Grandma and friend breaks into pool breaks leg and threatens to sue


Entry #29,597


Avatar noise-gate -
* If they lived in the United States, they'd be Maga folk- think breaking into pool-think breaking into the US Capitol. Total disregard for property.
Avatar sully16 -
If they were from California, they would have taken a giant poop on the sidewalk first.
Avatar grwurston -
MAGA folks would know better, libs/dems, not so much.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Many of the homeless in other States makes the trek to come to California & poop on the sidewalks- they not all local grown you morons. It's a fact, do research.

* The folks who took part in the Jan 6th insurrection were listening to your demigod before going to the Capitol. I seriously doubt those were Dems, independents- once again your idiot brains refuse to function. How many of the folks arrested by the FBI fir the Capitol insurrection have been identified as Dems? See how idiotic your posts are.

* This blog is first adults, you obviously didn't read the fine print. Stay in the kiddie pool.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Maga folks would know better?" Lke taking ivermectin instead of getting the vaccine? Your folks shouting Lindsay G down for suggesting you guys get the vaccine- it's like l said " your kind are incapable of thinking clearly. "

* Storming the Capitol when democracy doesn't work & you don't like the results?

* Your posts are insulting to humanity.
Avatar jarasan -
farticus STFU, bigot, racist, POS TDS, moron.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Yeah Pedosan, that last bit of vitriolic nonsense shows the dept of your ignorance. Your fellow Conservative Gov in Florida does not want " black people " Haitians in Florida= Racist. If Haiti had blonde, blue eyed folks, " Oh yeah, you welcome." What a bunch of hypocrites.

* Abbott going on about the wall= Keeping brown people out, Racist. You should be the last to talk and use the word Racist in a sentence you clueless F.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Know what: Try injecting ivermectin directly into your brains, perhaps that could jolt some sense into you lot, here's to hoping..
Avatar sully16 -
Sooooooooooo, people are moving to California to poop on the sidewalk?   Someone is in serious denial.
They should just rename the State Calipoopyonya.
Avatar jarasan -
Correct! The sh1t on state! Sh1t for brains farticus, racist SFB farticus, idiot lives and thrives in it.
Avatar JAP69 -
# posted by sully16 : 12:33 PM
Avatar sully16 -
Weasel trembles in fear at the "Insurrection" Remember, the little old lady and her flag?, People taking pictures, Some yahoos jumping up and down laughing, omg! If that's what scares you, then buddy go get some O2, because all that methane from the poopy is clouding your judgement.
PS, don't light a match in San Fran, all that methane is much more dangerous than that a little old lady with her flag.
Avatar jarasan -
# posted by sully16 : 12:33 PM
# posted by JAP69 : 1:06 PM

Avatar noise-gate -
* Right, says the forum clowns who think 45 won & the insurrectionists didn't do anything wrong, after all they were just " upset" and were acting out, no biggie.

*Few people got killed, but hey- lots more people die from gun violence or in car accidents, right? That's your warped thinking, but hey..
Avatar noise-gate -
* Right, says the forum clowns who think 45 won & the insurrectionists didn't do anything wrong, after all they were just " upset" and were acting out, no biggie.

*Few people got killed, but hey- lots more people die from gun violence or in car accidents, right? That's your warped thinking, but hey..
Avatar jarasan -
farticus you're an angry impatient monkey, don't pound the keyboard, double posting poop flinging primate.

That dsl is slow as poopy... isn't it? You should know by now, but you are a poor student, and unable to learn new stuff.
Avatar sully16 -
Detective Weasel B. Dingleberry , now he can read minds, he decides how we think.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Think?

*Where did you get the idea that you capable of doing that?Rudy & Powell didn't think you were worthy of formulating a thought, which is one of the reasons Powell said " l didn't expect people to think l was telling the truth."

* Yet l recall you guys talking about Powell " releasing the Kraken." So taken in by conspiratorial theories that you clowns were willing to believe anything, yet here you are 11 months later still groaning over the loss of your standard bearer.Had l believed what Rudy & Powell had saud, l would be the last to open my mouth, l would be too ashamed know that l was taken advantage of, but it doesn't affect you fools because your brains are floating in kool-aid.

* It will be a year next month since Trump lost- get over it.
Avatar sully16 -
You should be ashamed of all the poopy on the sidewalks in Cali.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Powell called you and others who bought into her BS “ poop” about the kraken, imbeciles. Must make you proud to know she thinks you guys are horse dung. Trump has and is still treating you fools like gum beneath his shoe. He is walking all over you guys and you too incompetent to see it, then again one needs a brain to think- which you guys don’t have.

Avatar sully16 -
Your a broken record, that's all you got? Your a tiny insecure nothing and you think rehashing all this crap makes you superior, guess again .
Trump was by far, the best President we have ever had, he did more for us then the last 20 could ever do.
He woke a sleeping nation, steal my vote again mfer's......
Avatar noise-gate -
* The broken records are you guys, all of you. You probably were looking for a political savior, but what you got was a brash misbehaved moron who thought he could remake America in his own image. This clueless guy you voted for attacked just about saying who stood in his way, be it Mccain,McCain, and the list goes on and on.

