Thousands of Patriots attend Trump rally Drop banner that said 'Trump Won!!'


Entry #29,356


Avatar noise-gate -
* None of this " Stuff" matters- Elvis has been dead for decades & people still go to his shows to watch impersonators play his music.. This behavior is that of a cult but none of the folks in attendance will admit it.

* This nation has MOVED on, and the longer these folks look back of life, the worse it will become, why?
Cause the next Republican who runs for the WH will be measured by what 45 did.

* Trump won alright, the Won the right to be the FIRST President of the United States to Lose : The Presidency, the House & Senate in his 1st term.
Avatar Stack47 -
Most people don't bother fact checking and it's a shame to because lots of people believe everything websites like the Gateway Pundit prints. The facts are 81% of everything the Pundit posts is not true.

Sites like this are making a big deal of the people wanting a cheap night out by going to a Trump rally while others spend hundreds watching the WWE. Is there really a difference between what people see and hear at both events?
Avatar KAL035 -
So Biden won by cheating. Big deal! What of it you two leftist troglodyte losers ask? The end always justifies the means you say. Speaks volumes about your lack of integrity and morals. Biden still can't get more than 25 people to attend his so-called CNN "town hall" meeting where he was totally incoherent when not outright lying. Don Lemon sucked it all up, just like you two nitwits suck it up and love it. Meanwhile, President Trump still has huge crowds up up to 100k wherever he speaks. But of course, senile "Lunch Bucket" Joe got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history to easily trounce President Trump, LOL! Facts is that devious/cheating/lying Dim-dims are finished and will never pull it off again. Fact check that you two lying leftist freakazoids. Oh, by the way, please "be safe" and "mask up" when you go beddy-bye tonight, LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Huge crowds do not translate into winning. Have you seen the crowds that showed up to honor Hitler back in the day?

*When Nazi architect Albert Speer surrendered in 1945, he made A strange remark: “So now the end has come. That’s good. It was all only a kind of opera anyway.”

Avatar grwurston -
People don't "fact-check" because 99% of the so called fact-checkers are msm left leaning sites that are just saying whatever they are told to say by the big tech companies. In another words, they're full of it.

Everyones knows who the most popular president ever really is. Here's a hint. It ain't biden.
Avatar KAL035 -
Do I really have to explain that to you NG? Hitler is your favorite Nazi/Fascist hero. You being an ardent American Marxist, of course support Lying Biden/Quemala continuing the Hitler legacy. How dumb are you, or how dumb do you think regular patriotic Americans are? No way in Blazing Hades that "Lunch-Bucket" Joe ever got anywhere near the number votes that he supposedly garnered without cheating. Any honest person knows that DJT is still the one and only legitimate POTUS. Once again, let me assure you that devious Dim-Dems will never again be able pull off such a fraudulent charade. I think best for you to "mask -up" and go beddy-bye NG.
Avatar grwurston -
Just think, the next democat president is going to be compared to what biden did.
Like the old saying goes; Just when you think the bar can't be set any lower, someone digs a hole under it.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Something else to think about genius: Conservatives as a whole will not get Trump back into the Oval office again. He needs independent voters & he those sitting on the fence.

* But Trump in his odd wisdom thought & thinks that challenging the results of a secure election, prodding on his supporters to storm the Capitol will go down well with the voters & put him in a position to be President for the 2nd time. What are you guys filling your heads with?

* Your idiotic thinking is similar to an American teenager joining the Taliban & the parents telling neighbors " Oh, his harmless, he only wants to be around them to pick up tips on how to pray, they very religious you know!"

* America did fine before he won the Presidency. America's future does not depend on Trump, although he conned you into thinking it does.

*This country has been here long before he was born & will be here long after his lungs no longer takes in oxygen.
Avatar KAL035 -
Dim-Dems won a secure election with Biden's purported record-setting number of votes? LOL, best joke I heard in years! Biden couldn't even have been elected to county dog catcher without dim-dems running interference. You practicing for stand-up comedy NG? You and your ilk are in for a rude awakening in 2022/2024. MAGA 2024!
Avatar noise-gate -
* When Al Gore was defeated by W, you didn't get Al crisscrossing the country to speak at Rallies condemning Bush. Yet Donald finds its necessary to do just that.

