63 soldiers died under the orange orangutan



63 U.S. Troops Died in Afghanistan Under the Trump Administration


AUG. 30 2021, PUBLISHED 2:25 P.M. ET

After 13 U.S. service members were killed and 15 injured in the Aug. 26 suicide bombing at Kabul airport, rumors started circulating on social media about how many troops died in Afghanistan under former President Donald Trump versus President Joe Biden.

Evan Kilgore, a conservative from Dayton, Ohio, with 11,400 Instagram followers, posted on the site, “There wasn’t a SINGLE American casualty in Afghanistan the last year and a half of the Trump admin. The Taliban FEARED President Trump and KNEW he would annihilate them, if they breached their peaceful exit negotiation. The blood is on Biden’s hands.”

That isn't correct. The websites FactCheck.org and CheckYourFact.com were both quick to report the information was false. Both organizations work with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Kilgore’s post has since been blocked by Instagram and labeled as false information.




Entry #34


Avatar jarasan -
Yes, they died in battle and accidents all before and during while Trump eliminated the caliphate, typical fake news designed to confuse the weak minded leftists. The point not made is that the 200+ deaths in less than 15 mins were completely avoidable, had it not been a last minute political decision to pull out on short notice and then having to return a pick up the pieces. joepedo is a murderer. The military lost 5 last week, being a soldier is a noble and dangerous line of work, was joepedo responsible for those 5??? The buck stops with joepedo. Let's see what happens with the remaining Americans in Afghanistan, right now joepedo's illegitimate admin State Department is playing hide the hostages.
Avatar jarasan -
I guess the next question is...how many are going to die as a result of leaving $80+ billion of American military weapons?? How much weaponry did President Trump leave for our enemies in total around the world? Or for that matter how many pallets of cash like Barry Soetero and joepedo did before leaving office???
Avatar noise-gate -
* At a time in our lives every bullies are not accepted- America elected one.
*So let's see how the bully did. Remember him coming in to office and saying Mexico is going to pay for the wall.. Did not happen, nice stringers tactic that played to he's audience, but in the real world.. no way.
* Tariffs on China- that action hurt the American workers. Trumosown advisors said " we accomplished nothing."

* Sure Trump started no wars, but servicemen & women were killed on he's watch, but to hear all the saber rattling that is going on- no one died because as Evan would have us believe, Trump did no wrong. It's that BS thinking that goes through the minds of the Maga folk as well. They thought they had the power to storm the Capitol tmake their feelings known that " they will only accept results " that go along with their way of thinking, if that is un-American, l don't know what is.

* To hear these Maga folk push BS rhetoric- A 2 time Impeached President can return to the WH. A president that incites an insurrection because he did not like the results of the last election can become Commander in Chief of the USA again.

* When did America elect a Emperor? What's next- abolish the Constitution because Trump says so? Is 75 year that strong or he's followers that weak?
Avatar jarasan -
farticus we have an installed dementia ridden pedophile emperor right now, he is a marionet of China. Clear as day. You don't think they don't own him?
Avatar noise-gate -
* What did Trump get from the Chinese? You say China owns Biden, how? Joe has been in office less than a year, so tell us how China owns him?

* In 4 years, what did America get from China that helped the American people?

* Regardless of how you feel about Biden, he took Trump out because he could see his incompetence at dealing with the pandemic. Trump is good at ordering or talking big, cause the guy is essentially a bully- thing is, you can’t bully COVID-19 around, and since Trump is used to calling the shots, being a businessman, the pandemic showed Trump for who he was, a amateur pretending to be in charge.

*Remember when he called a press conference, talking about how the virus would “ soon disappear.” Those words came back to haunt his sorry A**, but could he bring himself to saying “ l misjudged?” No, not him. Despite surrounding himself with religious folk in the WH, none of them could save him. The fool buried his political ambitions along with his sorry a** & appalling attitude toward Americans. Remember when he found out he lost, instead of being a Man and showing himself as a President who cared about this nation- this Pri** went golfing.

*Mike P was put in charge of the day to day because this Manchild couldn’t get over his lose. Now l see he is making hay of the 13 servicemen that died, saying “ None would have perished had he been President.” What a caring President he is now that he is “ out of office” you see it’s no consequence to say the things he said to this woman who lost her husband in the blast, because no one really believes him, he was nowhere to be found when this country had 400,000 deaths- that’s the total of folks who died on his watch, and he wants back into the Oval Office?

