to the Iranians- end of story.
Avatar noise-gate -
Btw- The Obama's living 2 blocks or 2 miles away from the WH is nothing. He's kid is studding there, besides,he is not going around reminding people he " won 2 terms,." He didn't criticize Bush, but Trump just couldn't help himself. The guy is a sore loser, and history will record him as such.
I think a lot of people voted for him because he's loud, rude and disrespectful to women. There l said it.
Avatar JAP69 -
Democrats and many Republicans just do not like Trump for the fact that he is a fighter. Trump is not a uniparty lap dog.

Many Republicans are useless as tits on a boar hog.
Avatar noise-gate -
That's he's problem, why you ask? Because the nut never was a politician to begin with. He had nothing to lose,scoring into the WH with the " l own a business, so screw you all" mentality was not a fit for the highest office. He did the same by talking down to foreign leaders as well, what you see as a " fighter " is nothing more than being a bully.
Talking down to members of his own party, still does- so call it what you want, the guy is crazy.
In Washington you have to compromise, but Trump doesn't know what that word means when it comes to politics.Coming from a business background, its " l am the boss here, you understand?"

Which is why the country gave him the middle finger in the end, and he wonders why.
Avatar grwurston -
Stack47, I didn't block you for telling the truth. We all differ on what we think is the truth. Nothing wrong with that. I blocked you and NG because we can't discuss anything here without the two of you, belittling, and being condescending to people. You want to tell me I'm full of sheet, I can handle that. I might tell you the same thing. We can yell at each other all day long. lol I don't have a problem with that.
But don't tell me opinion is childish or stupid and act like you're looking down on people. Don't act like a couple of know it alls and everyone else is wrong, or your opinion is the final word on everything. Maybe you guys don't think so, but that's how you come off. It gets old real fast. That's why you guys get blocked.

Avatar grwurston -
Oops, Should be, But don't tell me my...
Avatar noise-gate -
First off: Blocking someone for voicing an opinion is petty & childish to say the least. We all grown ups here,or at least we should act as such.

On a side note: l know the folk who love downgrading my posts are you guys, and guess what- l cured myself. Downgrade all you want, cause l rewired my brain to accepting that " because l constantly rip you guys a new one when you come up with BS explanations."
As Vader said " Your failure is now complete. "

Avatar grwurston -
You just proved my point.

Personally, I couldn't care less about whether someone likes or unlikes mine or anyone elses blog posts, here or any other site. Never have, never will.
Avatar Stack47 -
They (grwuston) can't even tell the truth about why they blocked you and me, NG. It's the effect Trump had and still has on many of the intellectually challenged supporters. They are compelled to lie when discussing anything Trump.

If they really don't care what "someone likes" why block them?

"But don't tell me (my) opinion is childish or stupid and act like you're looking down on people."

Do you mean like your 15 reasons not to get vaccinated even after over 580,000 covid related deaths isn't the dumbest thing you ever said?

I don't need to post on your blog, Sully's, or any the other garbage blogs to get my point across, just like I just did.
Avatar Stack47 -
I didn't know whether I was blocked or not from commenting on your blog entries, JAP and now I know I'm not. I meant to say "konane's", but have no option to edit.

And speaking of "useless Republicans" how about my Senator Mitch the hypocrite that voted not guilty and then torched Trump in a speech?

Avatar grwurston -
All you have to do is scroll back to #15 to find the reason.
Maybe I should have clarified. NG was complaining about people downgrading his forum posts. That's what I was referring to.
As far as dumbest things posted, you post a lot of bs yourself. Seems like you can't respond to a post from any one without demeaning the person that said it no matter who it is. Does that make you feel like a tough guy? It must as often as you do it. Why don't you drop the schoolyard bully act for once? Were you one of those kids that got picked on a lot? Is that why you're the way you are?

You: I don't need to post on your blog, Sully's, or any the other garbage blogs to get my point across...

