Gaslighting Ivermectin, Vaccines And The Pandemic For Profit


Excellent info in this article. Even more if you click on some of the links.

Entry #195


Avatar jarasan -
The feds have united with big pharma to create a fascist pharma state, we must not comply with their dictates, joepedo is today's hitler, he must be stopped.
Avatar grwurston -
Isn't it strange how they are pushing so hard to get the shot before Jan 1. Which is when the PCR tests will change to being able to detect both the flu and covid.
And by the way, Moderna is coming out with a new shot that combines BOTH covid and flu. I wonder if they will tell you that when you go get a flu shot.
Hmm. Think about that for a minute. New tests that combine covid & flu.
New shots that combine covid & flu. So no matter which virus you test positive for, or show symptoms of, you get a shot for both.

Next question. If you have an adverse reaction how do they know which part of the shot you got it from? Get it from one blame the other, maybe?
Or perhaps if they can't tell, then no one is liable. Nice way to CYA.

Think there will be a "Warning Label"? Nah.

Avatar jarasan -
Non compliance all we need is 1 week of non compliance and this ends.
Avatar grwurston -
We the people don't realize just how much power we have.

All the companies saying get the shot or lose your jobs... Where would they be if everyone just said FU and walked out nationwide? Nurses, truckers, gov't workers, retail, police, sanitation, mass transit, etc.

We don't work for the gov't. The gov't works for us. Sometimes they need to be reminded.

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