*The problem sane people have with this clown is that he loves to guarantee things when he is in charge, like but he was going to build the wall

Btw- you keep calling Joe a Pedophile, what exactly is that based on, since if true: Trump could have used that to implode Biden while he was running against Joe, instead they concentrated on Hunter and his laptop. Why are other Republicans not talking about this pedo stuff you love to parrot on about?

* It’s like l said “ You insane!”
Avatar Stack47 -
"I guess the next question is."

The next question is why Trump supporters lie about the number of U.S. deaths and lie about Trump eliminating the same Taliban that took about six hours to take out the Trump installed Afghan Government.

Another question is if the Taliban really feared Trump, what stopped him from withdrawing American troops during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election?

It really takes uneducated world class fools to continue lying for orange45.

Avatar noise-gate -
* Ever since Trump has been out of office, he has been more vocal this year and being out there than he was while COVID ravaged this nation.

* I think the reason he does what he does, go after Biden for just about anything :Be it the wall, immigration, and now the withdrawal, is Because he Personally does not “ Have to answer to anyone.” He can stand on the sidelines and inject his 2 cents into anyone out there. For instance his remark to this woman who lost her husband, this fool is saying that would never have happened. It’s that arrogance that permeates this guy and everything he does that is reckless.

* When he and he’s advisors decided to make a deal with the Taliban and leaving the govt out of the talks, was he “ Trump not telling the Taliban” that he recognized the, as the legitimate rulers of the country? Isn’t that rather craven, is it not talking through both sides of your mouth saying one thing here and another there?

* l did not read of any Republican out of curiosity ask Trump “ Mr President, is this wise, leaving the govt we have installed out of negotiations, can we trust these people given the behavior they have displayed in the past?” All these guys said nothing, they were all for his talk, after all his base was to be feared.

* The other thing about the claim from some that the bombing at the Airport would never have happened on his watch is clearly BS.

*Even if the Taliban had done the bombing, what’s to say they could con Trump and tell him “ No way we were involved in that bombing, we had a deal Mr President, we getting back what was rightfully ours, why would we jeopardize that, we stuck a deal.” Knowing how easily Trump can be conned, especially after seeing him being conned by Putin & Lil Kim.

*Trump would have gone before the cameras and said “ It was not the Taliban, they gave me their word that they through with violence, they would not go back on that deal we struck in Doha. I trust them and the American people ought to do the same, don’t forget l wanted to bring them to Camp David, these are misunderstood people, these are decent people. We need to look for the real culprits here.” Sorry, no questions, everything l said was self explanatory- God Bless America.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Some 2,500 Americans Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
Under Obama, America has been at war for longer than under any other U.S. president
Avatar MADDOG10 -
As part of the Doha Agreement, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.[9] At the start of the Biden administration, there were 2,500 US soldiers in Afghanistan and in April Biden said the US would not begin withdrawing these soldiers before 1 May, but would complete the withdrawal by 11 September.[10][11] The Taliban began a final offensive on 1 May. On 8 July, Biden specified a new completion date of 31 August.[12] Biden considered but rejected extending the withdrawal deadline beyond 31 August.[13] There were about 650 US troops in Afghanistan in early August 2021

"I guess the next question is."

The next question is why Trump supporters lie about the number of U.S. deaths and lie about Trump eliminating the same Taliban that took about six hours to take out the Trump installed Afghan Government.

Another question is if the Taliban really feared Trump, what stopped him from withdrawing American troops during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election?

It really takes uneducated world class fools to continue lying for orange45.
Do the math, that should tell you who's BS ing, and who's not.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Do the math, that should tell you who's BS ing, and who's not."

I did the math and Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency. Did you miss where article said a Trump supporters Evan Kilgore lied and said “There wasn’t a SINGLE American casualty in Afghanistan the last year and a half of the Trump admin."?

"As part of the Doha Agreement"

But this Article said "The Taliban FEARED President Trump and KNEW he would annihilate them, if they breached their peaceful exit negotiation." so I'll ask again, if the Taliban really feared Trump, what stopped him from withdrawing American troops during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election?

"Some 2,500 Americans Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama"

But we were discussing the 63 that died in Afghanistan under the failed Trump experiment and wondering why the tin foil MAGA hat wearing Kool-Aid drinking Trump supporters believe it's necessary to lie about that fact.