* This country has only ONE President and Commander in Chief at a time, but Trump seems to think it's him. This poor loser only does not have real power to instruct or delegate, what he does us " instruct his minions" you guys to do his bidding.

* You being used and you don't know it.

* I am here to help you open your eyes.
Avatar noise-gate -
* The guy you thought would win re election lost, that the " Rude Awakening " you seem to have forgotten about.

* Go anywhere on this Planet & ask people " Who is the President of the United States?" They won't guess, they know- now if one asked you guys who is the Potus, you will say Trump.

*Thing is, we had an Inauguration on Jan 20th & the guy standing up there taking the " Oath of Office" was not Trump.
All this morning about losing an election does not build confidence in the American people to " elect you one more time." It shows an unstable individual who can't take " No" for an answer. He's grab them by the P*** remarks don't work anymore. He is a disgrace to the political profession.
Avatar KAL035 -
Hey American Marxist, "the guy that I thought would win re-election win" (as well as 75 million other voters) did in fact win by an overwhelming majority. It was the one and only inexorable conclusion. Anybody knows it. Duh! DJT is the legitimate POTUS. Senile Joe is your esteemed "Potatomus." Enjoy it while you can. Devious Dim-Dems are unable to accomplish/achieve anything without lying or cheating. You go boy!
Avatar Stack47 -
"People don't "fact-check"

Says the person posting misinformation and lies about getting vaccinated. Nobody is risking their lives by playing predictions by many of the "so-called" lottery experts on LP, but this moron is dangerous.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Senile Joe" and "Biden won by cheating".

You can't have both ways no matter how many times you try to spin. You sound like that junkie "my pillow" guy.
Avatar jarasan -
joepedo and his crack smoking progeny would jam farticus and stackles right up the ying yangs if given the opportunity. farticus and stackles would baa baa bey just like sheep and be happy to oblige.

Oh yeah, joepedo biden is an illegitimate bitch tool of who knows who.
Avatar KAL035 -
Umm, yeah, that's right. So what's your point? You sound like yet another lying CNN American Marxist coming out of the woodwork after dark. Please be safe and "mask-up" when you go beddy-bye tonight. Sweet dreams of your fabled Communist Utopian Society under your Great Leader Lying Biden.
Avatar noise-gate -
* A pattern has emerged: You guys live in an alternate reality.

* Remember the night of the Election, of course you do. Our fair President took to the podium and said " ... in fact we won!" Applause rang out, some jumped out of their seats- Victory at last, but...

* Trump called the race BEFORE the night was through, Trump called the election for himself BEFORE the networks did- what was going on here?

* What was going on is an impulsive President, who acted the same way throughout his tenure as President. Picking up the phone & calling the Pres of Ukraine, you remember the " perfect call." Yet when he felt pressure from the publoc- he went golfing, you remember that to.

* So, calling Joe all kinds of nasty names will not do the following:

1 Re install Trump to the WH
2 Give the man child the nuclear codes.
3 Give Trump Free TV time & go on Twitter to watch Fox & other networks hours on end & complain.

* Btw- There are lots of GOP members that can't stand this narcissistic person. They glad he lost, you should to.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You guys are born losers, once a loser, always a loser..

*Repeat after me " l am a loser, born one, probably will die one."
Avatar KAL035 -
blah, blah, blah; aren't you special NG? No matter what you cheating/conniving dim-wits say, DJT is the legitimate POTUS in 2021 and will be rightfully re-installed in 2024. Devious dim-dems will NOT be able to steal the election again, no matter how much you cry about it. MAGA 2024 baby boy!
Avatar grwurston -
The only ones posting misinformation around here are you two clowns. You two idiots are so gullible, if you were outside soaking wet in a down pour and cnn said it was sunny where you were, You'd be, Nope it ain't raining.

Avatar grwurston -
The democrats know the election was rigged. They were shown it could be done years ago. Here's yer proof!!!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Let's test that theory

*.Did you say misinformation? How about Trump saying, " l won!" Yet after all avenues had been exhausted- Rudy, Powell confessing " We had no evidence, we surprised people would believe us.
** So Trump was lying- he lost every case in court. Who's forwarding misinformation: You & Trump.

