Pro-lifer's hypocrisy


Right-wingers are so concerned about a fetus, until it becomes a baby and is born. After this, they walk away as fast as they can when it comes to who will raise the kid to adulthood.

I'm wondering how many of you hypocrites are willing to shell out your hard-earned money to construct hundreds of large orphanages, pay staff, food and education to raise those kids....anyone???

All I hear is run run away....HYPOCRITES!!!

Entry #35


Avatar sully16 -
So your answer is to kill babies, okay, well, what about all the illegal aliens ?, should we feed them ?, clothe them ?, build shelter ?, or just kill them? Because that burden is on us. What about the homeless, what do we do with them? They are causing a huge strain on the services,?
Okay, so just kill babies're little meme is way out of whack, spin city .
The rich elites have armed guards for their children, why not for the poor kids? so yes guns in school for the properly trained, because they are already there for the rich.
Avatar rdgrnr -
What an old, lame, worn out argument.

Get laid, get pregnant or get somebody pregnant and then just butcher your child alive because he or she might be an inconvenience and cramp your partying lifestyle.

"Nobody will support it and I won't be able to party as much with a kid around!"

Who's going to pay for hundreds of orphanages, staff, food and education for these kids, you ask? How about the people who HAD those kids? Why do you Leftists always expect someone else to pay for everything you do? Garnish their f'ing wages for 18 years to pay for it and throw them in jail if they don't. It'll all get paid for. You'll probably say they'll just kill the kid before they'll do that. Well, that's what they're doing now so there's at least less risk.

It HAS to be a mental disorder with you blood-thirsty monsters. Here you are actually trying to rationalize the wholesale slaughter of innocent little BABIES! You ought to be put down like a rabid dog.
Avatar sully16 -
Best clean your ears out, we ain't Crickets and we ain't running.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sorry but a fetus is not A baby. Go get some education before you embarrass yourselves any further.

So you want to force a woman what to do with her body? So a daughter who gets raped by her father should keep the kid because right-wingers can't see the whole picture? Does a two-year-old kid have the right to tell his mother what to do? Of course not.

Oh I won't take the vaccine because it's my body my choice, but if it comes to pregnancy it's not your body your choice anymore? And please don't tell me that same old tired answer of there's a big difference because it's a baby, it's not a freaking baby yet.

You people think being pregnant is just a visit to the hospital and then go home. There's a lot of times when women died because of the stress involved. The whole body changes permanently for the rest of their lives.

And of course you have to deflect to other subjects because that's what the right does. Deflect, redirect, anything address the specific specific questions.

The only thing that Texas law did was to force women to go to other states, or use a wire hanger. Great job! You people are so so smart, especially when you shoot yourself in the foot and don't feel the pain.

All religions, especially Christianity is a poison to humanity. Just remember this, we are all born atheist until somebody lies to us.

It's funny how the right-wing always cries out over and over, don't tell me what to do with my life, don't tell me what to do with my body, don't tell me how to do anything, big government this big government that, but you have exceptions to the rule which are only exclusive when it benefits you, and you don't even realize it.

Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Abortion kills babies” is an article of faith on the American right. The millions of voters who have grown up hearing nothing else are not lying when they say they believe life begins at conception. They are entitled to that belief, as long as they don’t weaponize it to punish strangers. The question of whether a fetus is a person is conveniently unanswerable. The question of whether a woman is a person, however, is not up for debate—and it is female personhood, not fetal personhood, that should decide the issue of basic bodily autonomy
Avatar sully16 -
Stop right there, the minute that sperm meets the egg, that is a life, that's a soul.
Calling it a fetus or a baby, that's a human life.
Stop with the coat hanger crap, we are all born atheist, you tell yourself there is no God, but you sure sure do blame him when you can.
Go watch an abortion of someone who has a fully formed baby, the arms get ripped off, the little legs get pulled apart, it is quite the saddest most disturbing thing you will ever witness.
Avatar sully16 -
Ya know what, your sick and I want no part of you. I have to was your stench off.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
This is exactly what I mean when I say I don't care what people, ordinary people believe in, as far as religion goes, it's the people who have the power to legislate laws based on their garbage belief systems.

