Trump: Only Reason General Milley Still Has A Job He Knows Biden's Secrets


Entry #29,543


Avatar noise-gate -
* Gen Miley acted in the best interest of the nation. When you have the Commander in chief talking about fraud in an election in which he lost. Called he’s supporters to Washington who following a speech by the President, stormed the Capital- you bet Miley was protecting the nation.

* Anyone who thinks otherwise is UnAmerican. We elect a President for a term or two. We do NOT elect Presidents for life. Presidents serve the people- not themselves.
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise Fart, every time I make the mistake of reading another of your mindless/idiotic comments, my IQ temporarily slips down 10-15 points. I feel them slipping away just from being subjected to such an onslaught of unmitigated stupidity. May God forbid that that you ever be granted the ability to procreate and pass on the stupidity genes. According to you, "General Miley" acted in the best interest of the nation". Milley did in fact act in the best interest of the nation of "Tally-ban" Terrorists and the Chinese Communist Nation. That much we can agree on! I'm sure you also praise Milley for the "righteous drone strike" that vaporized innocent Afghan citizens and children. General Milley is not only incompetent and sucks at his job, but is also a despicable Anti-American traitor that actively conspired and plotted against the Commander-In-Chief. He obviously needs to be relieved of duty and sent to a Federal Prison for a very long period of time. There he can give the inmates evening classes on "critical race theory". But still you heap praise on this shameless traitor by "virtue" of him dialing up on the phone (without any justification or authority) to assure the Communist Chinese Military authorities not to worry, that he would tip them off in advance if President Trump were to order some sort of imaginary attack (that he never even entertained doing at any point in time). And pray tell, Farticus, what does that have to do with President Trump talking about the massive voter fraud and election rigging scheme that in fact DID occur was put in place to ensure that the feeble old bumbling fool Robinette BIDET emerged victorious over the MIGHTY DJT? Your contention seems to be that since the Devious/Cheating/Conniving/Dishonest Dim-Dems were successful in rigging the election to their advantage, there should be no talking about it, LOL! Believe you me, you'll be hearing a whole lot more talk about all the shenanigans when Trump steps back in the ring to reclaim the stolen election. The Dim-Dems will never be able to pull it off again, especially after the current fraudulent regime managed to ruin everything they touched in a remarkably short period of time. As President Trump succinctly stated, "everything woke, turns to $he-it" Of course, all of this factual information (not Biden state propaganda) went over the top of your head into outer space. All you need to remember is MAGA 2024 Baby Boy!

Avatar jarasan -
I believe the most outrageous fully lit gaslighting by farticus is in Comment1 is :"Presidents serve the people- not themselves." That is very funny, joepedo and his family have been grifting for themselves for 50 years, "50 years", 50 years of benefitting off joepedos political connections, what a perfect scam.
Avatar KAL035 -
I also found that hilarious! I wonder if joepedo will be donating the entirety of his undeserved/ill-gained 1.6 million dollar yearly salary to charity and public service organizations as did President Trump? Of course that 1.6 million is chump change in comparison to Biden's on-going grift collections, but I don't think he would give it up!
Avatar KAL035 -
Also mind-boggling stupid that Farticus attempts to equate the mighty DJT to some military junta "President For Life" type (such as former Haitian strongman Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier) because he talked about the obvious and massive/rampant election fraud that took place in order to ensure that their puppet Robinette BIDET was installed as fraudulent POTUS.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You read my stuff, l read portions of your diatribe because all l need to know is who you support & what you think.

* Say what you want about the current State of Politics, but there was a Reason Americans decide to ditch a hotel owner & go in a new direction.

