Where's the logic?



For months now a few people here are repeating Trump and still saying the "election was stolen", basically with very little evidence and no proof. It even evolved into several questions about President Biden's competency. It started with "trump speak" when Trump started calling him "sleepy Joe" in an attempt to question Joe's ability to govern. His ability to govern was mentioned several times right after Trump's baseless "big steal" claims.

Where is the logic in saying while Biden had the ability to steal an National election with over 150 million voters, he is incompetent to be the president?

Entry #113


Avatar noise-gate -
* Better yet, Presidential leaders including 1st & 3rd world leaders to hire “ these guys.”

* “ The guys” that even the FBI, Homeland Security & other Top agencies have not been able to find, detect or have even apprehended a single individual that was involved in pulling this off.

* According to Trump & his ilk, this is the Crime of the Century, a masterful plot that by all accounts has to have been pulled off by intergalactic forces.

* Perhaps that explains why no real evidence has been found. Could it be that those UFO’s we have been hearing as of late are the real culprits. Another theory is that ever so often, they do interfere in American politics, installing & removing incompetent Leaders of the Free World. Their role is to bring balance to the planet- if an American President becomes too reckless, they are forced to act for the sake of stability & Freedom.

* I welcome another explanation, but it seems as Spock would say - most logical.
Avatar noise-gate -
“ need to hire “
Avatar jarasan -
Logic doesn't apply when the equation is rigged, Biden didn't orchestrate the steal, he is just their marionette.

Thousands of affidavits, video, and material, show there is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt the election was stolen.

I believe most if not all politicians in office right now are not duly elected.

Here is math 75M+81M=156M There are only 139M registered US voters 11/20. 156M-139M= 17M votes out of thin air.
Avatar jarasan -
Even with 150M voters, the math still doesn't account for 6M...........
Avatar noise-gate -
* More incredible nonsense from folks who refuse to accept defeat.

* If the election was Rigged as you say “ Where are these people who supposedly pulled this off?”

* There is not a single person or finger pointed at a group or ring leader behind this colossal heist. It doesn’t come more Machiavellian than that.

* If law enforcement can round up Oath Keeper & Proud Boy ring leaders- why can’t they get the people who “ screwed the American people over?” I want answers!

* How about answering that!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Look at it this way cause your math is flawed- if your girl dumped you for another guy, would you think that after 8 months she will be coming back?

* Now it’s been 8 months since the election & you guys are still
Brooding, Trump is brooding. That’s not a healthy scenario. Accept the lose & move on. This had consumed you’ll and it has turned you guys into ugly human beings. All that built up hatred is not a good thing, time to let go.
Avatar jarasan -
Here you go farticus the wise bitch, I am giving you the opportunity of the day $5,000,000.00 dollars... prove it:

Logical right? Easy money, show us how it's done.

Avatar jarasan -
Stackles the opportunity is there for you also, you two can work together and cash in. No need for the lottery anymore, you got this!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why doesn't Linda use that money to Prove there was fraud? Know why? Cause there is none.

* Your ignorance and stupidity is mind-blowing.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why doesn't Linda use that money to Prove there was fraud? Know why? Cause there is none.

* Your ignorance and stupidity is mind-blowing.
Avatar Stack47 -
LMAO @ "Logic doesn't apply when the equation is rigged" and "There are only 139M registered US voters 11/20." coming from an known tin foil MAGA hat wearing Trump supporting liar.

Because jar obviously drank too much of the "Lucy-in-the-Sky" trump Kool-Aid, he failed to show his source. According to Statista, there were 168.31 million registered voters in 2021.


KFF shows over 168 million registered voters too.


Simply prove Statista and KFF are wrong, jar.
Avatar Stack47 -
Trump was secretly vaccinated AFTER he was hospitalized with Covid-19. What is the logic behind the 94 unvaccinated Republican House Reps. giving misinformation about the vaccines?

Especially since Republican Senator Mitch McConnell began encouraging Americans to get vaccinated the day the vaccines were approved.
Avatar jarasan -
Guess you gals aren't into the money, let's talk about vaccines and stuff.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What have we been saying all along, when faced with common sense and facts, you guys try to change the topic. Linda, Rudy & Powell peddled the conspiracy theory of fraud in the Nov election- and guess what " All 3 are being sued." How about that?

* It's like l said " You guys brains are wired differently. It's was on full display yesterday when Jim Jordan blamed the Dems for the Jan 6th insurrection.

* Pelosi was right to have him removed from the Jan 6th Commission list, that nut was going to turn the entire proceedings into a circus. How does folk like him, Greene & that gun carrying female from Colo end up on Capitol? Those voters must be the uneducated folks Trump loves.

Avatar jarasan -
Changing the topic??? farticus I gave you the link to make $5 million, all you have to do is show the all proof there was no fraud Nov 3-4 2020. LOGICALLY you would go get the money with all the: "there was no fraud!" proof. But no, stackles and farticus want to change the subject to vaccinations and Jan 6 and not talk about how joepedo was able to steal an election
Avatar noise-gate -
* Jar Jar Binks- If there was a steal, why does Linda have to put up money, all he needs to do is use it to gather evidence that the fix was in, why is he asking others to " help him out?" Linda woods & Sidney should collect it, maybe you and your friends here who are constantly saying it was stolen, can't you use the cash?

