Donald Trump Booed at Alabama Rally


After encouraging crowd to get COVID-19 vaccine.

Never heard where people wanted to thin out their own herd, but that could happen.

Entry #125


Avatar jarasan -
Stackles that is the difference between the leftist sycophant lemmings and Americans. First of all, Biden couldn't get 30 people to show up to a basketball gym much less 75,000+ as President Trump had last night. And secondly Trump supporters THINK for themselves and don't follow blindly, we are not the sheeple the left has under its spell that blindly believe anything the demoncRAT fraudulent and manipulative regime tells its subjects.

Trump immediately stated the obvious, WE HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

Have you made your appointment to get your booster????
Avatar noise-gate -
* Sure you have the choice of freedom to live or die..BUT l want anyone to STFU about going on FB or Twitter and telling people that the vaccine is BS.

* Just keep your F mouths shut. Phil Valentine, that conservative talk show host railed against the vaccibe- well he died from Cobid-19.

* Scott Allen who became the dace of vaccine refusals DIED from Covid-19 & now his family is asking the public to GofundMe to cover the funeral costs or something else.

* Brain dead supporters.
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farticus contortionist extraordinaire, NO YOU FUQUING IDIOT! It isn't about living or dying, it is not a fait accompli that the choice is life or death concerning this GDAMM untested gene therapy vaccine, it kills thousands of people. THe vaccine is not a life or death choice STFU!!!!!!!!
Avatar noise-gate -
* You a member of a Death Cult. Just shut your cake hole.
Avatar jarasan -
Oh yeah, says farticus a member of a true death cult. One of the reasons you are really bad at your attempts to sway opinion is that you provide no basis or evidence of the crap you write. On the other hand, I provide evidence and proof of what I write, see below'

farticus you are a premier member of real death cult, the demoncRAT party that fully supports the progeny organization of Margaret Sanger a eugenicist racist...planned parenthood.....

2019-2020 355,000 dead babies mostly black

farticus you are the racist death cultist that condones the demoncRATic party of death.

Avatar noise-gate -
* Racism raises it's ugly head during the Trump era, we got them coming out of the woodwork in masses.

* The clown didn't know how to handle raci a l issues & that is why when George Floyd died, he told the cops to " Dominate." Yiu supported a racist which makes you one you uneducated toad.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You not educated enough to know what truth is.

* You poo poo the Presidential results because Trump " said he won." Whatever Trump says, you believe, which is why you won't say it, but you totally prepared to " Die for Truth."

* You still in the Camp of Sleep mattress, Rudy & Sidney, if they believe, why shouldn't you.

* Repeat after me " l am a gullible idiot."
Avatar noise-gate -
.. totally prepared to " Die for Trump."
Avatar Stack47 -
Leave to jar jar to talk about the crowd size when the article is about Trump being booed when he suggested that his moronic followers get vaccinated.

Wonder how many of them will vote in 2022.
Avatar jarasan -
My guess is you two have a combined IQ of less than 90.
Avatar lakerben -
Noise gate you are making these people look foolish!
Avatar noise-gate -
* If my IQ is 45 jar jar, yours is 3, no make that 2.

* This notion that if you have lots of people at your rallies & your opponent has a 3rd of yours.. that somehow you " ought to get" a lot more votes is folklore.

* Has it ever occurred to you uneducated folks, that people go to Trump rallies for a good laugh. You know as well as the next person that Trump did not, does not talk policy at these rallies.He is there to entertain, if 45 pointed to the sky, people would go " Wow." Much like folk showing up at Vegas to see their favorite singer or dancer, heck- Elvis has been dead for decades, but they still come to see him.

* What l am saying is that Trump has the modern appeal of Elvis, but l beat he can't carry a note to save his life, l mean Presidency.
Avatar Stack47 -
"My guess"

The coronavirus is real and believing you won't catch it based on a "guess" is as foolish suggesting injecting disinfectants in your veins as a cure.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Has it ever occurred to you uneducated folks, that people go to Trump rallies for a good laugh."

Even the people at the last WWE event wore masks. Not unusual to see them putting torn "Trump 2024" and confederate flags flying on their beat up pick-up trucks.

Here's a family of Trump supporters
Avatar Stack47 -
It looks like the MAGA people are turning on each other!

It started with "hang Mike Pence", Roger Stone telling Republicans to punch Steve Bannon in the mouth, and now MAGA supporter Alex Jones is turning on Trump!!

"With COVID-19 surging throughout the country, Donald Trump did the sensible thing this weekend and told supporters at a rally that they should get vaccinated. The potentially life-saving advice is not sitting well with InfoWars conspiracy theorist and fair weather Trump supporter Alex Jones—who ripped the ex-president on his radio show. “Shame on you, Trump— seriously,” Jones said, according to Mediate. “If you don't have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that’s OK. At least you’re going to get some good Republicans elected, and we like you, but my God, maybe you’re not that bright. Maybe Trump’s actually a dumbass.”

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