Christians believe the second the sperm touches the egg it's a baby. You' were indoctrinated from birth to believe this nonsense, and you can't help it. It's part of you now oh, yes in some cases brainwashed religious people can be de-,programmed, but in the majority of people, it will never happen. They think they have the right answers because their magical Sky daddy told them in a book. And then they write legislation based on a fairy tale book written by ignorant old desert dwellers in the Bronze Age as fact. I didn't want to steer this to religion, but the abortion thing is all tied together with consevative, religious white men wanting to control and what to do with their own body, and their religious brainwashed brains making laws based on their religious belief system.

And no, for the 7,000th time, this country was not founded on judeo-christian values. I don't even know what that means, it's just one of those terms people like to throw around but have no idea what it means.

Your so-called Christian loving God who has infinite Mercy, sanctions slavery, allows ownership of other people.....and allows them to be and if they don't die within two days just to keep them. one rule for the Jews as far as slave owners, and a different rule for non-jews, your God loves to kill the whole planet cuz he had a hissy fit but he loves people. He's so loving he killed the firstborn, he is so loving that it allows almost 20,000 kids in third world countries to die at the ages under five and below, every single day, totaling almost eight million a year. And if they win a war, God allows them to take the opposing people's young daughters for sex slaves keep them to themselves. Ninety percent of Christians don't even know their own Bible. And don't tell me that's the Old Testament it doesn't count anymore, bull crap! Does that may also include the Ten Commandments? You can't pick and choose what you like to keep in the Bible and discard the rest. And lastly, not that I believe this actually happened, but according to your book, when Jesus returns they asked him if the old laws or not to be held oh, and Jesus supposedly replied no, not one jot or tittle shall be erased, keep those Commandments till the end of the world or time or whatever it says. Now you can twist yourselves in all kinds of pretzels to defend slavery and say it was just indentured servitude, but you'd be wrong and wasting your time.

Your hypocritical God hates abortion, yet he allows 8 million kids to die from malnutrition and or disease on a daily basis. Your God is not a loving God, first of all he doesn't exist secondly if he does, he's a tyrant! You are worshipping temper tantrum Tyrant. No thanks, I'll stick with using my brain instead of believing in Hocus Pocus. And then having that filthy book guide me and to writing laws.

There are over 5,000 religions on this planet, but I'm sure yours is the right one.
Avatar rdgrnr -
It's the bulldog-looking Democrat "ladies" who started the "my body, my choice" slogan. Why does it only apply to your dismembering of live babies and not me having to take an experimental mRNA gene therapy that will be attached to my cells for the rest of my life? That's when I say my body, my life, son.

And let me ask you the question that noisy-gate and all the other America-haters run away from:
If the "vaccine" really works and it protects you, why do you insist that I get it? If it works, you have nothing to worry about, right?

Christianity is a poison to humanity?
I'd like to be there when you explain that to Jesus. Good luck.

You're worried that women might hurt themselves with coat hangers when they try to kill their baby? Do you hear yourself? You're more worried about the murderer than the victim being brutally murdered. The same way you worry about murderers on Death Row but never the victim's family. You have a mental disorder, son, that much is clear. You're insane.

And then you always roll out the incest thing which is extremely rare outside of middle eastern countries like Iran and so forth. And if it does happen via incest or rape, why does the innocent baby get the death penalty while the incestual father or rapist gets nothing or just a slap on the wrist?

You say there's a lot to having a baby for a woman and it changes their bodies for life. Oh my goodness gracious, God forbid! Have you ever seen how abortion changes a baby's body for their brief life? I have large signs I could show you that show it in gory detail. It ain't pretty.

You're just another godless Democrat like noisy-gate but you will definitely believe in Almighty God and His only begotten Son Jesus one day. And that day it will be too late for you to change your mind. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
There's absolutely no evidence that Jesus had any magical powers. We don't have any of the original manuscripts if they were any in the first place, and the four books of Luke Matthew John and Mark we're given was named by the church, there's no proof they exists either.

And like a little girl Christian, so typical, doesn't address the Old Testament. You are an atheist to all the other gods that people believe in, but some deranged reason you believe your God is the true one and the rest are fake. And you called me delusional?