* Had Biden been in Trump's position & acted the same way to get a 2nd term, calling hus supporters to Washington, tell them to stop the steal, Biden's supporters storming the Capitol, people dying because of Biden's actions...
* So.....STFU.
Avatar jarasan -
joepedo's supporters were burning down cities all across America.
Avatar KAL035 -
Excuse me Farticus, I realize you're extremely gullible and slow on the uptake, but this is getting a bit ridiculous! You still miss the point entirely! How many times must you told? Americans did NOT ditch Donald J. Trump and decide to go off in a "new direction" to have open borders, destroy the economy, surrender and acquiesce to terrorists, have mask mandates in place for the next 20 years, so on and so forth. Americans voted overwhelming to stay on course and reelected President Trump to a 2nd term in office after a landslide win of epic proportions never before seen. But of course the fix was in and Robinette Bidet magically became POTUS even though he couldn't get 20 enthusiastic dummies to show up at any of his events (whenever he was brave enough to leave the basement for a little while). You just keep denying it, but the world knows the truth, even our British cousins know it! See excellent video posted by Jarasan!
Avatar noise-gate -
Listen up imbeciles- it's as l said, l know how you think and that's good enough fir me, because l can put you in a corner where you can't move, but you try.

* You still haven't answered my previous statement about " if Biden was President " and pulled what Trump did. Your silence spells guilt.

* When Trump was booted from office, and he was booted because he refused to leave with dignity. He left a raft of SH** for Biden to clean up.

* Your incompetent President Made a F deal with the Taliban... call it what you what, it was he's baby. Saying the " pullout" could be done better yada yada is all well & good- but he got a signature on he's supposed deal. When things went South- Blame Biden. This clown started he's wall, when he got booted from office, he expected the wall to continue. Years from now this imbecile would have stood on a stage and said " was l right, even Biden continued building MY wall." Such is the narcissistic approach to everything, its me me me.

* Trump's so called Tarriff wars accomplished nothing- do research, WE GOT NOTHING out of those so call tarriff wars with China. We have masks mandates to " Keep People Alive" Texas & Florida in trying to show the nation they don't need masks, have the highest infection rates in the nation. Imbecile leadership and they would rather pushback at the masks to show they not going to go along with what the people need, which is to stay alive.

* Conservative talkshow hosts have DIED after spewing nonsense about the vaccines, the mssk Dr Fauci etc. You belong to a party that welcomes DEATH.

* So go ahead, keep injecting yourself with disinfectant, ivermectin & listening to Foxtv & Newsmax, because the nation as a whole, at least the majority of voters have DJzt in their remarried mirror. As l said before: Good riddance

* To show the incompetence thinking of your party: They have a poll here & there asking : Would you like Trump to run in 2024? Why not ask this instead : Eould you want Trump to run in 2924. A Man that attempted to destroy democracy by overturning the will of the voters? See how that plays out.

* Lastly- Trump won in a landslide in the Maga minds in an alternate reality. The world, Members in Congress & Senate know the true facts, which is why they silent on the matter. Instead they having States go over the results & coming up with NOTHING.

* You guy lost, live with it. The election is coming up to a year & you guys are still bawling - Grow the F up, all of you- Including DJT.
Avatar jarasan -
farticus you are a broken record. 100,000,000 people voted for Trump, joepedo did not win fairly, millions of crimes were committed with all those illegal votes, the statute of limitations has not run out.

Same with this last election, they are presently murdering this country, we the people must stop the murders. joepedo is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, the murdering interloper must be stopped.

farticus, if your mother was murdered and they told you to get over it, would you? Answer my question nothing else.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Pedosan- The broken record is you guys. You keep saying Trump won by over 100mil.. my question is " Where is the paper Trail " for these supposedly numbers? Who is promoting this, cause it's not on ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NEWSWEEK or any TV outlet.

*Who has the proof? Because Rudy, Sidney & others are being sued for BILLIONS- how is it that those people did not produce the 100mil votes going to Trump. Instead we got

* Trump lost in every court in the land. There hasn't been a single court that has said " we need to look more closely at this." Reason being, there is nothing there.
Avatar noise-gate -
*.. opps- Instead we got NOTHING for them to fight with. Sidney even said " People should have known she was not serious about her accusations. " So Powell who is an attorney says there is nothing there, but you- being whatever you are is saying " something is there."

