Steve Bannon: Trump should be voted in as Speaker of the House and immediately impeach Biden


Entry #29,187


Avatar noise-gate -
Coming out of the same mailbag as..

* Trump will be re installed as President in August of this year.

* From Brannon, who was arrested along with his buddies and charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud & money laundering. Yeah that guy!
Avatar KAL035 -
Pray tell who is "Brannon" dipchit? But never mind, just STFU up you demented dingbat.
Avatar Stack47 -
LMAO@ "who is "Bannon".

I know, I know, we shouldn't make fun of stupid comment, but this one ranks in the top five.
Avatar KAL035 -
Leftist commie-loving dingbats coming out the woodwork tonight! Wow! Birds of a feather flock together, so shocking!
Avatar noise-gate -
*I misplaced an “R” - but Trump says the election HQ folks misplaced 1000’s of ballots in AZ, GA, Penn etc that were cast for him but went to Biden.

*Who’s the dipS*** here?

*Anyways, small things amuse small minds.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So you do read my posts fool- l hope l have enlightened you on the goings on with Trump & company.

*Don’t you just love it when Trump is on the platform, close to a mic, his head tilted to the right like he is “ thinking” which he is not while he slurs his words?
Avatar noise-gate -
Yo Kal, come back with some witty words fool. I want to rip you a new one.
Avatar KAL035 -
Misplaced ballots by behind! They were outright stolen, duh! I'm guessing "Pick3Retard" will be the next to chime in here with some inane comment. "Los Tres Amigos Comunistas": NG, Stacked-up and Pick3Retard
Avatar noise-gate -
*Outright Stolen, by who?

*How is it possible to pull this off with the FBI, Homeland Security and other agencies which WERE on the job the night of the election, monitoring the process?

* Are you saying those agencies were working AGAINST Donald Trump?

*Where do you come up with this stuff? Tell you what Hollywood will pass on that script know why? Because It’s ridiculous.
Avatar noise-gate -
*Outright Stolen, by who?

*How is it possible to pull this off with the FBI, Homeland Security and other agencies which WERE on the job the night of the election, monitoring the process?

* Are you saying those agencies were working AGAINST Donald Trump?

*Where do you come up with this stuff? Tell you what Hollywood will pass on that script know why? Because It’s ridiculous.
Avatar noise-gate -
Sorry for ringing the bell twice.
Avatar noise-gate -
What else you got.. come on, stay with me fool.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So in the mags world, all the agencies that were out in place by Trump to oversee free & fair elections in the 2020 Presidential race were “ actually working for Biden?

* Is that what you tell us?

* Was William Barr working for Biden since Barr said “ There was no mischief in the Presidential election.”

* Is Barr on Joe’s payroll? Since you seem to have the answers, answer that one.
Avatar Stack47 -
More insane comments from the same village idiot that didn't read the article and had to ask "who is "Bannon".

For those interested in adult discussion another one-term President that also never won the popular vote was elected to the House after losing his re-election bid. But John Quincy Adams was never elected Speaker of the House. He served as a Senator too.
Avatar noise-gate -
Come on, l hate being bored, what else you got? Gimme, gimme..
Avatar KAL035 -
You are an uneducated leftist ANTIFA street-level punk; I generally try to avoid dealing with your ilk. Keep on gloating over your so-called "victory" until DJT comes back with a vengeance. Dim-Dems will not steal the vote again in 2024. Punk.
Avatar noise-gate -
Is Barr on Joe’s patrol or not?
Avatar noise-gate -
🤤*Was Barr looking forward to a Biden victory?

*Your insults show the depth of your character & education. So everyone who voted against Trump is a commie or worse?

*When can we expect Trump to be re installed to the Oval Office?
*Powell thinks in a couple months time. Is she right? Will Trump need the National guard for protection when he is sworn in again?
Avatar noise-gate -
🤤*Was Barr looking forward to a Biden victory?

*Your insults show the depth of your character & education. So everyone who voted against Trump is a commie or worse?

*When can we expect Trump to be re installed to the Oval Office?
*Powell thinks in a couple months time. Is she right? Will Trump need the National guard for protection when he is sworn in again?
Avatar noise-gate -
Kal- will You be attending Trump’s inauguratio? flying or bussing in?
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, whatever; glad I see I have you worked up to a veritable hissy hit. Nighty-night and sweet dreams tonight you leftist Anti-American misfit you!
Avatar noise-gate -
A hundred years from now, people will ask “ Who was that Trump guy that ran for President & won?”