So why the hell are you here then?
Avatar noise-gate -
The problem we have especially in the present GOP, is that the vast majority is more interested in holding onto power by all means necessary. By that l mean they would rather buy into Trump's lies for 4 years than Stand for something, namely the Truth. Honest Abe is spinning in his grave at what this party has become.

Let's backtrack a little: When Nixon found himself in a corner, he did himself a favor by throwing in the towel. Here was a seasoned politician and his own party told him he couldn't be trusted. Fast forward to this past year and we have our celebrity President, with Zero political experience grabbing the party by the throat and pushing it in whatever direction he sees fit,of course the party faithful are only to happy to worship at the feet of this graven image called Trump, because failure to do so would mean they would not get " re elected." The party has sold its soul.
I have yet to read of any of you guys, Kalo,Jap, you as well G, Granny Goodness, jarasan etc say " The insurrection fire was lit by Trump."

When has the leader of the free world been someone so incompetent that the world laughed at us. Hiscword salad on a daily basis gave seasoned journalists headaches, and yet he wanted a second term because he thought he was entitled to one?

Then you have folk like Kevin & others putting pen to paper to sign onto a piece of paper to not certify Biden's victory. So all the courts were wrong, despite Powell finally admitting she was " just joking" when she claimed Dominion machines were corrupt, once she realized that she was being sued.

If you speak out against Trump, you better be prepared to kiss your political career goodbye. Admit it, we might as well gave had a Kardashian in the WH these past four years.
Avatar noise-gate -
In language you all can understand: You guys are insecure, you threatened by Stack and myself. One of you guys can't finish a sentence without posting noise fart, now who needs their blanket huh Linus?
You heard it here first.
Avatar jarasan -
noise fart is still a nazi cork soaking dim wit.
Avatar grwurston -
I'll start from the top. Every politician is only concerned about staying in power no matter what it takes. The ones there the longest are the worst on both sides. Trump wasn't a part of that, and for that he wasn't accepted in DC. Especially when he talked about draining the swamp to get rid of the corrupt politicians.
But a lot of citizens liked the fact he was an outsider. Congress hasn't had a real good approval rating for many years, so the people were like, Lets try something different. You have Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, from your state that have been in office for decades. Have they done that good of a job, do Californians love them that much to keep them there for decades? If not, how are they still there? (It's not just them there's R's too.)

Trump had no DC experience, but as a businessman he knew how to run things, how to get things done and he did. Which made the DC pols look bad. Pols are experts at bs and telling you whatever you want hear, Trump called them out, they didn't like it and they did everything to get rid of him. Now he's slowing exposing them.

The Repub party haven't had any stones for a while, he's trying to change that, bring a whole new attitude. Show them how to stand up for themselves. Like anywhere, new guy comes in, you gotta clean house. Keep the ones that will work with you, get rid of the one's that don't.

I think the rest of the world is laughing at JB right now. He's doing whatever he's told to do and say and they know it. You listen to him speak and and you're like, Huh? What the heck is saying? That's why he's not in front of the press much at all. I'll be surprised if he does 4 years. We have a crisis at the border and KH is in charge of it and she said the other day she's not going there till June. Why wait till then, deal with it now.
As for the election, the biggest thing is the swing states that changed the voting rules are supposed to do that via their states legislatures. But that didn't happen. It was the govs and some judges that did it which is against the law. Plus the Dominion machines were connected to the internet, a big no no. Too easy to be hacked into which is what happened. It will come out in due time. If they don't straighten that out now, we'll be like some Middle East country where the incumbent gets 98% of the votes. I don't think anybody wants that.

Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Just look at the retarded tRump moron supporters STILL to this day, twisting themselves into all kinds of pretzels to defend the 12 year old mentality challenged moron dictator...lol

How pathetic does someone have to be to continue embarrassing themselves in public. Get a grip already, your dictator is FINISHED, done!