Getting the vaccine doesn't reduce you or anybody else from getting infected, what it does is lessens the chances of getting it. I for one shouldn't have gotten the vaccinations because I knew from the get-go that my heart was not in the best of shape, and I was afraid of doing it. My gut feeling is Right 90% of the time oh, but it failed me and I got the vaccinations.

Having moved from Florida to California on August 11th, exerting Myself by moving a relative's boxes and my own stuff up to the second floor of an apartment building really took a toll on my heart. I have to be careful what and how much I eat for lunch because depending on the situation, my heart will start racing after about an hour. Then I have to drink a couple of shots of vodka to calm it down. I don't know if it's directly because of the vaccine or a combination of the vaccine and exertion on my heart. I'm hoping this is just a temporary situation. I may have to go to my local VA Hospital to get checked out if it doesn't get any better.

But I'm an exception to the rule, most people will never have issues.

Avatar rdgrnr -
Pick3master, you are an insufferable moron, son.

I'm not going to go line by line again refuting your ridiculous nonsense. Just keep shaking your fist at God or denying His existence. You're no trailblazer, it's been done by millions and millions before you and it's because you have been turned over to a reprobate mind as stated in Romans 1:28. You can do nothing BUT blaspheme. It's who you are. It's what you do. It's in your DNA now.

Yes, Jesus did say not one jot or tittle of the Law would pass in Matthew 5:18 but please be kind enough to show me in His Word where slavery was a LAW. Hint: It wasn't. He was talking about LAW not passing away, not old traditions and customs which were common and accepted in that era. Wake the hell up, Numbnuts. Snap out of it.
Avatar jarasan -
nosepicker 38x a day has perforated his septum with his incessant nose picking monkey finger and has resulted in a untreatable septic brain infection. It is incapable of human rational thought.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Show your evidence, or it's just simply assertions. I can say pink elephants live in a secret part of the North Pole and they Thrive. It's just an assertion. It's incumbent upon me to prove that, not anybody else. So prove your Christian God is the true one and the rest are all fake. I'll wait.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Sorry but a fetus is not A baby."

True but the pitifully stupid people will never understand that. They don't want government to tell them to get vaccinated but want the government telling women what they can't do with their body. These people are so dumb, they can't comprehend a woman's Constitutional Rights.

"State criminal abortion laws, like those involved here, that
except from criminality only a life-saving procedure on the
mother's behalf without regard to the stage of her pregnancy and
other interests involved violate the Due Process Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment, which protects against state action the
right to privacy, including a woman's qualified right to terminate
her pregnancy."
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Thanks jarasan...what a toleratent Christian you are... A true Christian would reply with an "Amen".

How much money have you given to the mega churches? They need more money because the pastor is tired of having only one Learjet. It's simply amazing to me how millions of people are so trapped.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Stack47, one of the brightest Minds on this website.
Avatar jarasan -
nosepicker 38x a day, blow it out your nose, ignorant fuque.
Avatar sully16 -
Stack speaks with forked tongue, Constitution doesn't apply to Republican when Demoncrats issue Mandates, but now we have baby killing( because nobody ever says I going to fave a fetus) an offering to moloch.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
A fetus is not a baby. Get over it! And please stop with the Bible mumbo jumbo speak talk. I don't believe in talking donkeys and talking snakes.

I guess you also believe in the flood LOL A 900 year old drunk who built a boat Carrying two of every kind..( whatever that means)...not species of every animal.... thousands of insects... for a whole year while taking care of thousands of pounds of waste every day. Which would be a logistical and impossible nightmare.

Meanwhile, there are people on the planet like the Chinese who don't remember a flood during that time period. They were thriving while there was a flood on the entire planet LOL people are nuts! Get a clue if you have to, I'll buy them they're really cheap at Walmart.

The Bible is nothing but a bunch of plagiarized books and stories from prior periods. Brainwashed people don't do their homework. I know your book better than you people do. What a shame, you should be embarrassed.

Just one example of the flood as being plagiarized was stolen from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Again, go educate yourself and stop being indoctrinated over and over again in your silly little feeble Minds.