* Which begs the question: Why weren't you in court with Rudy defending Trump?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Pick up a new hobby because defending Trump is a losing battle. In less than 2 months, it would have been a year since Trump lost.

*At what point do you look in the mirror and say Pedosan, NG is right, we need to call this whole thing off..
Avatar noise-gate -
* l missed this gem of yours " They are presently murdering people." Who is " they."

* On Trump's watch, we had the militia ruse, we had Floyd killed, we had Trump walk across the lawn with Miller only to hold up a Bible as though to say " God is with me." Well guess what, God was not interested in Trump's narcissistic approach to everything.

* Even Paula White, Donald's spiritual adviser said Archangels were being summoned to the WH to " help out."
Looney Presidency, looney advisers. More Satanic than anything.
Avatar jarasan -
farticus did you kill your mother??? Did you tell yourself, I'll get over it?

The answer is in the following sentence.."joepedo is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, the murdering interloper must be stopped."They are his handlers that turn off his microphone when he goes off teleprompter, joepedo murdered a family of seven last week against CIA recommendations and 13 US soldiers the week before that....... and he was like: here hold my pudding.

farticus, I know Dr Death Fraudchi is your type, did you vote for him as sexiest man alive???

farticus did you know your daddy?? Did you kill him???
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise Fart, your stupidity truly knows no bounds. Your dumb question "if Biden had been President" is totally irrelevant for the following reasons: Robinette BIDET would have NEVER been installed as fake POTUS if not by fraudulent means, to-wit: election fraud, artifice and trickery. True Conservatives and True Republicans (does not include RINOS) NEVER engage in cheating and trickery. They play strictly by the book. Cheating and trickery is the exclusive realm of Devious Democrats. Has always been this this way, will always be that way, and everybody knows it. The end ALWAYS justifies the means for Democrats. If they must cheat to win, then they cheat, simple as that! Integrity and honesty are not concepts they can relate to. "See, See"! "We won"! "Orange Man Bad"! they gleefully shout from the streets! Today's Democrats are rotten to the core and have no scruples or principles; only thing that matters is allegiance to the party, power and control over the people. You pitiful sheeple just suck it up, bow down and say thank-you Supreme Master! You love Communism and hate Capitalism with a passion! Robinette BIDET appreciates your lack of understanding/discernment and blind allegiance to the party. As usual, The RINOS just let it go and cozy up to the the Dim-Dems. The rest of them are too timid to say anything lest they be accused of being "RAYCISS" by the Dim-Dems. The Dims feigned shock and outrage when the Mighty DJT fought back with the truth about the rigged election results. And you ain't heard nothing yet. The best is yet to come. MAGA 2024 Baby Boy!
Avatar KAL035 -
I bet the parents of Farticus would have been so proud of Farticus for being so smarts if only he had not already done them in by not triple masking. Farticus does love him some Dr Death Fraudci!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Is that the new tactic, can't win or convince an argument to go your way, so attack the Mother?

*Are you this desperate for a win, much like your Ex Disgraced President?

* DJT lost, and he lost badly despite him trying to convince the voters, the courts, sane people he did. The guy is 75 years for crying out loud, what did you expect from him the next 4 years, misery.. oh yeah, l forgot misery loves company.

* The election was over last November, did you forget the memo that was sent out?

* Why don't you pedo's join the lawfirm of Rudy & Sidney.
Avatar noise-gate -
* The so called mighty DJT was beaten like a drum by Sleepy Joe Biden. Live with it.

I don't know what is it about losing, people get used to it. I mean
* Ali Lost.
* Manny.
* The Celtics & Lakers lost.
* Barcelona & Real madrid lost.
* Ronnie Coleman lost.
* Nixon lost.
* Brazil lost.
* Carter lost.
* GW Bush lost.
* McGregor lost.

....But ill informed, clueless folk thought Trump was invincible, ok, right.