I neve knew STUPIDITY could linger for this long. I guess once that fat orange ogre croaks, then we can go back to some kind of normalcy, until then, the retarded cult followers will continue to be moronic zombies rooting for a worthless fake savior. It's so sad how this beautiful country has been ruined by millions of short-bus riding, knuckle-dragging cave-dwellers.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Every politician is concerned about staying in power,no matter what?" I don't think so!
There are those politicians who will contest an election result of over a few hundred votes, and they entitled to, but not losing by 7 million votes.

My thing with Trump is the notion that because he was a businessman, thing had to go he's way. Sure, in his world that can be argued but bringing that same mindset into the WH won't cut it. Take the hot air on Tariffs, can you tell me that America won? How about the " Jobs moving overseas will face penalties " Really, who did? Companies continued to leave, as for the border " crisis" that conservatives love to point out, my question is " Who's doing was that?" Did you really think that building a wall would keep people from South of the border out? These people are coming here for a reason, right or wrong, America is a land of immigrants, the Statue of liberty has words written on it showing her compassion for those " Who are fleeing unrest of different kids" l am NOT for open borders, but thinking people uproot their lives in countries they grew up in simply to walk hundreds if not thousands of miles for a better future for their children is somehow unreasonable? Wouldn't you do it?

Sure, l want them vetted, but for a political party that prizes itself as being Christian and individuals wanting to go to heaven, whats your excuse if you were asked " How is it that you want to live in heaven, but you not for these brown people living in your country down there?" See the hypocrisy?
As for Pelosi & others, last time l checked " Pelosi & the Democrat were fighting to get Stimulus checks for Everyone. " So despite that, she & the party is evil? Better think again.

Avatar noise-gate -
Oh yeah, you mentioned Trump wanting to " drain the swamp." Did he, and with who?

Last time l checked, the founding Father's wanted to get away from England and Europe and come to this country to " create a more perfect Union." They were not interested in having a Monarch or dictator over them, but with Trump, the conservatives came close, real close.

Your swamp drainer took it upon himself to use the justice dept as his personal law firm, he wanted installed justices to rule his way, after all " l had you appointed " He wanted to break protocol by calling foreign leaders and telling them what he wanted in exchange for political favors
Lastly- He sure knew how to pick them, from Roger Stone to Manafort- all had a brush with the justice dept, so instead of draining the swamp, Trump brought his own swamp creatures along with him.

His inciting an insurrection on Jan 6th, was the height of his arrogance that he was above the law. Had any Democratic or Independent President done that, the Republicans would have been pulling their hair out, yet your party has gone along with this twice impeached President & continue to support him, so who's really sick here?
Avatar grwurston -
Jobs did not leave while Trump he was in office, he brought them back. Remember when Obama said, The jobs that went to China, Mexico and India aren't coming back? Trump said he's gonna bring them back, what's he gonna do wave a magic wand. Why would Obama say thatthey won't come back. Trump proved him wrong.
JB was the one he said he would let everyone come in. Didn't you see them on the news wearing shirts saying, Biden let us in? Nothing wrong with ppl wanting to come here, but do it legally. Even the the ones that took the time to become legal citizens, don't like the ones just running across the border.
The insurrection was Trumps fault? That's funny when you consider most of the ones in the capitol were left wing anti Trumpers. Check out John Sullivan and his videos. They were breaking in 40 minutes before Trump was done speaking. They were plenty of dems inciting violence this summer, starting with Maxine Waters. Is she doing a good job in Calif? Whats her and Nancy's districts look like? Didn't you watch the hearings showing Cnn doctoring the videos they put on their broadcasts?

Trumps a dictator? Please, Biden's the dictator. He's slowly taking your rights away, by the time you realize it we'll all be socialists-communists. Trump appointed SC judges that share his views, you don't think the dems wouldn't do the same? JB would never answer the question if he would pack the supreme court and add 4 justices? Why do think that is? You don't think it would be to force dems policy on the entire country do you?

