Getting their five minutes of fame.


Mentioned the "my pillow" guy trying to get his five minutes of fame on another Blog entry. His thing is not about his "investigation", but selling pillows to the people that agree with him. And it's not just him because the news is full of people trying to get theirs.

Been watching many of the U.S. Olympic trial events, but never saw any where the three team qualifiers were put on a podium, given metals, and the National Anthem was played. But the news is full of people appalled by the actions during the playing of the National Anthem by a woman that placed third in the hammer throw. It was news the first time someone took a knee during the playing, but entire teams have done it several times. Now the only reason to comment is to get "five minutes of fame" regardless of which side of the controversy they're on.

Another avenue for making remarks to get "five minutes of fame" is commenting on defunding police. It's usually heard on Fox News blaming the Democrats, but not one Republican in the House or Senate voted for the Covid-19 relief package that included extra police funding. But it's business as usual for the ignorant, gullible, and hypocritical MAGA people that believe everything they hear on Fox and everything they read on conspiracy web sites.

Entry #99


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* The only guy l can think of that did not, does not want any part of this 5 minutes of fame is William Barr. He had an interview with Jonathan Karl where he flat-out said that Trump saying he was was "BS." He even gave in his resignation and faded into darkness.

* Now the others: Be it Lindell, Meadows or any of the other trades, l think they saw the " golden goose being cooked" Meadows canvassed for that job as COS. He probably saw himself filling out job resumes after the vote tallies came in, something he didn't envision, after all Trump ""was loved by all" ....
which is why Meadows came up with he's twilight zone moment by telling the DOJ to investigate the rumor of " Italy having installed satellites to steal votes from Trump & given to Biden."

* Seems most anyone with a voice leaves the WH and ends up on Foxtv.
Lindell us bleeding red l read, and he has a $Billion lawsuit hanging over his head. I think him, Rudy & Sidney are in worse shape than Meadows, but it's little comfort- they all radioactive.

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" Trump saying he had won was BS..
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Today the "my pillow for a brain" guy said the Supreme Court won't need any evidence of election fraud and will rule 9 - 0 to reinstate Trump as President and kick all the Communist out of the country. As stupid as that sounds, bet lots of the MAGA people believe it and some here too.

We saw our share of childish meaningless name calling, but many people will actually take up arms and Trump's big lie could turn into a blood bath.
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* Trump reminds me of a boxer who is getting pummeled in the ring by a superior fighter. He refused to throw in the towel for fear of letting himself & supporters down. That happened election night, and 7 months later- he still believes he won the fight.

* The judges score card showed he lost, but he & his supporters continues to believe he won.

* Drinking the Kool-Aid will do that to you.
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Read today where Trump said he "didn't mean It literally" when he told his supporters he would march to the Capital Building with them. Didn't Trump say he "loved the uneducated supporters"?

Senator Tom Cotton added his name to the list of five minute famers demanding the third place hammer thrower being thrown off our Olympic team. Which part of there are no rules against what she did and the First Amendment gives us that Right don't these Republican fame seekers understand?

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Wow, the Gwen Berry protest sure has the racists coming out of the woodwork like roaches trying to get their five minutes of fame. If there is other reasons to criticize a Black athlete for exercising her Constitutional Rights, I want to hear them.

The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committees allow "respectful demonstrations on the topic of racial and social justice", but protests and demonstrations are banned at the Olympic games under Rule 50:

“No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas”. I hope the rule police don't bust anyone for making "the sign of the cross" before competing.

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