A 100 years from now, a panhandler will take someone by the hand & show him or her the debris of a few Trump hotels that were demolished and then used to create on-ramps.
Avatar noise-gate -
A Good Nite to you too fool.
Avatar Stack47 -
Will someone please explain to these fools what antifa stands for?
Avatar KAL035 -
Please do explain you despicable American Fascist! You want me to send you an autographed copy of Mark Levin's new book "American Fascist"?
Avatar noise-gate -
*Your ignorance is ... what's the word: astonishing.

*You call people fascists- do you even know what that means? Probably picked the word it up because you sounded weird.

*definition of it is...

*Fascism is a FAR -RIGHT form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.

* Well, let's see how that term stacks up to the current GOP. As you well know- every 4 years, the party in power posts their agenda for the next 4 years. Well they decided to simply run on what Trump ran on in 2016- thinking it was a winning formula.

Well, others thought differently.

Terry Schilling, executive director of American Principles Project: "We can’t go into 2020 with the same platform we had in 2016, and by limiting the ability to make changes you run the risk of having a stale platform. It will be tone deaf."

Jennifer Williams, 2016 national delegate: "Anything positive that the Trump administration has achieved in the last three years can’t be put into this document now because this document is frozen."

So the GOP's move was fascist, why because they allowed the party to be held by one ruler.* DJT.
Avatar grwurston -
...they allowed the party to be held by one ruler.

You must be talking about Nancy Pelosi.

How's Biden doing?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kalo doesn't know who Bannon is? And they scratch their heads wondering why they lost? What a bunch of retarded morons. The entertainment doesn't end.

tRump claims he'll be back before 2024...ahahahhahahhaha ahahahahahahahhahhaha, who will allow him back? Maybe Giuliani will break down the white house doors in? These idiots are in a different reality then normal people. Giuliani is in hot waters after his home was raided and they found an audio clip of him asking Ukraine to pressure them to investigate Biden a few years back....not looking for justice, rather asking to make s**t up.

These rightwing nut jobs will eventually fade away into the sunset, but not until they have a hissy fit. AGAIN....4 of the 60 some odd judges were appointed by tRump himself during their pathetic stolen election lawsuits, but according to the mental midgets, all of the judges including the 4 tRump appointed were on the take right? How effing stupid do you have to be?

People 50 years from now will look at the history books and scratch their heads wondering how millions of morons could have possibly existed without hurting themselves while living their daily lives. These idiots actually drive on the roadways, cut people's hair, work in banks, fly commercial airlines, and so on...they have children whom they indoctrinate to be UN-AMERICAN nazi lovers, racists, bigots, and grow up to believe white privilege is okay.

All you right wing tRump ass kissers need to be arrested for allowing the orange ogre to continue this circus. Maybe the government needs to create a new law only allowing people to vote, only after they are evaluated by a credible mental health expert. Crazy people should not be allowed to act on anything important, much less vote.
Avatar noise-gate -
You must be thinking in reverse. The same is true for the GOP, it’s “ we won more States, so despite the Dems in power, it’s WE who should be holding things up!”

Just take a look at Biden attempting to do Good for the country, the infrastructure bill- The GOP want to bring the cost down when they know darn well that this is for work done across the US, it’s as though the thinking is “ We don’t need any infrastructure repairs going on in our State, it’s in blue states only.”

The GOP had no problem passing their hefty tax cut for the wealthy saying it will make business hire more people- what a crock. So how is Biden doing, l think fine- he is the President, and he defeated a hotel owner.
Avatar noise-gate -
By the way: Nancy, although not being perfect, at least stands for something, she fought hard for you to get a stimulus check, you forgot? Just don’t like women in general huh?

The minority speaker of the house, Kevin, is all talk , coming out of both sides of his mouth. For one, he signs onto the suit put together by Paxton to call into question Biden’s win in those States his demigod won. Then he goes after Liz Cheney, then this creep flies down to Mar a lago meet with the ex Prez who still runs the party.
What kind of a guy is this that wants to be Speaker of the house? What a weakling, but you guys sure know to pick them, just like you guys picking a hotel owner, handing the fool the nuclear codes.
Avatar noise-gate -
" in those States his demigod Lost!"
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL called noise and me "an uneducated leftist ANTIFA street-level punk", but later called us "despicable American Fascist". The latter was apparently said after I suggested someone explain to KAL what term antifa stands for.

There are no loud noises on LP causing KAL's confusion so it must be something on their end. What else could be the reason someone childishly calls someone else "uneducated leftist anti-fascist" and just 20 minutes later calls them a "despicable American fascist"?