Bidens a puppet, by the time he's done you'll be begging to get Trump back in.

Avatar Stack47 -
grwuston said, "I blocked you and NG because we can't discuss anything here without the two of you, belittling, and being condescending to people."

But I never posted on your blog so as usual and like most of your comments, they either make no sense or are not the truth. Here's an example of your latest:

"Bidens a puppet, by the time he's done you'll be begging to get Trump back in."

Our basketball team didn't make the NCAA basketball tourney and only a few BBN members whined about it. It looks like you're making a career out of whining about Trump losing the election. Do you really believe I'm belittling you by pointing out Trump lost by over 7 million votes?

"But a lot of citizens liked the fact he was an outsider. Congress hasn't had a real good approval rating for many years, so the people were like, Lets try something different."

After losing the popular vote to probably the most maligned Presidential candidate the Democrats nominated, Trump lies and brags about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. Over 30,000 mistruths, false statesments, miss
Avatar Stack47 -
*edited version

grwuston said, "I blocked you and NG because we can't discuss anything here without the two of you, belittling, and being condescending to people."

But I never posted on your blog so as usual and like most of your comments, they either make no sense or are not the truth. Here's an example of your latest:

"Bidens a puppet, by the time he's done you'll be begging to get Trump back in."

Our basketball team didn't make the NCAA basketball tourney and only a few BBN members whined about it. It looks like you're making a career out of whining about Trump losing the election. Do you really believe I'm belittling you by pointing out Trump lost by over 7 million votes?

"But a lot of citizens liked the fact he was an outsider. Congress hasn't had a real good approval rating for many years, so the people were like, Lets try something different."

After losing the popular vote to probably the most maligned Presidential candidate the Democrats nominated, Trump lies and brags about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. Over 30,000 documented mistruths, false statements, misrepresentations, and down right lies in just four years, a large majority of voters (7 million more) decided to "try someone different".
"Trump had no DC experience"

But you still voted for him and are still pretending his lies are the truth. When you post stuff like that, any response by me or even someone agreeing with your views would seem condescending. Your posts really look like copy and paste of other debunked opinions.

Like this one, "Plus the Dominion machines were connected to the internet, a big no no."

If you weren't aware that Sidney Powell, the "my pillow guy", and Rudy Giuliani are being sued by Dominion after losing every voter fraud case in over 60 courts including the Court of last resort, you are now. And I'm not saying you're dumb, just saying that comment about Dominion is in the top five dumbest and ignorant statements made supporting Trump's big lie.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Jobs did not leave while Trump he was in office, he brought them back."

Weird how the facts really show there were 3.1 million fewer jobs the day Trump left office than the day he was inaugurated. There were fewer manufacturing jobs because of robotics starting when W was President.

How many jobs is Trump bring back to his three Atlantic City casinos?
Avatar grwurston -
Trump got the unemployment rate down to 3.5%, lowest in 50 years before the pandemic. I'd say that's bringing jobs back.
Remember during the 2016 election when Obama said, All those good paying manufacturing jobs that went to China, Mexico, and India. Well, they're not coming back... I think that pretty much told us how he felt about American manufacturing jobs. Anyway that's in the past...

..probably the most maligned Presidential candidate the Democrats nominated...   
If he was the most maligned then how in the world did he get 80 million votes? Stay home, don't have rallys, don't answer questions from the press, do a bare minimum of campaigning, when has that ever been a winning strategy? Never!

Yeah I know Dominion is sueing Sdney, Rudy and Mike. Arizona is the first swing state doing an election audit, so maybe there is enough evidence or questions about it. Do you think Dominion sued for 1.3 billion to try to scare them into stopping their investigation of the machines? Could be.
If they don't have anything to hide, then the audits will vindicate them and they can sue later for defamation. If they DO have something to hide, and it's found out, them and the dems will fight to keep the audit results from being made public. And they'll resist audits in the other states. Time will tell.