And please don't tell me you think the planet is only 6,000 years old. Do you also believe it's flat Earth? How about Santa Claus?, you also believe in the tooth fairy? I feel like I'm debating with 12 year old children.

Go away and let the adults speak, people who actually believe in science and not fairy tales.

You people only believe in science when it benefits you, do you look both ways before you cross the street? Why not apply the same diligence when it comes to religion? Again, please go buy a clue. Don't Preach to me. You're wasting your time. Just sit on the sidelines and observe, you may learn something.

And I know that all my writing is futile because you will never address any of those issues I just brought up. You will just continue to babble bible quotes, and redirect. Go ahead and do it. It will simply prove everything I'm saying. Forked tongue nonsense, more babble from brainwashed people.

Speak in tongues much? ...blah ga ababba dong la doo doo hee dee jaminga!

Straight Jackets is what you people need. And we have these people packed in the courts? Driving heavy machinery? Legislating laws? It's laughable at best and scary at the same time.

Avatar rdgrnr -
I always admit it if I'm wrong and I will do it here and now for all to see.

I previously said there were 2 trembling Booster Boys terrified of getting the sniffles.

But I was wrong. There, I said it.

There are actually 3 trembling Booster Boys and apparently they're all out in the Land of Fruits and Nuts, likely living together, doing whatever godless baby-killing Democrats do out there.

They are the three Numbnuts, Stink47, Pick3basturd3838 and noisy-gate. I wish I had mugshots to show you their silly faces but I can guarantee you that they are every bit as goofy looking as every other Democrat. And they probably dress just as goofy as all Democrats do too with the goofy floppy hats and shorts with sandals and socks on. You know the look, bald heads with pony tails, the whole nine yards. Weirdos.

There, now nobody can say I don't ever admit being wrong.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Again...deflection by a ridge runner who claims to be a god fearing man... drunk on whiskey, preaching the gospel...lmao...not addressing any issues I brought.up from his favorite fairytale book....typical.

Then we have Sully....a cashier at publix helping out financially for her dear hubby preaching the good word. Also redirecting at any opportunity she can muster..

A hillbilly drunk and a brainwashed, indoctrinated American go-gettrr soccer mom housewife preaching to me...🤣🤣🤣

Wait a minute ridge runnner....I thought your body is a holy temple, yet you desecrate it by poisoning it with that evil liquor.

Hypocrisy at it's besat...better yet...keep donating your hard-earned money to the mega churches...Joel Olsteen needs another lear jet....SUCKERS!!!
Avatar sully16 -
I am retired Joker, have been for years, and it's not soccer mom, it's Hockey Mom.
Now do you want us really pointing an ugly finger at you? hmmmm
I wouldn't do that to you, I just wouldn't !!!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Whatever hockey mom, Point all the fingers you want. I could care less.
Avatar jarasan -
Vodka for the Joker! I should have known, a special extra kind of stupid only possible from the Joker.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
You say that a fetus is Not a child, yes, you're right, it is Not a child, (IT IS the Development of a child.) That Fetus does turn into a child, no matter how you spin it.

Also you say a child is Born an Atheist? A child is born not thinking of any religion. His thought process is not of disbelieving of a God. They are NOT born Atheist. They are born, unknowing. An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. Children aren't born with that thought process.

Now, that meme you brought to life, do you want to prove that pro-life people support all of those? or, is it just another head spin to condemn others who have different beliefs? It seems as though you're taking a stand on who is right, and who is wrong. making yourself a God of others. A person can be opinionated without making others believe their opinion is righteous.

You slap someone, they're going to slap you back. As far as this abortion BS is concerned, what makes you think people can kill a Child and it's OK? Just because they want to? What gives them the right? If you don't want to be embroiled in that controversy, a woman should keep her legs closed. There is an adage that holds true to a lot of things in Life, " YOU PLAY, YOU PAY "

Without changing the subject, I'd like for you to explain how Prolife is wrong?
(1) You take a Life, yours is then taken also.
(2) In light of what has happened in the classrooms, having someone to protect others with a weapon seems appropriate.
(3) Having children/people in cages has been done by both sides. Inexpensive way to house while processing.
(4,5, & 6) is utter BS about prolife. They DO not want to eliminate those. It is the Left that want that done.

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