* Endless Forensic tests conducted- Came up empty, but because Trump said there was fraud, l believe Trump more than l believe the FBI, the courts and anything in between.

* If Trump attempts to run in 2024- he's voting audience will probably be about 30- 40 million. Millions have bailed on the party because of this fool

* Btw- when are you guys going to stop drinking the kool-aid?

Avatar KAL035 -
President Trump DID win in a landslide of historical proportions Duh! So shut your fat trap NG. Nobody, other than your best butt buddies Stack47 and Don Lemon, care one one whit about any nonsense that you spout off here.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Saying the Dems KNOW the election was RiGGED is pretty vague.

* WHO did the rigging fool? Who who who...

* We know who was President, and who lost- that was Donald Trump. See, that's facts.

* Your turn once again: Who Rigged the Presidential election? Who, who, who, who, who, who......

* Come back with sound answers- or Shut the helll up.
Avatar KAL035 -
NG, everybody on LP already knows you're a clueless leftist idiot; don't belabor the point, we get it already. Duh!
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump Won! OMG, who'da ever thunk it? So shocking! I thought "Lunch Bucket" Joe Obama wons, LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Instead of telling me what " everyone on LP" thinks about me.... how about answering the simple question, that you guys raised- and that is   who are these people that RIGGED the Presidential election?"

* l am convinced after all this time that you fools believe anything Trump says & does, because you in a cult.
Avatar KAL035 -
Willy, NG? I beez in a cult because I support 100% the legitimate POTUS DJT that you and your ilk so vehemently despise, oppose and spit on because he represents truth, integrity, patriotism and rule of law? Otay, Buckwheat, whatever you sez! I believes you, LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Whoa- Trump represents Truth, Integrity, Patriotism & the rule of law?
Do l need to turn around and see if you not talking about someone in the next room?

* Lets start with Truth- Trump spread over 20,000 lies in his term in office- no representing truth there Gumby.

Next Integrity- know what that truly means? I will spar you the embarrassment, it means " uprightness, virtue, goodness, nkne of which Trump oozes. - the guy us the direct opposite. He is deceitful & ne only needs to look at the people he surrounded himself with getting charged for corruption. From Flynn, Manafort, etc.. please.

* Patriotism: Right- hugging the American flag onstage don't make you a patriot, he guy didn't serve in the military.

*Rule of law- oh yeah. The big one: calling his supporters to " take back your country" on Jan 6th.... thats observing the Ruke of law alright. Getting impeached was not for having his fly open you imbecile.

* Spoken like a true cult member.
Avatar grwurston -
Who rigged the election? Who do you think rigged it. Bugs Bunny?? Are you that clueless?
Let's see. We got a two time loser for president, doesn't campaign, stays in his basement all summer, didn't have rallies, no interviews, no press conferences, doesn't talk about his agenda, but he got 81m votes. Anyone that believes that has the IQ of a slug. So that means you Sluggo!!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
How do these right wing retards live this long without hurting themselves? They operate heavy machinery....

It's just not possible to be this stupid, but apparently the orange ogre has convinced millions of morons to follow him over the cliff. The collective stupidity is scary. There is good news though, these useless idiots will eventually croak one day, and hopefully they don't spread their trash seeds all over the place, and if they do, hopefully their offspring will rub two brain cells together and won't make the same moronic mistakes their pathetic parents did. This is the only way this country will survive.

The real virus is these inept losers who don't even trust their own orange ogre's 4 judges who were appointed by him when the judges discounted the supposed proof, no good standing to even take it to trial, yes...i'm going to beat this dead horse density in the brain...DUNCE!

The orange mutt is the true virus.
Avatar jarasan -
Nose picker 38x a minute, hoping people die.... beware for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. Wishing death upon people you don't know is a sure sign you have serious mental issues, take your meds or go see a psychiatrist.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Pick3, Ever notice that these fools never go heavy after the articles, any article that shows Trump up. For instance " both myself & Stack started off" responding to this article..