*Grow up leprechauns.
Avatar KAL035 -
Dang, Farticus, you make such compelling arguments becuz you beez so smarts, LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Yes l am making a compelling case pedo's because you'll lack the ability to think clearly. Like children, l have to use examples to drive my point home.

* But not you guys. You reject reality, like the vaccines were put together to " kill people." Better to take ivermectin & other stuff out there.

* Thing is, you can claim Trump won until you blue in the face, it's not based on reality. Just because you don't like the results, doesn't mean you have to throw a fit for 1p months. That's what you'll have done & continue to do.

* Lets for argument sake say " Millions of paper ballots are discovered that were unchecked, and after running them through the machines, it's found that 75% of those ballots are for Biden.. what then? Will you guys NOW claim that it proves the election was somehow " rigged?" I know you would..


Avatar noise-gate -
* One more thing: Why hasn't Trump won a Single case based on a so called " rigged" election? The courts are stacked with pro Trump appointees, huh huh fools?

* Better yet, why didn't he hire Eddie Tipton to throw the votes he's way? After all he pulled off the almost impossible. Trump could have used a guy like Eddie.One con man using another- what a novel idea, don't you think?
Avatar noise-gate -
* One more thing: Why hasn't Trump won a Single case based on a so called " rigged" election? The courts are stacked with pro Trump appointees, huh huh fools?

* Better yet, why didn't he hire Eddie Tipton to throw the votes he's way? After all he pulled off the almost impossible. Trump could have used a guy like Eddie.One con man using another- what a novel idea, don't you think?
Avatar KAL035 -
Only 75%? More like 100%! Of course they were are all for Biden you moron! They were all printed off a multitude of copier machines during the overnight hours when it was seen that Trump had won in a massive landslide, and after the independent election observers had been directed to leave the premises Duh!
Avatar noise-gate -
* All that crap you talking about was USED in courts and thrown out.

* Why were there no objections to the votes in the States Trump won? It's only an attack on democracy in States he lost... how convenient.
Trump will always win in a landslide in your minds, its to be expected,but in the real world, It's different.

* Your spurned Ex President opened his filthy mouth about the CA election & even before the recall- this clown was saying it was " rigged."

* That's the playbook for you guys: If a conservative loses to a Democrat, its because it was rigged, how nice, how lovely.

* The American democracy cut off the head of the Trump snake- we can now breath free, but it's still a struggle, this snake still has venom left in it's supporters.

* History will not be kind to both Trump & you guys, you heard it here first.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Here's a first: Trump is the FIRST President in History to lose a fair election & then incite an increase insurrection to overturn the will of the people & get himself back in power. Had a Democrat or independent President done that.... you can finish the sentence if you honest with yourselves.

* Had Trump been successful in overturning the will of the American people, Here's a guarantee: America would have lost it's right to " tell other countries how to conduct free & fair " elections.

* Trump would have forever brought a stain to the Presidency by inciting violence at the Capitol & getting away with it.

* Does any of that resonate with you fools, or is it- l just don't care?
Avatar KAL035 -
No Farticus, does not resonate. Not in the slightest. You accurately describe your own foolish self. Your contention is "Don't Confrooze Me with the Facts, I've already got my Pea-Brain mind made up". Keep spreading the lies all you want. Only dim-wit dots give one iota of credence to any nonsense you spout off here on these pages. You are the typical American Marxist described by Mark Levin in his latest best seller book. The overwhelming will of the people was that President Trump serve a second term. And he will get his second term. Mark my words Baby Boy! MAGA 2024!
Avatar jarasan -
farticus you are so out of tune, nothing resonates. farticus you are a stretched string, worn out. Killing your parents was the breaking point, turn yourself in, do it for joepedo. And tell that stupid monkey on your back to stop pounding that keyboard so much.
Avatar noise-gate -
* …and here l was thinking that “ The walking Dead” was only a TV show.
Avatar grwurston -
* When you have the Commander in chief talking about fraud in an election in which he lost. Called he’s supporters to Washington who following a speech by the President, stormed the Capital...

ng this was in your very first comment in this thread, as a matter of fact it was your second and third sentence. You keep claiming that we won't let go that Trump lost and we need to get over it, but yet here you are bringing it up in your very first comment on an article that has nothing to do with the election. You do it on every blog you respond to. Why is that?