"Your posts really look like copy and paste of other debunked opinions."
Like this one, "Plus the Dominion machines were connected to the internet, a big no no."

Perhaps you should watch this short investigative report that CNN did in 2017 about election fraud.


Big difference from what they say now isn't it? I wonder why that is... Hidden agenda, something to hide perhaps, or maybe they were in on the fraud too.

Avatar Stack47 -
"Trump got the unemployment rate down to 3.5%, lowest in 50 years before the pandemic. I'd say that's bringing jobs back."

Had Trump actually did that, he would be re-elected instead of losing "bigly". Which jobs did Trump "bring back", in which sector, and average pay?

"If he was the most maligned then how in the world did he get 80 million votes?"

That show what the voters really thought about Trump, doesn't it?

"Stay home, don't have rallys, don't answer questions from the press, do a bare minimum of campaigning, when has that ever been a winning strategy?"

Don't forget "don't say stupid stuff" about things you know nothing about like Trump's disinfectant suggestions.

"If they don't have anything to hide, then the audits will vindicate them and they can sue later for defamation."

The results and the court cases those goof ball lost already vindicated Dominion. When are they going to audit Louisiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio and the other 18 states using Dominion?

"Perhaps you should watch this short investigative report that CNN did in 2017 about election fraud."

Here's what CNN study on voter fraud in January 2017 really found. "31 cases in 1 billion votes". Why did you suggest I should watch a "short investigative report that CNN did in 2017 about election fraud" and then give a youtube link?

Because when I went to the real source CNN, Anderson Cooper was talking about lack of voter fraud IE 31 examples out of 1 billon votes.

"Big difference"

Trump was trying to pretend that Clinton didn't win the popular vote in 2016 and hope his BS would convince naïve voters again in 2020. And speaking of fraud, are you still telling people not to get vaccinated using whatever tinfoil hat wearing crap you find on the net?
Avatar grwurston -
The link I gave was a CNN report. That's where the link was. I can't help that. It was about how the machines could be hacked into and had people showing how it could be done.

Anderson Cooper said, CNN found 31 cases of voter fraud in 1 billion votes. That's nice. But either he's full of it. Or you just made it up. Because his network did the report in the video.

Because all we heard for 4 years from CNN, the rest of the MSM and the dems was how Trump stole the 2016 election. Why was there such a big deal over Russia hacking the 2016 election if there is no such thing as voter fraud? Didn't you say hacking into the machines was the dumbest thing you ever heard?   But CNN said the election was hacked for 4 years so it must be true right. They wouldn't ever lie now would they? lol

I'm not telling anyone not to get vaccinated. If they want to that's their choice and their decision. I'm just saying there are plenty of doctors and scientists saying the shot isn't as safe as we're being told it is by the media.
As of 4/30/21, Vaers says there has been 3,837 deaths and 2,277 permanent disabilities on people that have taken the covid vaccines. If you think it's bs look it up yourself.

If you want to take a brand new, first time used, experimental vaccine that has not been tested or had any long term studies done on it, knock yourself out. You go right ahead and be the lab rat.
There have been other corona virus vaccines tested in the past. They gave it to the lab animals, then when they injected the animals with the virus, guess what happened. They died. You want to take the shot and be a lab rat you, go right ahead.

These people thought it was safe too. Click the link. Educate yourself.


Avatar Stack47 -
"The link I gave was a CNN report."

Yes you did.

"Anderson Cooper said, CNN found 31 cases of voter fraud in 1 billion votes. That's nice. But either he's full of it. Or you just made it up."

Are you saying the people from you link know more about the CNN report than the people at CNN?

"Because all we heard for 4 years from CNN, the rest of the MSM and the dems was how Trump stole the 2016 election."

As usual, you're making a claim without any proof. If I recall correctly there were lawsuits charging voter intimidation in 2016, but can't recall Democrat claims any where near the idiotic baseless claims made by Trump and is supporters in the past year.