* Yet when these fools respond to ot, they go after us, what's with that?

* G is asking " who do you think did the Rigging?" Why ask me- your guys: Rudy, Powell etc went before the cameras & said Fraud was committed, OK, by Who? Lindell is offering up money to get to the bottom of this so called Fraud.

* They can't blame the Viting machines anymore because the companies are pushing back with Lawsuits.... so what's their next move? We looking for bamboo or folks voting twice, or dead people etc etc.

* Thing is when you clueless and you know you are in a certain field, like politics- it's best to shut up because you come off looking like a fool when defending a position you ill equipped to handle.

* The saying : You can't fix stupid is true.

* It's been 8 months since Trump lost & these fools including Donald continue to say he won. That kind of thinking runs deep with these deniers. That conservative Talkshow guy, Valentine from Tennessee is fighting fir his life. Was a constant voice on the virus is a hoax BS, now his family us asking for listeners to.pray for him. When will these folks ever learn..looks like never.

* The other saying is true as well " Don't waste your time explaining- it goes in one ear & out the other.
Avatar jarasan -
Trump won and you know it. joepedo is illegitimate, 80% of Americans believe the election was stolen, the pedophile interloper in the WH hath no clothes!

Crimes were committed by demoncRATs, statute of limitations has not expired.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
@NG, they can't help it, retardation is a real problem in this country. Jaracrap thinks if he keeps regurgitating the same garbage over and over, it
suddenly becomes true.

Jaracrap's response validates everything I've written concerning his inability to grasp what he reads, it makes sense now. I never wished death on anyone, I said EVENTUALLY, meaning we're all mortals, unless Jarastink thinks he's immortal lol...Can't read, can't think, can't do anything right in his pathetic life, kissing an orange man's ass all day long. How pathetic!

tRump is his hero??? I'd be embarrassed to admit this anywhere in public.

The only thing tRump won was the Darwin award for being the dumbest dictator in the world. I believe you can find a better hero to worship, maybe a pile of crap? No wait!!!....tRump is worse than a steaming pile of Jaracrap...ahhahhahahhahha

.Hey jaradumbass, please don't get vaxxed, let Evolution take care of it...the less idiots on this planet, the better....

Just last week some woman ant-vaxer died of Covid....Darwin was correct, evolution is real. and by the way, your fake magical sky daddy won't protect you either.
Avatar jarasan -
nose picker 38x/min. hopefully you were jabbed, how does it feel to be a Guinea Pig?? You are part of an experiment that alters your DNA. When you have a brain clot....or liver failure... maybe sky daddy will help.

Trump won and you know it. joepedo is illegitimate, 80% of Americans believe the election was stolen, the pedophile interloper in the WH hath no clothes!

Crimes were committed by demoncRATs, statute of limitations has not expired.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It's hard to believe that America has such idiots living amongst us. Then we told 80% of Americans believe that the election was stolen. With numbers like that, l am surprised that another country hadn't invaded America and taken over.

* Come to think of it, in a way it did. How so one would ask, well remember that Trump took Putin's word over our very own intelligence. Trump said " l looked in Putin's eyes and asked him point blank whether he had screwed with our elections & he said No."

* 45 took Putin at his word, after all taking the word of one dictator & another wannabe, everything is cool. Trump wanted to get into that brotherhood so bad that he reached out to Lil Kim as well. Said that it was time we " broke bread with both men" This unintelligent fool would have sold our top secrets to these two if he could have stayed in power.

* So desperate was he to remain in the WH that he had no problem firing anyone who disagreed with him, loyalty remember?