* Perhaps you ought to collect that money since it's out there, just go with your lies- perhaps Linda will buy it, after all you both morons. I would pay to see one moron outwit the other.
Avatar noise-gate -
* By the way- you guys ought to shut your pieholes until you post something that makes Sense. You chasing your tails in lies for crying out loud.
Avatar jarasan -
farticus read the tripe you write, look in the mirror, and tell yourself I am not the kettle, I am not the kettle. You write nothing of substance, repetitive circular crap circles of meaningless statements which have ZERO possibility of convincing anybody of anything.
Avatar noise-gate -
Read my # 1 & # 5 posts here.

* It explains everything, if you cannot accept that, you never will.

* The laughingstocks of the world are you guys who refuse to accept the truth, meaning the results of the election?

* Even courts loaded with conservative judges said “ There was no fraud, no rigging. Bill Barr, 45’s AG said “ no fraud.” Your guys looked for bamboo in the ballots in AZ, nothing. Recount after recount- nothing to CHANGE the outcome of the election.

* Why then do you continue to claim something that is false? Do you even comprehend the passage of time? As a gentle reminder- it’s going on 8 months & no change in the results.

* So your saying “ l repeat myself, and l know because like nothing is getting through to you folks.” You like a child who after repeatedly telling him/, her.. “ do not stick anything in the electrical outlet & gets shocked, but keeps doing the same thing over& over until you decide to throw the main switch to avoid death to your child.

* Trump is gone, be glad because you can return to normal after 4 years.
Avatar Stack47 -
Speaking of no logic, if the "my pillow guy" has proof every state election Biden won was rigged, where is it?

Oh I forgot the pillow salesman show is "nothing to see here folks" evidence when hosting his "Cyber Symposium" next month. Do you think he will be stupid enough to continue defaming Dominion?

Had Jar Jar read one of my earlier blog entries, they would know I posted examples of voter fraud back in November. A Pennsylvania man was caught voting for Trump on behalf of his dead mother and mother-in-law. The "pillow/snake oil salesman" knows it and why he made an offer that's impossible to collect.

Just another example of a classless Trump supporter.
Avatar Stack47 -
Back in December I posted proof of Republican voter fraud in Pennsylvania.


Where is the logic of pretending to "give" money for proving the Browns won the last five Super bowls?

"Changing the topic???"

Yep, that is usually done by weirdo that said "Trump is the Greatest President ever."
Avatar jarasan -
Biden is illegitimate and both of you know it.
Avatar jarasan -
It is a sad truth though, low IQ, intellectually dishonest people like yourselves would rather fall on their swords before admitting they are wrong. Pride is a bitch, your illegitimate prezzy is a prop for a poison ideology.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What makes you folks look like fools is the fact that months after the election, you still lamenting on what could have been. No one in their right mind thinks Trump won, no one.

* I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating: There was NO poll months before the election where Trump led Joe, none, zilch & his internal data confirmed it. Which is why Donny wanted to be at rallies to shore up his lagging numbers, you know that too.

* Of course he couldn’t get himself out there because COVID was raging and he was going to be blamed for a “Superspreader” and he knew it. He tried everything in the book, boy did he try, the last thing he wanted to hear from anyone was “ You going to lose this election” shiv is why he came up with a real doozy.. wanna know what it was?

* This line “ They will only win, IF they cheat.” This guy laid the groundwork for what we now see, planting the seed that he was so good, so popular that there was no way he could lose to Biden. He threw everything at Joe, he is sleepy, no think clearly… what Trump did not count on was that millions of voters in their 60-80’s just about had enough of him.

* Here was the President himself, in his 70’s going after another 70 year old, and insulting old people along the way, essentially telling them “ You could be just as sleepy as Joe, but l want you to show up and vote for me.

* This sucker rolled the dice and lost. If there is a lesson to be learned, it’s this- Don’t take the elderly for granted, and don’t F them over and e pect them to place nice.

* Lastly, he loves saying 60 some millions people voted for him, well that was before the insurrection. His true colors came out showing him to be a celebrity President, a flash in the pan and one they could not TRUST. His conduct before COVID grabbed America by its throat, his casual approach to a virus that was claiming lives at an alarming rate & him expecting the American people to re elect him for his dereliction of duty could not, would not be rewarded.

* The courts spoke loud & clear- Trump needed to vacate the WH by Jan 20th, his lease was up and his services were no longer needed.

* The world & country rejoiced- at last we got the nuclear codes out of hands of this Man-Child.
Avatar noise-gate -
* As for Biden being illegitimate, how is that possible? We had an election, the votes were counted, lawsuits were thrown out because of hearsay or folks signing affidavits “ but in the real world, things can turn out to be different.

* Why is it that not a single court found a scintilla of evidence that would have supported Trump’s claim of fraud?

* We talking about giving the President of the US the short end of the stick?

*The Leader of the Free World treated like a piece of garbage, robbing him of his right to a second term, who are these people that have done this? That is what you want us to believe, that “ someone, some evil agency” took it upon themselves to cut the President of the United States at his knees?

* Do you really think we are that dumb to think someone could pull that off… so what were you saying about Biden being illegitimate again?

* Your constant rant about Biden being illegitimate is nauseating. I think you need to STFU.
Avatar Stack47 -
"It is a sad truth"

What truth? You have no proof of any of your claims, your posts are idiotic, and that and your avatar pretty much sums up you intelligence. Jar jar thinks he was being clever by attacking the chairman of the Joint Chiefs because he made a draft dodging SOB look bad.

"Your constant rant about Biden being illegitimate is nauseating."

Has jar jar ever posting anything that isn't a lie including that nonsense from the "my pillow junkie"?

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