"Didn't you say hacking into the machines was the dumbest thing you ever heard?"

Nope, I said that about your claim that all the Dominion machines were directly connected to the Internet. Voting places are usually connected to County election boards that are connected to Secretaries of State.

CNN and others reported Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. the CNN 2020 hacking fast facts are found at

"I'm not telling anyone not to get vaccinated."'

Was your "18 reasons why you won't be getting a Covid vaccine" just meant to convince the Kool-Aid drinkers that remarked on you blog entry and nobody else?

"If you want to take a brand new, first time used, experimental vaccine that has not been tested or had any long term studies done on it, knock yourself out. --- and be a lab rat"

Weird that though Trump and his Mrs. got vaccinated in January, you and your tinfoil hat wearing buddies are scared of needles. Oh and speaking of saying something really stupid, If you're "not telling anyone not to get vaccinated", why are you suggesting anyone that does is a noting but a "lab rat"?

Avatar grwurston -
I'm not telling anyone not to get vaccinated. If they want to that's their choice and their decision.

why are you suggesting anyone that does is a nothing but a "lab rat"?

Because they are. This vaccine is an EUA has NOT been FDA approved.
They haven't done long term controlled studies to explore the safety of the covid19 Mrna vaccines like they have on other vaccines.
They don't know the long term effects of the covid19 Mrna vaccines on humans. Or what will happen to them if they catch the covid or any other virus 6 months, a year, 2 years, 5 years, from now. Nothing may happen, they may have life threatening reactions or they may all drop dead. They just don't know. So any one that chooses to take it are essentially lab rats / test subjects. They need to realize that going in.

Click on the link at the bottom of my last post. Then ask yourself, Do I want to take it.

Avatar Stack47 -
"I'm not telling anyone not to get vaccinated.", by saying "go right ahead and be the lab rat".

That makes absolutely no sense as most of the stuff you post. Did you go to the Sidney Powell and Lin Wood school of logic?
Avatar grwurston -
So are you a lab rat?

You don't make a lot sense either. Bringing up college basketball in a dicussion about politics. What happened, you have a senior moment?
Avatar Stack47 -
I said "Our basketball team didn't make the NCAA basketball tourney and only a few BBN members whined about it. It looks like you're making a career out of whining about Trump losing the election."

It's not about college basketball, but comparing two things people whined about. I suppose I could have used whining about being one, two, or three digits off from winning a Pick-3 game, but just responded to a BBN whiner on another site..

Now that I know comparisons confuse you and you think the people getting vaccinated are "lab rats" and your "18 reasons" are not the same as discouraging people from getting vaccinated, next time I'll use more simplistic comparisons.

And speaking of senior moments, the discussion was about Facebook suspending Trump's account. The difference between this blog and yours, people are not blocked from going off topic and/or expressing the facts.
Avatar grwurston -
I do post facts. I can't help it if you don't want to believe them. There are other places to get the news besides the msm you know. Some people around here just don't want to accept that.
Avatar grwurston -
The difference between this blog and yours, people are not blocked from going off topic and/or expressing the facts.

I already explained why I blocked you. Which has nothing to do with what you just stated. So therefore what you just said is a lie.

You also said this,
But I never posted on your blog so as usual and like most of your comments, they either make no sense or are not the truth.

Yeah you did. That's the second lie you posted on this thread.

Do you have a problem with being blocked?
I ask because it seems the ones who are most happy when social media accounts or platforms get blocked or taken down because someone's opinions or viewpoints go against certain narratives or agendas, are also the ones that say the company that did the blocking can do what they want, it's their right.
But it's no surprise that these same people are the first ones to cry foul when it happens to them.

Avatar Stack47 -
Who is grwuston talking to or are they just rambling nonsense as usual?
Avatar grwurston -
The only nonsensical ramblings on here are yours Stack. I can barely stay awake reading them they are so boring.

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