* He would have fired Pence if he could, this deranged lunatic thought that with the backing of the militia fools & the ones we have in forums such as this, that they would be willing to die for him. I know jar jar binks would, die 4 Trump, so would G, Kalo & some of the other lightweights here.
Avatar noise-gate -
*** Crickets ***
Avatar KAL035 -
As usual, Pick 3 Retard, example of typical uneducated/violent/rioting/uncouth street vermin, chimes in right on cue with more stupid comments and leftist vitriol after his butt buddies get schooled on the facts, to-wit: DJT won the election in a landslide and the Dim-Dems rigged the election, duh! Who'da ever thunk it? State audits continue proving it every day. You'd have to be a 4th grade juvenile delinquent dropout not to understand that from day one anyway "See, see, Biden won!" they say, LOL! What a joke!. Dim-Dems could care less about cheating/rigging elections as long as they get their way. The end always justifies the means for Dim-Dems. I would advise all you leftist punk Anti-American troglodytes to go ahead and get fitted in advance for your straitjacket. You will need it when the Legitimate POTUS, the Mighty DJT takes back the White House in 2024. Many of you devious/lying Dim-Dems will have to be institutionalized in a state facility for the criminally insane when that happens! MAGA 2024 Baby!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Says one of the guys willing to die for Trump*
Avatar KAL035 -
What's that you say about crickets, nose picker? You having freshly-caught backyard fried crickets for dinner tonight? Spicy, crunchy or regular? You must be salivating over the thought of such a delicacy at your pay rate!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
KalowIQ, how is tRump going to take the WH back dummy? He would have to find a way for the military to overthrow the existing Govt, and he has no authority to do that. Maybe if you find a device that will bring back to this reality, you'd understand, but you're an Ogre supporter, your kind isn't too bright.

tRump wasn't and still isn't even qualified to run a homeless shelter, much less convincing a hundred thousand or more military men and women to directly ignore their duties and end up in prison for a coup. The courts already ruled on tRump's ridiculous claims of fraud, so How effing retarded does someone have to be to think this is even remotely plausible.

Please refrain from engaging in the blogs, the blogs are meant for people who have a functioning brain. You and the rest of the morons here don't have a grasp on reality.
Avatar KAL035 -
Ridiculous claims by behind! You are such a comedian, Pick 3 Retard, LOL! I understand you're an extreme low-IQ individual with special needs. Did you even make it past 4th grade elementary school? But still, notwithstanding your blind obedience to CNN talking points, lawlessness and willful ignorance of facts, I implore you to think of your parents and stop embarrassing them and yourself. DJT IS in fact the legitimate current day POTUS. Everybody knows it. Even you and your best butt buddies know it but deny it. That is your unscrupulous/immoral method of operation. Lie, lie lie/deny/deny/deny! DJT was re-elected by overwhelming historical proportions. Just because Dim-Dems rigged the election and installed a senile doofus potato-head POTATUS to advance the leftist agenda, does not alter the facts. Your boy Biden is a total joke and laughing stock of the entire nation, not even qualified to be county dog catcher in Bumf***, Egypt You WILL bow to your your master #45 the Mighty DJT in 2024. That' all! MAGA 2024 Baby!
Avatar grwurston -
.I'm staying away of the political posts in the BLOGS forum...
Jun 24, 2021, 8:21 pm - Pick3master3838 - Pick 3 forum

He's Baaacckk!!
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, he always chimes in right on cue with some nonsense after his best butt buddies start taking heat for their non-stop anti-TRUMP/anti-USA posts.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
@ Kalo, why not respond with an answer to my question? Why deflect? How will Trump gain the WH? I explained the only way possible, but I'm still waiting.

@gwurston, yes I did write that, but the climate has changed exponentially since then. It's crazy, how can I sit back after 4 years and 7 months of lunacy about crazy conspiracy theories? I'm a conspiracy theorist too...but there is a limit to how nutty it becomes.
Avatar KAL035 -
How can Trump regain the White House? Do I really need to explain that to you again? Because Trump won in a landslide of historical proportions and remains the legitimate POTUS. The vast majority of Americans are not happy about that! How many times must this be explained to you? Duh! Dim-Dems cheating/rigging the election does not equate to a mandate you leftist freakazoid. Once again, the leftist puppet potato head Biden is POTATUS, the Mighty DJT is POTUS. Did you get it this time?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
This is the second time I'm asking how he will do it. What's so hard about that? Answer the effing question? Let's take this apart.

So you think I'm a CNN MSNBC worshipper like you followers. ha...I look around, I don't need any news or social media platform to convey my every move.