Wonder how much money they sent to Sydney Powell so she can get a court to have "Trump reinstated by August"? Providing of course her license to practice law isn't revoked by another judge.

Bet KAL sent money to Joshua Hall too.

Avatar Unluckyone -
It doesn’t take much to trigger the soyboys/cupcakes who pray nightly to their almighty masters Sleepy Joe and Kamoola…what a bunch of predictable snowflakes.
Avatar noise-gate -
*There is nothing l like better than conversing with people, not only do you get to learn about them, their culture, but information is key to our survival.

*Now you take that template of thought and ask yourself why are we here on LP? To learn the ins & outs of the game. Personally l do not contribute much to the games itself- but believe you me, l Learn a lot here. Getting into the blogs is just an outlet from studying the various games & ideas that are at our disposal here...

*But when l see something worth commenting on, l do
I also will NOT comment on stuff l am ignorant about, not because l am afraid of making a fool of myself, but people " sometimes " believe everything they read. However calling people names and not being able to dig yourself out of the hole you dug, speaks volumes.

* Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if someone disagrees with your opinion with FACTS, one ought to listen. The " Custer mentality " does not cut it in the real world.... and Levin's book is entitled " American Marxism." That's free info.
Avatar noise-gate -
*You out of your league here Padawan in talking about " triggering soy & cupcakes in the same sentence.

*Who are the ones contesting a legitimate election? Who filed lawsuit after lawsuit in Federal courts leading all the way up to the scotus?
Who arm twisted the Governor & Sec of State in GA to " find me some votes?"

*As l said, you in over your head here- better run along and play.
Avatar sully16 -
LOl, Detective Weasel top 3 or 5 beta male doesn't like it when people stand up for themselves.
what's that, oh yeah I agree, lol lol lol beta male.
Avatar noise-gate -
*You need to exit the Twilight Zone.
Avatar Stack47 -
First we have someone that's only claim to fame is childish name calling; the one that thinks Fascist and anti-Fascist are the same thing.

And then the clown jumps out of their clown car and claims they are "standing up for themselves" by blocking people from posting on their blog.

It's an embarrassment to the real MAGA supporters and truly a sad time for them. And many of are so ashamed of them, they no longer wear their MAGA hats and fly their confederate flags in the back of their pick-up trucks.

Avatar sully16 -
Terms of service, you defend facebook for banning Trump and cry like a baby for being treated the same way, do you not see you're the problem? Hellooooo anybody in there? nod if you can hear me! lol lol lol
Avatar lakerben -
Is it time for a group hug!
Avatar noise-gate -
*It's Biden's fault that Trump lost, so they would have us believe.

* To hear them go on and on about an election that took place 6 months ago, one would think that Biden winning the race has turned their very lives upside down.

* ln the fantasy world in which they inhabit, Biden " should have called the polling places" and told them to quit counting as soon as Trump " Declared Victory " at the WH. The honorable thing to do was tell poll workers to " go home early "- Trump had sealed it, and Biden should have congratulated Trump for winning a 2nd term...but dammit, those poll workers refuse to go along with Joe's request and the rest is history.

* So you see, Trump called it, But that stinker Joe ruined it for us all. You know when a boxer is knocked down, is groggy, and the ref says " Stay down!" Well Joe should have done that- he should have joined Trump live and shout out to the networks " Stop the count."

* If only reality didn't exist..
Avatar KAL035 -
Pick3 Retard, I know very well who Bannon is you leftist punk, I asked who was "Brannon"? Now I ask you directly, on the average how many dix do you suck every day?
Avatar KAL035 -
Memo to NG from Denali aka "The Great One" (Mark Levin) "Get off the phone you big dope!
Avatar grwurston -
"To hear them go on and on about an election that took place 6 months ago, one would think that Biden winning the race has turned their very lives upside down."

Substitute Biden with Trump in your statement and that's what the dems did the last 4 years trying to get rid of Trump.

Avatar Stack47 -
"Terms of service, you defend facebook for banning Trump"

I never did that. Is Trump's Kool-Aid making you hallucinate?

"cry like a baby for being treated the same way"

Which part of I never defended Facebook confused you? Been licking toads again?

"do you not see you're the problem?"

Don't blame me, I never sold you the mind altering drugs you're obviously eating like candy.
Avatar noise-gate -
*You obviously do NOT have a grasp on reality.

* Trump was President with Republican Congress & Republican Senate- Pray tell" How were Dems TRYING to get rid of Trump?"

* It's that cushy position that made Trump do what he did, play fast & loose with the way he governed.