"Biden considered but rejected extending the withdrawal deadline beyond 31 August."

Don't recall getting the memo saying that you are part of the Biden inter circle and knowing exactly what he considered and exactly what he rejected. (speaking of "who's BS ing).

Avatar Stack47 -
"Ever since Trump has been out of office, he has been more vocal this year and being out there than he was while COVID ravaged this nation."

Speaking of former Presidents, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all will be attending a 9/11 memorial event. Trump will be doing the commentary on a "fight?" between 58 year old Evander Holyfield and 44 year old Vitor Belfort.
Avatar noise-gate -
* As Americans, we have seen and known that every President that leaves office “ Stays the H away from criticizing “ he’s successor. George WH Bush told Clinton that to his face- he said the nation will be counting on you & you will not hear a word from me. He was true to his word. The same “ l think” happened under Obama.

* Fast forward to our time and there isn’t a day that we do not hear or see Trump out there criticizing Biden for everything.

*Hello, your administration had it’s screw ups as well, it was not all Pollyanna which is the reasons Presidents do not go after Presidents. This behavior is not only sickening, but it is the reason we are more divided than ever before. We as Americans have ONE President as Commander in Chief at a time, but Trump with his daily nitpicking about this or that would have one believe we have “ Two Presidents” in office at the same time. I read where he said he “ met with his Chief of Staff and cabinet” a month or so again.. huh? It’s this BS that defines who he is: A narcissist to his core.

* It’s as l said, if he keeps this up, we will be hearing from him for 4 years, and if by a sheer miracle he does get into office- we would have heard from him for 12 F’n years.
Gee- give it a break clown.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So Donny is going to do the commentary on a “fight?” You know what that is all about right? It’s called trying to re invent your image.”

*When you hear him talking about “ Wow, that left hook just grazed the opponent’s head” you supposed to FORGET that this was the same Trump who was all lathered up on Jan 6th prancing on that platform in his long black overcoat, spewing nonsense about being robbed of a 2nd term and then instructing his supporters to “ March to Capitol Hill.”

*You supposed to clear ALL THOUGHT of what transpired that Jan morning, and just “ listen to the energy of his voice “ as he tells the tale of how these two aging warriors are circling each other, each one looking for that knockout punch. Trump’s voice will rise and go into a low lull when the action is almost pedestrian, kinda like when you trying to get a toll deer to fall asleep, but don’t be fooled..

* Just remember this is the same guy that told Georgia’s Sec of State to “ find enough votes to overturn” his defeat. Legal scholars have said it was a flagrant abuse of power.. yeah, that’s the guy commenting of a different kind of fight.

* What’s that saying “ A leopard does not change it’s spots.”
Avatar Stack47 -
Yep, the Triller Fight Club copied golf's over 50 senior tour so why not have an over-the-hill and over weight guy with "certified flat feet" do the boxing match commentary?

Don't know if he'll be commenting on the Silva-Ortiz MMA fight. It would make sense if W did some commentary on a Texas Ranger playoff game because he was an owner; (IE if they ever get out of the basement). Don't recall if Herbert Hoover did any sports commentating, but back then people didn't want to pay to see a 58 year old foolishly fighting a 44 year old MMA fighter.

Wonder if Trump will mention the Holyfield-Tyson cannibalistic fight?
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Stack, right away you changed the topic from my answer why? Because you're statement was proven Wrong?
""Another question is if the Taliban really feared Trump, what stopped him from withdrawing American troops during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election?""
That charade just proves who's BS ing and who wasn't. Thanks for the reply, ya'll have a great day.
Avatar Stack47 -
"That charade just proves who's BS ing and who wasn't."

Better send your proof to the "my pillion" crackhead and he can put it with the cyber ninja trash.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Right away when you're proven wrong, the name calling begins? Proves to me what type of a person you are. You can run, but you'll never be able to hide Giat tat.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Stack, right away you changed the topic from my answer why? Because you're statement was proven Wrong?"

It looks like they are using the old "you're wrong because I say your wrong" MAGA tactic. So let's look at the real facts.

"Stack, right away you changed the topic from my answer why?"

The topic here is about Evan Kilgore lying when they said “There wasn’t a SINGLE American casualty in Afghanistan the last year and a half of the Trump admin." If you want to discuss "your topic" why not put it on "your blog"?

