Speaking of fake news and very misleading reporting.


It appears that writer Lawrence (Fox News contributor) Richard didn't know that it was impossible for Megan Rapinoe to take a knee at the playing of her National Anthem because it wasn't played at her medal ceremony. But hey, don't let the facts get into the way you them getting their 2 minutes of fame.

Will the people on the right ever take a stand against morons like Richard, Carlson, Rudy, Sidney, and Ln for making them look stupid too?

Entry #122


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* That’s because they incapable of thinking clearly.
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Saw were someone complained the CNN does too many fact checks, but many of the MAGA people would rather believe people like Richard than checking the sports page to see where the women's soccer team finished.

It's all about dividing the country into "pro right or pro left" and that includes the people in the middle. When the Democrats keep control of the House and take more control of the Senate in 2022, we'll get to hear even more baseless claims of election fraud and "the steal".
Avatar noise-gate -
* Someone tried to take me to task for having an opinion. Thing is unless you share their political views or whatever, you considered a black sheep, and ought to shut your mouth, right. I took a look at a blog here which l will not post a comment on, cause it’s utter BS. It post a pic of Biden scratching his head wondering when Trump will return to take the reins and guide the country on a path to doom.

* Yeah, you heard right- Doom. We had the worst job growth under 45 since the Great Depression, those jobs that we were told would be returning to the US. We also were told America first, so Tariffs, which Hurt the American people, but he knew how to build a base, and it’s that base that strikes fear in the hearts of weak mealy mouth conservatives who are more interested in holding onto power than doing the right thing for Americans.

* Looking back at that Biden picture, one has to ask: Why would anyone want Trump back in the WH?
*More “ Innocent calls “ to foreign leaders in order to hang into power?

* More removal of Republicans that voted for his impeachment?

* Lastly, given that his job growth was as poor as reported- the only thing that remains is wanting him back to “ complete his wall” project.

*It’s always been about keeping the poor folks from South of the border out of these United States. They can deny it all they want, but deep down they knows it’s always been about that wall. Gov Abbott & DeSantis pretty much admitted it when it comes to COVID. In other words, keep those folks out & the virus will magically disappear.
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I know lots of people (in KY) voting for Trump in 2016 are asking why the Federal minimum wage was never raised during his four years. They must have asked the wrong people because they still voted for him again in 2020. While they same people questioned why so many people are on public assistance, I must begrudgingly say they are correct in not blaming Trump.

Read where 17 of the states Trump won in 2020 either have no state minimum wage or use the Federal $7.25 an hour. Not saying it should be immediately doubled to a somewhat decent living wage of $15.00 an hour that many states already have, but could be done in three or four stages.

"Thing is unless you share their political views or whatever, you considered a black sheep, and ought to shut your mouth, right."

Heard elderly person say the MAGA arguments sound "like a broken record". It's true too because when we point out Biden won the popular vote by 7 million, they say it's because of 8 million fraudulent votes. When you ask for any real evidence of such wide-spread fraud, they say it's coming or quote from someone's right wing conspiracy blog or podcast.

"I took a look at a blog here which l will not post a comment on, cause it’s utter BS."

Probably because of lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. For instance saw a remark saying "what will they do with the evidence" about an article where the "my pillow crackhead" own expert said "the evidence is a turd".

Don't know how many terabytes of factual information is on the Internet so how difficult can it be to look up the meaning of something that is flushed down a toilet?

And because most usually have no rebuttal, they use very childish name calling.

I'm barred from posting on LP's anti-vaxxer blog so it's obvious they don't want anyone disputing their misinformation. Hopefully one or two naive readers won't believe that useless crap, catch it and die from the coronavirus.

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