Eight months later does?


This useless information really change anything?

Does not directly ordering the National Guard to tear gas the people in Lafayette Park change fact people were tear gassed and Trump had his photo op?

Does saying the former president might have been right about the origin of the coronavirus change the fact there are now over 600,000 Covid-19 related deaths?

Does Trump saying he "didn’t discuss the alleged intelligence because there was little evidence to support the claims" about bounties on the heads of American soldiers make his political adversary's statements saying "Trump did nothing about the allegations" less true?

Does saying Trump never told the Georgia election officials to "find the fraud" change the fact Trump told Brad Raffensperger "I just want you to find 11,780 votes"?

Does saying there were "fine people" on both sides at the deadly Charlottesville rally change the fact some of those "fine people" were in fact white supremacists?

Did the majority of American voters vote against Trump because reporters said "Trump referred to illegal immigrants as animals", "Trump flat-out lied when he said his campaign was wiretapped", or because someone said "Trump removed MLK Jr. bust"?

Entry #104


Avatar noise-gate -
* As popular as some would have one believe Trump is: This guy will go down as the absolute worst President this country has ever had, despite what his followers may say.

* He's Presidency started off with the " Make America Great again " motto and ended in chaos. A challenge to the court system, breaking laws along the way and he's friends in Congress coming up with " Well cut him some slack, he doesn't know how things run in politics."

* That statement right there emboldened him to push the envelope & felt he could do whatever he could. On Jan 6th he pulled the worst inciting he's followers to go to Capitol Hill & rewrite history, to Make America over in his image- constitution be dammed.

* Getting rid of him was the best thing the voters could have done, l mean just look at the damage he continues to churn out mischief while being " Out of Office." Can you imagine what he could be doing " Right now" had he won a 2nd term?

* Perish the thought.
Avatar Stack47 -
It's all about living in the "real world", but many of these hard core Trump supporters live in a "dream world". Not specifically talking about the people responding to LP Blogs because most their comments are based on whatever misleading website they read. Nope, I'm talking about Governors, Senators, House members, and wealthy businessmen that are doing and saying things with no proof or very little evidence.

Start with the "big steal" claim that comes from conspiracy theorists where those people created scenarios where it could be possible. The sad part with those theories, for them to happen, Trump has to be dumbest head of country on the Earth. Most people don't understand the vote counting processes where they vote much less how the total votes in their counties and states are counted.

A person would have to be really stupid to believe claims made by Rudy, Powell, or the "my pillow guy". What about Governors like Noem, Abbott, or DeSantis and Senators like Johnson, Hawley, or Cotton and the likes of Greene, Gaetz, or Gohmert in the House? Sounds like Trump's list of "all of those politicians that he carrys around in his pocket, like so many nickels and dimes".

In the real world a U.S. president's time in office is defined in the Constitution and not in the minds of mentally deranged infomercial spokesmen.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It just dawned to me that the reason Trump sticks around is to give Americans a choice, the old tale of : Hey, l am still around & l want younsee what Biden is doing as apposed to what l did.

* Can you imagine the uproar had Obama gone on a so called Tour, bird dogging Trump every step of the way while President, fresh into his first few months?

*Perhaps saying " look at what Trump is doing" dismantling everything l put in place, cause that's what 45 is doing, going to Texas as though ge still is President, condemning Biden's moves? Instead you have the Republicans in Congress as silent as gravestones, too afraid to tell Trump to back off, too scared to contemplate what might happen tontheir careers if they do not fall in line- what a sad existence to live.

* l can see Trump 30 years from now, in a wheelchair on a political stage giving a thumbs-up to a up and comer that is carrying on the tradition of trumpism * since longevity runs in his family.

*Let's hope his drinking he's medication through a straw by then.
Avatar Stack47 -
Trump now is demanding the name of the police officer that shot Ashli Babbitt “The person that shot Ashli Babbitt — boom, right through the head”.   That Orange faced goofball was President when Babbitt was actually shot in the neck and should had read every factual detail of that shooting and everything else that happened.

Is Trump now saying "right through the head" because he's stupid, never read any of the details, or he's lying like he always does or is he using Babbitt name as rallying cry?

Bet Trump has Babbitt confused with Lorena Bobbitt.

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