I said: The next question is why Trump supporters (like Kilgore) lie about the number of U.S. deaths and lie about Trump eliminating the same Taliban that took about six hours to take out the Trump installed Afghan Government.

The key word is "QUESTION". I suppose a "question" and a "statement" mean the same in MAGA land. Maybe that's why they don't use question marks "?".

And then I asked another question based on Kilgore saying "The Taliban FEARED President Trump and KNEW he would annihilate them, if they breached their peaceful exit negotiation". If the Taliban really feared Trump, what stopped him from withdrawing American troops during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election? (spoiler alert, this is not a statement)

"Right away when you're proven wrong, the name calling begins?"

Nope, it's a fact the "my pillow guy" is a crackhead; look up his bio. And again more of the "You're wrong because I say so" crap.

"Proves to me what type of a person you are."

Considering I know the difference between a question and a statement it looks like it proves I'm better educated. But hey Trump "loves the uneducated.

"You can run, but you'll never be able to hide Giat tat."

What am I suppose to be hiding from and why would I want to run or hide from people using childish cartoon figures as avatars? Which is more scary, a fictional cartoon starfish appearing to be wearing a bathing suit or a fictional cartoon bulldog apparently smoking a cigar?

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Hahaha. wow, better educated? at what? BS ing, I agree you are better educated at that. Hands down.
As stated When you are proven wrong your educated side comes out and changes the " Statement or Question" as posted.

Wow again, now an avatar is scary to you? And it offends you also? Dude or Dudet, whichever you are you certainly need help. You might want your Health providers to up your dosage. Geez, is there anything on this site that you do like?

""Another question is if the Taliban really feared Trump, what "stopped him from withdrawing American troops" during the eight months between his February 2020 Doha deal and the November election?"" You posted it, no one else. And I proved you wrong. Nothing stopped him from further withdrawals, NOW why don't you prove me wrong?

Between February and the November election troop count came down from 8,600 to 2,500 Nothing stopped him from withdrawing, Hence " Do the Math" Your QUESTION was blown away. so, your saying that when a question you asked was proven wrong it's ok, because you didn't make a statement, is that right? IMO, I'm thinking your elevator does NOT go to the top floor.

And another thing did you ever open your mouth when Obama/Biden were in office the amount of Service members who lost their lives 2,500, I THINK NOT. But yet, you can condemn a President because 63 lives were lost, and not say anything about the other. Yeah, you're a class act. WE WERE AT WAR Mr. Educated.

I know this post stemmed over the loss of 13 Service members, which happened because of the inept individual you call your President, Would have never happened had he followed the protocols that were already in place when he assumed office. But no, he chose to big a bigshot because of his hatred. the blood of the13 American lives that were lost is on Biden's hands, Not President Trump!

I know I went off topic, just like you. I did so to say you were wrong period in your assumption(question) to further build your ego. In my closing "statement", IMO, I can honestly say You and Biden deserve each other.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Today, in less than 25 secs into his speech honoring the fallen on 9/11- Trump changed gears and started talking about the 13 lives that were lost at the airport in Afghanistan.

* Then Trump went off and said “ that those 13 service members would not have died in Afghanistan “ had he been President.“ I found that pretty boastful, considering the bombing was carried out by this other outfit, not the Taliban.

* Trump loves saying “ It would never have happened or should never have happened.”

* I say the following should never have happened.

* Trump getting elected in the 1st place-Period! The guy has divided the GOP in ways they never could have imagined. As of right now: No one can come out and say “ l want to run for President as a Republican” because while Trump still breathes, that is an absolute no no.

* l can only think of 3rd world country Dictators in their 70’s or 80’s pulling that off. In America, one would say no way- but unfortunately “ Yes way!”
Avatar Stack47 -
"There were a total of 44 lives lost under President Trump. A Life that is lost under hostile conditions is sad, but if your going to post something about how many lives were lost at least be truthful!"

The first Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter said "There wasn’t a SINGLE American casualty in Afghanistan the last year and a half of the Trump admin." but because the article said it was "63", someone decided to correct them by saying it really is "a total of 44". So I decided to find the sources of all three claims.