* Using the Justice Dept with William Barry as his enforce. Trump looked at the DOJ as the President's personal lawyers. Flynn gets nailed for lying, Barry steps in at the behest of Trump and almost talks about entrapment. Here was a guy that lied to Pence, and your pal pardoned him. Once again, you want this guy running the country once again- l can see you as a brain donor towards the end.

* l said it before, Trump interpretation of " draining the swamp " removing career politicians and bringing in his own team: Thing is his team ran afoul of the Law: Bannon, Roger Stone to name a few.

* When was the last time you used common sense, l would have thought it would be directly after Trump lost to Biden, where despite the bad taste in your mouth, you came to your senses, packed up your Maga gear and returned to normalcy- but no, not you, you need to soldier on for a dead cause.

* l will light a candle for you, l don't need to, but l will.
Avatar grwurston -
You are so friggin' clueless.

Avatar Stack47 -
"You are so friggin' clueless."

Says the weirdo that thinks they can make "A few rules if you do win big." that every "big winner" must follow. And that seems to be the MO of most of the Trump supporters; when in doubt pretend like you're an expert and when that doesn't work, lie through your teeth.

They just can't make make suggestions or say they have no proof and their fraudulent election claims are pure speculation. Nope it's always telling lies, childish name calling and/or believing most people respect them and their opinions.

They block people from commenting on their blogs because they don't want to be held accountable. But that never stops them from making baseless allegations about posters on other blogs.

Does the Trump Kool-Aid force the drinkers to always speak in absolutes?

Avatar grwurston -
As Brian Williams once said. "Our job is not to report the news, our job is to tell people what to think."

And they are very,very, good at it. And you believe every thing they tell you. You're living proof.

And you call US the kool aid drinkers?? HAHAHAHAHA!!
Avatar noise-gate -
*Hate to pile on with the frigging Clueless statement of yours but...

* Any sane reasonable person can look at your responses to any of our posts and arrive at the conclusion that you have " no idea of what you talking about, most of the time."

* Take your repeated question : What has Biden accomplished? Gee, even a person playing with half a deck would ask " why does this person keep asking the same thing over & over despite answers being posted?" See what l mean?

* Just in case you have forgotten, you and your ilk have been chirping ever since Trump lost, as though the impossible happened. For starters, the guy was surprised he defeated a seasoned politician- namely Clinton. Trump defeated a former Sec of State & in his mind, if he could do that, he could defeat any politician- Wrong!

* So if l were him, and l am not, he should be thankful he achieved what many could not on many tries. however anyone's BS can only take them this far. America was not going to tolerate him for another 4 years, it's that simple.
Avatar noise-gate -
What is the difference between what Brian Williams is saying from what Trump said on Jan 6th?

*Did 45 not TELL his supporters to “ March on Capitol Hill?”

*Did 45 not say “ If you don’t do something you not going to have a country anymore?”

* Brian is a journalist, Trump was President- who’s word carried more weight?

You get an extra gallon of Kool- aid for guessing right.. oops, l shouldn’t encourage it, but what the heck..
Avatar Stack47 -
"Brian is a journalist,"

I guess Bannon is called a journalist too, but only one of them needed a presidential pardon. This topic is about Bannon's remarks and not about Williams, but as usual one of the tin foil MAGA hat wearers is compelled to make even more useless untrue comments.

They must have Brian Williams confused with Charlie Hasbrouck.

Avatar grwurston -
"Brian is a journalist,"

Talk about untrue comments, you nailed that one.

I can't believe you just bashed your buddy NG!! He was the one that said it.
You owe him an apology. Or maybe you're turning into a Trump supporter and that's why you did it.
Avatar Stack47 -
"As Brian Williams once said. "Our job is not to report the news, our job is to tell people what to think."

But just like most of the stuff they say, they can't prove Williams actually said that. Liar-in-chief Trump averaged almost 15 lies per day while in office and even Republican political scientist are his biggest lies about the pandemic were the final nails in his political coffin.

People that lie only have credibility among other known liars and can't comprehend how stupid many of their comments like this one are:

"Talk about untrue comments, you nailed that one."

Search engines on Brian Williams call him an "American Journalist". But considering most Trump supporters can't understand the definition of antifa, it's a waste of time explaining the meaning of "journalist".
Avatar grwurston -
He said it way before Mika did, but like everything else, if YOU didn't see it, it never happened. Right?

Here is another thing he said, It's our job to scare people to death. 2:05 mark in video.

Here is when Mika said, Our job is to tell what to think. Have some more kool aid while you watch.

Most "journalists" don't get 6 month suspensions for making up stories either.
In case you "missed" it.

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