Trump is still saying he won Georgia!


But this time Trump said it after hearing 101,789 people that didn't vote in recent elections names were purged from the Georgia rolls. Trump implied that removing voters before the election would have changed the results. Have no idea why he implied removing the names of people that didn't vote would add to his vote count, but we're talking about Trump.

Entry #97


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* When l read what this guy says & thinks nowadays, especially after his lose.. l dread to think how things must have been inside the WH under his stewardship. I had to have been a zoo with people running for cover whenever things did not go his way.

* Take this deduction of how he " thinks " you remove X amount of people & suddenly l win. Remember when he asked the Georgian officials to " find me 8,000" votes?

* Trump ran on the notion that being President, he didn't have to answer to anyone, given that he beat Hillary, he must have been under the impression that he " called the shots on everything " which is onevif the reason he took* did he, money earmarked for a specific project and steered it towards his " wall building project. Simply put, Trump looked at himself as an emperor, he still thinks that way- which is one of the reasons he wants any conservative running out there to " see him first" before throwing their hats in the ring.

* it must get pretty lonely for the guy- less than 8 months ago, he had people waiting hand & foot on his every whim, he had the nuclear codes, had world leaders on speed dial..and now all of that is gone- Poof, taken away from him by someone he calls " Sleepy Joe."

*That nightmare still haunts him. Golfing is of little comfort.
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* Someone is posting a bad joke saying " Trump probably carried California."

* The last Republican Governor we had was Arnold, and the debt tripled under his leadership. It went from $34 Billion to $91 Billion. It took Gov Brown to get us back on track.

*Trump bumped heads with the Gavin by coming up with goofy idea, the fool didn't know that the fires out here were on federal property & therefore aidcwas needed- he balked at the idea.

* So to say Trump carried California is like saying Charles Manson was just a misunderstood individual, deep down he was caring.
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I was really concerned when Trump caught the coronavirus especially after seeing him take off his mask and stand at the top of the stairs. His breathing was so labored, Mike Pence was working on his address to the Nation. They say Pence is a team player, but nobody told the rest of the team as they chanted "hang Mike Pence".

It's not that difficult to understand why Trump lost, but Trump only knows what his butt kissing aides tell him and from the cheers at his rallies. Based on all of that he really believed he would carry every state including many rock solid blue states. It's one thing to lose by a little in several states but Trump got clobbered including losing by 5 million votes in California.

When you think about it, Trump really believed the entire country thought he was the best President ever and when the truth and the votes showed he wasn't, his only way to save face was to say he was to bald face lie and say he was cheated.
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*There are times when logical thinking goes out the window because * one wants to believe that failure although not being an option, can never happen “ to your guy.”

*I mean here was a guy that got a crowd at he’s rallies. People were bussed in from a distance to listen to the “ me me me” singalong & they loved it. But there was a part of the voting public that said “ okay, we have had you for 4 years- you obnoxious, rude & obviously do not have Presidential qualities, and we think it’s time for a change.”

*I think that had to hurt, Trump saw the crowds, people lining outside the hospital as he labored to breath, all the while thinking that there was NO WAY voters would turn their backs on him, someone else, but certainly not him. He was Donald Trump dammit, a billionaire & what he wants he gets.

*That was all well and good in the alternate reality he and he’s followers dwell in, but sooner rather than later- we all have to wake up. I can’t find a poll leading up to the election where Trump LED Biden by maybe, 5 points, it does not exist. What 45 was counting on was the rhetoric: “ If you eject Joe, Suburbia will be a thing of the past, your neighborhoods as you know it will be overrun with killers & thieves... you need me to stop that. Well Americans are good at listening, they heard and finally said “ Nah, we will pass!”
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Tweedle-dee opines some clueless nonsense and Tweedle-dum jumps in to agree; so predictable, LOL. By the way, DJT did win GA in a landslide you two dim-wits!
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You're right KAL the goof, Trump won every state and D.C.

But the weird thing is while Trump is in Florida still trying to date his daughter, Joe Biden moved into the White House and everybody is calling him "Mr. President" including the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Wonder why?

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Hopefully someday after years of therapy the light bulb will turn on in head and Trump will understand that "denial" is not just a river in Egypt.

With supporters like what we see here, it's no wonder the poor soul can't comprehend he lost bigly.
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Hey Kal,
* Ever heard the phrase " Cult of Personality"- look it up, because it points a picture of you guys who believe any & everything Trump has said & done.

* The Definition if you too ashamed to look it up: " An individual uses mass medua,, propaganda, the Big Lie, organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise".. That is Donald J Trump.

* It was a sickening sight to see his followers on election night, on their knees raising their hands to heaven, crying as the results showed Biden pulling ahead in the Presidential election.

* You allowed this newbie in politics to turn your life around & you fell for he's BS for 4 years and refuse to accept reality. Trump lost and that is down in the history books.

* America is used to denying some Presudents a 2nd term: Trump joins the company of Carter & Bush Snr. Hey, at least he was President- that's his silver lining.
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It's a fact Trump was recorded saying "I love the poorly educated". Bet he must really loves all the people like KAL.

Someone in Trump's inter circle is going to write a book and possibly with audio about what Trump actually said about his supporters in private.

And it ain't going to be pretty.

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* I got to wondering when Trump will stop talking about he's election loss. Think it will be this year, in 2022, 2023, or 2024?

* The longer he goes on & on about he's lose, the more it proves he is unfit for high office again. The guy is clearly psychotic.

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Trump's tombstone will say "I won by a landslide!
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*To think he was thinking he deserved to be on Mt Rushmore. He made the suggestion & the Gov said she thought he was kidding, but one look at his face convinced her he was not.

* How can you be on Mt Rushmore IF you lost the election, the House & Senate in your first term? People 50 years from now would ask “ How did he get up there?”

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