*Then his love for dictators. This guy you voted for " Took the F word of Putin over our own intelligence." So say whatever you want, but he was the head of a celebrity Administration. This clown was at a G7 Summit and shoves the leader of a country aside so he can have a photo of. Maybe that BS works in Red States, but in the Real World, your eyes are open. None of you fools have ever taken my posts apart by calling my bluff on what l post, know why? Cause its the truth.

,* As for Trump being the best President we ever had. You delusional. Which is one of the reasons None of you will openly say " he lost" to do that would mean he wasn't the Greatest, that he was flawed, and HE WAS. When it really counted, this fool was AWOL. Covid exposed this guy for what he was " all mouth " and incapable of profound leadership. The most yelling part of this guy you voted for was that even out of office, his narcissistic personality will not allow other Republican candidates to throw their hats in the ring to run for President.

* He wasn't impeached because of his skin color, he was impeached for breaking the law, you know it but won't admit it. If he ever became President again, this country would be in for a helluva ride. The would think he had Emperoral powers, America had it with him & a vengeful person has no place being leader of a country, especially this one.

* He woke a sleeping nation, you right- they didn't like what they saw & booted him out.
Avatar jarasan -
Let's get up to today 10-6-21 joepedo approval 38% disapproval 53% not sure he is our president 9%.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I know rhid may come as a shock to you- but True Americans want the President of the United States to succeed. That was true going back decades until we experienced Trump.

* if this country was attacked, and we were at war, both sides would come together for the common good and support the Commander in Chief, but we are not in those times, and because 45 has brainwashed you guys by constantly telling you and anyone who will listen that he did not lose, the divide continues.

* The folks who think Joe is not President are the thoroughly brainwashed. Then again- one has to ask, what questions were put forth to get Joe to 38%?

* Were some questions: Did Biden handle the Afghanistan pullout to your satisfaction?
* No sane person put there is wishing Trump was still in power. Not after the Jan 6th insurrection.
* Joe is also being blocked by implementing his agenda. The Republicans are pushing back on the infrastructure deal. Obviously their roads & bridges are in great shape.

* We only up to a year in Joe's administration, there are 3 and a half to go, so if he takes on water, he will be gone, but whether Joe goes to 12%, that does not mean 45 is going to be re installed in the WH. That's a wet dream & only that.
Avatar sully16 -
omg, Trump did not break any laws, what they attempted was a coup, they committed so many crimes and stole so much money from the American people, they were running scared and trying everything to cover up and distract. They all belong in prison.
Avatar sully16 -
Ole weasel the gaslighter, all you are doing is regurgitating Liberal talking points, Trump broke the law?really,spell it all out....... all of it.
Now get a shovel and start cleaning up the crap on your sidewalks before someone gets really sick.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Who's" They?"

* If Trump was doing such a great job as President, why was he let go? Before you say he wasn't- need l remind you that even conservative appointment judges looked at the so called evidence and told Donny " We love you man, but no can do!"

* As l mentioned earlier: Sidney call all of you supporters Morons. Are you going to take that one on the chin & come to your senses or are you going to say " keep slaying me with lies, l love it."
Avatar jarasan -
#joepedo is illegitimate, farticus, since you are a primate wanna-be, you.. of all monkeys have no idea what it means to be an American, much less a US citizen. Clearly you are rooting for the planet of the apes, or do you see yourself as the little precious monkey Gollum?

Avatar grwurston -
ng must have swallowed all the sh1t on the sidewalk and decided to spit it out here. He's more full of it than usual today. Just one question, did it taste like cnn or msnbc?

Do a google search for, 2020 riots images. That's what people who have a "total disregard for property" do. Your words ng.

I don't think Granny and her friend did anything close. Neither was what happened Jan 6.

That sounds like a destination in one of those vacation movies with Chevy Chase.   C'mon kids, we're gonna go sh1t on the sidewalk. Get the camera!!!

Avatar jarasan -
Calipoopyonya sung to Californication....................farticus do you "Dream of Calipoopyonya"
Avatar noise-gate -
* Standby for a news alert:
Wow, you guys were right all along, l apologize. The Trump team of investigators have uncovered 231,000 ballots that were unaccounted for, all for 45. This puts 45 over the top. I guess Biden will have to move out of the White House. This is earth-shaking news.

* That means we will definitely have another Inauguration before the end of the year. You guys must be pleased. How could l have been this wrong?

Avatar noise-gate -
* Why won't any of you guys believe me? You believed Trump when he said he won last November. So Trump's word is solid, but mine is not?

*If Trump said he had booked passage on Spacex to be the first human to visit Mars, would you believe him?