No, again, another supporter popping his head out making a fool of himself. tRump supporters don't wan't to think, they just want answers.
Avatar KAL035 -
Apparently, you can't even read. I'm not going to explain to you again. You seem to think that because Dim-Dems were able to rig and steal the election, that Trump supporters will just turn the other cheek and say slap me again. You got another thing coming you leftist punk!
Avatar grwurston -
Timing is every thing. The proof of the election fraud will be shown at the appropriate time and not a moment before.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What did l say about information going in one ear and out the other. Not just information, but important information.

* The problem with these people is that they have had their brains re conditioned and filled with nonsense over the past 4 years- l have no idea what it was like before the indoctrination, but it had to be bad.

* Nowadays, it’s filled with garbage like “ l won, there was fraud afoot.” Yet despite all the investigations- there has been   no one arrested for this heinous act of denying this fool a victory?

* If we can put a man on the Moon, sent rovers to Mars to collect dirt, send back pics of the surface of that planet, track down Osama Bin Laden & kill him, why can we not apprehend the outfit that robbed Trump of a 2nd Term?

* Seems like reasonable questions right? We know Trump had clowns for a defense- why were high end lawyers afraid to take Trump’s case, surely they would have been rewarded handsomely, maybe even given cabinet posts or Ambassadors to the country’s of their choosing. Those questions remain.

* Do you suppose our Trump zealots will supply us with the answers? I mean we not discussing calculus or the inner workings of a jet propulsion system.. will we hear back or will the demonizing continue?
Avatar Stack47 -
"So you think I'm a CNN MSNBC worshipper like you followers"

Yep and they think because they're IQ is about 60 and never had an original thought, everybody is as dumb as they are. How many different ways have they said the same thing "Trump won by a landslide" without any proof?

It's their way of getting recognition from other Trump supporters. They want to be just like Mike; you know Mike "the crack addict" my pillow guy.

"80% of Americans believe the election was stolen"

Not "80% of Republicans", "80% of MAGA fools", or even "Trump voters"; nope this one thinks "80% of Americans" are as dumb as them. I rest my case on having an IQ around 60 wanting to be just like Mike.
Avatar Stack47 -
"The proof of the election fraud will be shown at the appropriate time"

The appropriate time was before each state certified their election results and before Mike Pence recorded the Electoral College results. And then there was the inauguration, moving into the WH, signing executive orders and doing presidential things.

Were you in a coma when all that happened or do you just have sawdust between your ears?
Avatar noise-gate -
* l have a theory, it’s a long shot but it remains a theory. The clueless folks, you know the ones that have a difficult time doing the day to day chores, the sitcom folks, those easily entertained are the ones who came out in force when Trump first announced that he was running for President.

* l mean the guy was in their living rooms for years, they came to love this guy. Unlike career politicians who ascend the political ladder to the WH, Trump the celebrity got to the top with zero experience on how to run a country. He figured that it was like running the hotel business. Need more towels? Pick up the phone, call the front desk. It’s no wonder that this guy had hours & hours of free time as President where he could tune in the Foxtv & send off a message via Twitter, it was the way to get things done, but…

* Covid changed all that. Now he had a challenge on his hands- he needed to “ face the nation “ and tell us what he was doing, how he was going to overcome this threat to American lives, and he started off by “ concealing the truth from the American People”… didn’t want us to panic, he said.

* Finding himself in a situation he never envisioned- he came up with goofy suggestions- the “ inject oneself with disinfectant “ exposed the empty shell of a head he had on those shoulders of his.

* l recall an exchange between this fool & Jeb. Bush said “ Being President is a Tough Job” & Trump sarcastically said “ Yeah Jeb, you tough, you so tough!” Yet when he found out he lost re election, he hit the links. What a tough decision, what a show of strength.

* Losing was the best thing that ever happened to this guy, because it exposed him for not only the mistake this country ,are by judging him as an adult, but his incessant moaning about being robbed of a 2nd term, to imagine this guy was the Leader of the Free World, the decision maker for millions of lives. Americans do not regret their decision to deep six this guy.

* l will now take your explanation..
Avatar noise-gate -
* l am patiently waiting to see who will step up to the plate and say “ l am prepared to die for Trump!” Just how far does your support go for this man.

