Why Trump is Booing American Olympic Athletes


This isn't to bash Trump, just another article with a very misleading headline. But at least this writer does a nice job explaining how the Olympic games, while not intended to be political, the games were beginning with the 1896 Summer games.

As strange as it sounds, the political controversy with this version of the Summer games is an American female shot putter and a New Zealand weight lifter. Though questionable, the shot putter's actions didn't violate any rules. The controversy with the weight lifter is with the rules and based on how the International Olympic Committee defines an athletes' gender. 

IMO Laurel Hubbard entered the games just to get five minutes of fame because they couldn't even lift the qualifying weight.

Entry #119


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I guess I was wrong because Trump is in fact "booing American Athletes". His latest rant was calling the U.S. Soccer team "Leftist Maniacs" because they failed to win the Gold Medal. The classless ex-president is so dumb he doesn't even know he was disrespecting the Canadian team.

Avatar noise-gate -
* The more this guy opens his mouth, the worse he comes off in the eyes of the world. Think about this: When a presidential candidate loses, he most likely goes to ground, lays low and if he still is a force, comes back and win the nomination. Nixon lost to Kennedy & after he's Assassination- he came back & won.

* Trump sees no reason for there to be a lull. He is as vocal as ever, criticizing Biden whenever he can, so let's say he keeps this up, we would have heard from him for 8 years, and then this fool expects American to " hear from him another 4 " 12 years of listening to this guy? ridiculous.

* There is a poll out that said 60% of Americans don't want him running for the Presidency ever again. Of course the Maga folks think differently, they believe he will ruse again.imagine the chaos that will ensue, Governors that were not in his corner will be purged, anyone who was " disloyal" to the Orange one will be thrown under the bus. Foreign leaders who " Welcomed Biden" as a breath of fresh air will be taken to task.

* Trump seems to think that Americans will be begging him to return to the WH, that all is forgiven, being twice Impeached was just politics, he did nothing wrong. As for the Jan 6th insurrection, we already know how that is being spun: It's Pelosi's fault- she was supposed to have the Capitol Police guarding the place, according to Jim Jordan. If only she had done " her duty " those folks storming the Capitol could have been held at Bay. You see, an insurrection is a good thing, according to the Trump backers, just don't make them succeed.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
So, now you're begrudging him for his opinion? Ahh, he's exercising his constitutional rights. Might as well begrudge me also, because i'm glad they lost the Gold. Anyone who disrespects the USA and for what it stands for, deserves nothing less. Yes, World leaders are welcoming biden, They were AFRAID of a LION, so now they have a pansy. Yes Sir, great Logic. Have a Great Day guys.
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"So, now you're begrudging him for his opinion?"

Nope, we're just exercising the OUR Constitutional Right to disagree with IMO another of the many Trump's moronic opinions.

"i'm glad they lost the Gold."

That's your opinion even though most Americans that actually watched the game were rooting for the U.S.A. Which country are you rooting for?

"Anyone who disrespects the USA and for what it stands for, deserves nothing less."

Are you talking about those disrespectful people that don't capitalize the "c" in Constitution and the "r" in our Constitutional Rights?

Is it ignorance or lack of education that makes you think the United States Constitution allows you but prevents other American citizens from exercising their 1st Amendment Right?

And I'm going to exercise my Right to not only to disagree, but point out that the soccer team took a knee along with Great Britain, Chile, Sweden and New Zealand BEFORE the first match. Can't wait to hear how that disrespected anyone, much less an entire country.

FYI for those not familiar with Olympic medal ceremonies, the only play the National Anthem of the Country of the Gold Medal winner. But that's part of the daily life of the Trump Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat supporters. They will blindly try to make others believe whatever nonsense comes out of Trump's mouth.

Bet those that are glad OUR U.S.A. women's soccer team lost to Canada don't even know Canada has a Transgender Athlete on their the Gold Medal. Seriously stop drinking Trump's Kool Aid and it's OK not to root for one of the U.S.A. Olympic teams, but at least review the facts before defending another of Trump's baseless opinions.
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"Trump seems to think that Americans will be begging him to return to the WH, that all is forgiven, being twice Impeached was just politics, he did nothing wrong."

And don't forget the fact Trump lost the popular vote TWICE. Heard an interview with Mike "the crack head" Lindell and then interviewed a Psychiatrist on why Lindell continued to say something that can't happen and so far is unprovable. "When people like Lindell truly believe the Washington Senators won the 1994 World series not even proof or the truth can change their minds."

He and many here are victims of the "illusory truth effect".
Avatar noise-gate -
* Trump is a LION? Surely you jest. His lionlike tactics with China in tariffs cost American workers dearly, go look at the numbers, you won't find a silver lining where we came out on top, in fact we did not win that war although 45 would like Americans to think we did.

* Another Lionlike moment is 45 thinking that copying up to dictators was the way to win them over. Both Putin & Kim used Trump, ge got nothing from them. In fact Trump's successes were with Republicans: funding a wall, tax cuts for the wealthy & he loved saying he created the " greatest economy we gave ever seen." The GDP under his watch was the worst sincevtge Great depression, a whopping 1.6 growth, sure the pandemic was partly to blame, but toting yourself as a once in a lifetime leader was BS.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Avatar noise-gate -
* That's what she said!
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Thanks for proving why Trump said "I love the poorly educated".
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Ah the irony.

The Olympic games are meant to bring people in countries together to cheer for their athletes and then bring the World together to compete in sporting events. In the "land of the free" our ex-president still hasn't grasp the "Olympic concept" and used his ignorance to not only attack at least one of our athletes, but convinced his supporters to blindly follow his lead.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was just Trump talk, but Rep Dan Crenshaw decided the First Amendment doesn't apply to Olympic athletes and wanted to have one of them kicked off the team. Hopefully someone will kick him out of the House for not supporting the Constitution.

Trump's MAGA vision was for "his America" regardless if it meant tearing the country apart. And it's really a shame that nine months later his people still can't see that their emperor has no clothes.
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Was hoping one of the MAGA people would explain what exactly that means and how "leftist-maniacs" could prevent the American women's soccer team from winning a gold medal. And why those "leftist-maniacs" didn't prevent the team from winning the Bronze Medal.

Leftist: A member of the political Left or a person sympathetic to its views.


The definition of maniac applies more to someone convincing a mob to storm the Capital Building while the Electoral votes are being tallied. But considering all the "WTF" statements made by Trump, this one is par for his course.

I'm still waiting for honest Trump supporter and voter to step up and acknowledge that it was deranged statements like that and many others that caused him to lose the election.

"So, now you're begrudging him for his opinion? Ahh, he's exercising his constitutional rights."

Begrudge: to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure

Example: "In the past few years the Republicans, however begrudgingly, were taking Trump's ideas seriously".

Why didn't the Republican party stopped Trump from making idiotic statements and classless childish name calling? If they wanted him to fail why do many of them still support him?

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