Sounds to us like you are far more obsessed with it than we are. The proof will come out when it comes out. We'll wait. But you are losing sleep over it, it's all you talk about. You're like a little kid climbing the walls in his bedroom on Xmas eve waiting for Santa Claus. Take a valium or something, calm down, relax.
Btw, What has biden done that has been great for the people since he became President? You still haven't answered.
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise fart's only answer thus far to that question is that Robinette BIDET allegedly "kicked Trump out of the White House" or some such nonsense to that effect. That's enough for Noise Fart, nothing else matters. Orange Man so bad! LOL!
Avatar grwurston -
Like they say,
Ever notice how biden supporters never say anything good about biden?
Everything they say is all anti Trump.

Doesn't say much for their arguement that he got 81 million votes.
Which goes to show his votes are just like his supporters, 100% phoney and fake.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I am simply addressing why the Thread topic says what it says. I defended Trump for not getting us into a war... but l am not going to defend his mistakes and constantly blaming not only Biden, but every President that came before.

* The problem l have with Donald is that he does not take responsibility for anything going South- He got impeached for his quid pro quo, he called it a “ Perfect phone call.”

* Trump signs a deal with the Taliban, a murderous organization to get our trooops out of there and when the withdrawal does not go as planned, it’s Biden’s fault.

* He calls supporters to the Capitol, instructs them to “ go to Capital hill, which subsequently turns into. Mess with doors going, Cops being killed. Trump, did not take responsibility once again..

* So excuse me if l have had it with folk who think they make no mistakes and should not be corrected or removed from office. Republicans with SPINES got rid of Nixon and this guy has done far worse. It’s no wonder Gen Miley who saw this guys behavior far more than we do, decided to do the right thing. You guys won’t admit it, but Trump is mentally unstable. Believe you me, if Biden,Bush, Clinton or Obama had acted as Trump did, l would want them gone.

* By the way, why are you getting upset with what l post? I tolerate your BS knowing it’s BS because l can still it’s just that without reading it. none of you, not a single one has ever said “ Yeah, Trump made a mistake.” That right there speaks volumes on anything you guys will ever say. Gee, when Clinton screwed up, he went before the nation and apologized, Trump never.

* Know what, when Trump keeps his nose out of the news and fades away, l won’t write about- but l write to remind you fools that you were fooled back in 2016 and continue to be.

*Psst the guy is 75 years of age, not 35 or 45, or 55. If Miley was afraid of what he would do since he was so desperate, and he was, Miley acted in the best interest of this nation. Trump on the other hand did not, he acted in the best interest of himself.

* Why can’t Trump simply go away? Use the remaining time he has breathing the fresh air down in FL by going fishing, golfing, writing his memoirs or some other stuff, why continue to stick your nose in politics when you were never good at it in the 1st place. He had the attention span of a emu.

* That covers it...
Avatar grwurston -
The perfect phone call was exactly that. Read the transcript. No quid pro quo even mentioned.

Biden screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal. He removed the miltary, then left civilians and equipment there. You don't leave Americans behind. Regardless of Trump's deal, biden promised in August he would get everybody out. He did not. Like he said, the buck stops with me. He was commander in chief at the time. Like it or not, he owns it.
What makes you think I'm upset? I'm not one bit. I'm just trying to point out when you're about things. Which is a lot.
As far as Jan 6, dems were calling for violence way before then. That's why we had all the riots in 2020. Your proof is here, right from their mouths. Imagine people saying that about you.

Trump is a young 75, biden is an old 78.
Trump will be back in 2024. Count on it. Then he's going to have fix all of bidens screw ups. That alone will take 4 years.

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