* Its a Yes or No question!
Avatar sully16 -
Why won't you explain why one county in Mich got 735% votes, all for pedojoe.?
By the way, getting ready to get some snow tires, just wondering what kind of tires do you need for trekking thru doodoo?
Oh, been doing some crocheting, do you need some new Calipoopyonya mudd mittens?
Avatar noise-gate -
* You are the head imbecile around here. You incapable of thinking clearly & the reason l say that is because many of these folks taking a dump on the sidewalks in SF have mental health issues. Some are vets & for you to go off as though they all in their right minds shows the depth of your ignorance. Why don’t you go take a dump and clear your head for once in your life.

* You post about giving to “ Wounded Warriors “ etc etc, but you don’t think for a minute about folks living on the street & having no place to call home- look in the mirror, you will see a hypocrite in all her glory!
Avatar sully16 -
oooooo somebody got his panties in a bunch, most of these people are drug addicts, and their situation made worse by liberal policies.
Calipoopyonya let these people run amok for years, offering no solution and no help.
The other victims are people who have to live with this, kids going to school with needles and human waste and nobody attempts to stop this behavior.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You a fraud, stop trying to backtrack on your own behavior. l see through you, always have.
Avatar grwurston -
So here's a serious question.
Everyone knows it's a problem in Calif, so what is Newsome gonna do about it since you guys re-elected him?
Did anyone even ask him?
Avatar sully16 -
We had a President who tried to stop the flood of drugs into our Country, but libtards voted against it.
We had a President who tried to stop the hoards of people pouring into our Country so homelessness wouldn't increase and money and resources wouldn't be wasted but Libtards voted against it, and now we have a flood of people with nowhere to go.
We had a President who worked to get Veterans easier access to Dr's and help for those who are suicidal, but stupid Azz Dems voted against it.
Cali gives junkies needles so they don't spread disease, what a joke, what do you think all that chit is doing? Maybe they should spend the needle money on toilets, a clean place to sleep and a hot shower, if these people are suffering it is directly caused by the Democrats poor decisions.
Want to talk about fraud, well weasel the more you post the more people see your true colors, your getting more hateful by the minute and that's who you are, and you fraud, cry like a baby if anyone says something contrary to you, but you have no problem stalking people and doing it yourself, looks like you're the HYPOCRIT.
Avatar sully16 -
And I'll make this point clear, my issue is not with the poopers, it's with the Nutless wonders you call leaders who are letting this happen.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It's only viewed as " hate" if l talk negatively about Trump. In your world or should l say fantasy world, everything was Great under Trump, well wake up girl, it wasn't. Sure there are more Red States than blue, but guess what, the train has left the station.

* Trump was not as smart as you portray him to be, you wanted a President, he saw himself as an Emperor, which is one of the reasonshe got defeated.As for being hateful by the minute, look in the mirror, you guys are the hateful one.

* Who goes about : Trolling my posts, looking to see what l have said, it's whether it fits your criteria- you guys are so pathetic, it's GOTTEN so bad that even if l quote a SCRIPTURE" You down-vote it" such is the depth of your hatefulness. I do not downvote people because everyone has a right to express their views- but oh no, not you guys. Which is one of the reasons l call you & others fraudsters. The other thing that makes you a fraud is that all you Maga folks stick together, think as one, if you " not part of that circle of friends " it's open season for down voting. What you fail to see is that people come here to have fun, but you guys create this warped reality that things have to be the way you see it & no freedom of expression is allowed.

* Perhaps if the ex President had retired & faded into history as the rest have, we wouldn't be having to put up with the corruption that is being unearthed by that administration.

* The election is over, but across this nation, this narcissistic clown continues to hold power over weak minds. Remember when Bill Clinton had his impeachment, conservatives dragged that on for months and you guys enjoyed it. Something more serious than that occurred under 45's watch, and you not interested in getting to the bottom of it. How times have changed, which is the reason l have said- Donald wanted to destroy democracy, if you think he should have, you living in a bubble. The guy is history- he lost and until you wake up and smell the coffee. Trump belongs in Vegas, perhaps you guys can show up from time to time to support the gifted.

* Better yet, just ignore my posts, it would be helpful. Btw- Switzerland was giving out needles for years.

Avatar noise-gate -
* Wanna know pathetic you guys are: l posted a picture of a kid hugging a chicken, and one of you clown down voted it." And you call me hateful....
Avatar grwurston -
* Perhaps if the ex President had retired & faded into history as the rest have, we wouldn't be having to put up with the corruption that is being unearthed by that administration.

You're right. If Trump had just retired and left, no one would ever have known about all the corruption the dems and others have been doing. He's exposing them and they don't like it one bit. They got caught. Too bad for them.

You know, there's over 218,000 members here. And you think the few of us here are the only one's giving you down votes? That's funny!!! HAHAHA
Guess what. It ain't us... You're getting paranoid.

By the way, we don't hate you. We just like messin' with yer head!!!

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