*Are you prepared to go to the gates of hell for this guy, to gaze into the abyss, if not- why are you putting up a spirited defense for the guy?
Avatar KAL035 -
Nose Picker, you along with Stick it Deep up my Behind47 and Pick 3 Retard would make perfect roommates at the Insane Asylum when the Mighty DJT makes his glorious return in 2024 after having the 2020 election outright stolen from him during the overnight hours of election night by devious/unscrupulous Dim-Dems. You will have so much to chat about, but sadly no internet access! Did you nitwits get measured yet for your straitjackets as per my earlier recommendation? There will be much wailing, lamenting, gnashing of teeth and tearing of garments by Dim-Dems on occasion of that glorious day. Please be safe and "mask up" when you go beddy-bye, LOL! Nighty-night!
Avatar grwurston -
ng and stick You guys are so brainwashed by the msm propaganda it's incredible. lololol How two people can be so frigging blinded by their bs and lies is incomrehensible. But as stupid as you are, anything is possible I suppose.

You still think biden's doing a great job? Tell us how!!
Avatar grwurston -
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
All I want to know is how tRump will take back the WH and you can't answer a simple question? You are officially dismissed. Worthless debater who can't answer a simple question...LOSERS!

Just go away already, useless idiots.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Pick3, Notice the pattern?

* Look at any footage of Trump going off about anything on stage at he's rallies & you will notice he babbles, breaks off sentences, strings together incoherent lines & the Maga audience laps it up. They love that S***

* Now look at the nonsense Kalo, G, Jar jar & these other kids spout here when asked a simple question, it's as though you listening to these fools channeling Trump: from straitjacket talk to CNN to whatever else crops into their puny minds- they jump from one bit of garbage to the next. It's a confusion tactic well played by 45, keep the audience entertained while you rob them of their money.

* Just look at him bringing up the " Election fraud story" and then he asks for MONEY from these fools to " Fight against the election draud" and they have no problem handing it over, willingly.

* They can't answer my simple question : Are you willing to Die For Trump? It's a Yes or No answer!

Avatar noise-gate -
* Pick3, You asked how Trump would take back the WH, they won't answer it, but l can.

* He most definitely can Take Back The White House- IF he had A Toy miniature White House as a kid & borrowed it to a relative & eventually wanted it back. He can get it dropped off by FedEx in boxes.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Nose Picker, you along with Stick it Deep up my Behind47 and Pick 3 Retard"

Kids in the 6th grade have more creative name calling.

"You still think biden's doing a great job? Tell us how!!"

And speaking of less than a 6th grade education, the last time I looked this topic is about a real fat Oompa-Loompas looking sheep herder that was evicted from the White House.

Are you children ever going to come up with anything new?
Avatar grwurston -
Oompa-Loompas... Now that's original thinking. Got that from a video didn't ya?

Avatar grwurston -
ng Sure I'll answer your question. But I asked you first.

What has biden done that's so great for the US as president?

Avatar noise-gate -
* You called my bluff, good, cause l got your ass in a corner.

* Biden has repaired relations with Allies abroad the Trump pissed off with his “ United States first only.”
No consideration for other nations.

* Biden made sure that the Stimulus money got to people who were out of work & now were able to put food on the table.

* Biden got the US back to the table with the Climate accord.

* Biden now holds Iran’s feet to the original agreements reached, after the Orange one decided to ignore the one put together by Allies abroad including Russia if l am not mistaken.

* Your turn!
Avatar noise-gate -
Hey F- er when are you going to answer? Too S*** scared to comment?

* Just don't ask me s*** until you come up with an answer!

Avatar grwurston -
Me scared?? HAHAHA!!! I've only asked you about 15 times. Maybe more.

Nice try... But I didn't ask what biden's doing with foreign policy.

I asked what has biden done that's so great for the United States as president? That means our country. Not Europe, not the Middle East.

Btw, the first round of stimulus checks came out early Jan 2020, before biden took office. Trump wanted to give the checks by Sept. but Nancy put the brakes on it. But that's old history.

Now try again dk-hd.

Avatar grwurston -
Meant Jan 2021
Avatar grwurston -
Still won't answer my question... Again. Wonder why??

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