The first claim by Evan Kilgore is a flat out lie even according to Maddog's 44 KIAs. Don't expect non-military people to know not all military deaths are KIA or why the figure "63" from the article includes all U.S. fatalities. The thing is Kilgore said "the last year and a half of the Trump admin." and all U.S. fatalities in that period was "23". Bet we'll never read about the fact he saw both charts, but posted the one with "44".

"And another thing did you ever open your mouth when Obama/Biden were in office"

Which part of this article is about a Trump supporter lying is confusing you?

"I know this post stemmed over the loss of 13 Service members, which happened because of the inept individual you call your President,"

Imagine that! A card carrying tin foil MAGA hat wearing Kool-Aid drinking Trump supporter thinks the current President is inept.

Regardless of what you think, another Trump supporter was caught lying. The fact is the majority of American voters condemned Trump in November.

And by the way, though it's correct, this isn't my Blog and I didn't say "63 soldiers died under the orange orangutan".
Avatar Stack47 -
"Then Trump went off and said “that those 13 service members would not have died in Afghanistan“ had he been President.“

Only Bone spurs Trump knows how he could have personally prevented at least two suicide bombers from killing 13 Americans, over 60 Afghan deaths and the over 150 wounded.

Maybe wall builder Trump just meant the 13 Americans "would not have died" or didn't know about the others.

Avatar jarasan -
But Trump wouldn't have killed a family of 7 with children to wag the dog.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
I don't give a rats A$$ about what Evan Kilgore said. I'm referring to you, and only you, and what you said about Trump NOT withdrawing troops from The signing of the Doha agreement in February to the November election.

I proved what you had asked was wrong period. And what you had said was wrong referring to why didn't he withdraw troops in that period.
I don't speak for anyone else, only myself. But every time I point out something which happens to be false you want to change the subject line and refer to He said/She said MAGA supporters. I can't for the life of me figure out why you proceed that way, except that the only logical explanation would be EGO, You have already stated that you, know you are better educated than the low educated Trump supporters, meaning you are that much better than them. Remember? EGO!

YOU are not better than anyone else period! You get into your pants/slacks, underwear/panties, shoes/sneaker just like everyone else. You may be better with words, but your choice of the INEPT person in the WH, shows your education better than anything else.

And another thing since you're so prolific with information so you state, if you knew it wasn't 63 Soldiers why didn't you make that known? Why? because I think your EGO gets in the way even knowing it wasn't your Blog

As I have Stated before, had your INEPT, I repeat, INEPT President followed the Protocols that were already set in place for the complete withdrawal, these Americans could possibly be alive today. Biden chose NOT TO, he just set his own time table, Yeah, some withdrawal plan he had. Drop the hammer and say get out, leaving billions of dollars worth of Equipment there to fall into an enemy's hands. SMART, real smart. You chose a real Winner!
Avatar Stack47 -
"I don't give a rats A$$ about what Evan Kilgore said."

FYI, that's the topic.

"what you said about Trump NOT withdrawing troops from The signing of the Doha agreement in February to the November election."

I asked a rhetorical question. I didn't expect you or any of the other MAGAs to be on Trump's inter-circle and know for a fact why the troops were not withdrawn.

"I proved what you had asked was wrong period."

Is that like when Trump lied about the same things over 250 times each?

"YOU are not better than anyone else period!"

Never said I was better.

"You get into your pants/slacks, underwear/panties, shoes/sneaker just like everyone else."

WTF does that mean? Been drinking some the wacky MAGA Kool-Aid?

"And another thing since you're so prolific with information so you state, if you knew it wasn't 63 Soldiers why didn't you make that known? "

Because the topic is "63 soldiers died under the orange orangutan" and that's a fact. If you paid attention, Kilgore the same guy you said "I don't give a rats A$$ about" was wrong. Are you nitpicking the fact there were 23 casualties "in Afghanistan the last year and a half of the Trump admin." when Kilgore said "There wasn’t a SINGLE American casualty"?

And speaking about misleading information and "if your going to post something about how many lives were lost at least be truthful!", why did you show a chart with "U.S. KIA (hostile) in Afghanistan only by month" and then say, "There were a total of 44 lives lost under President Trump."?

"As I have Stated before, had your INEPT, I repeat, INEPT President"

We get your point, you voted for the guy that lied over 30,500 in just four years. Do you really think anyone voting for Biden gives "a rats A$$ about" what you think about him?

Trump lost, do you whine when don't win the lottery?

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