Nothing to see here, folks.


Wisconsin election audit finds NO Fraud, but I'm sure the MAGA big steal people will still pretend there was widespread fraud without any evidence of course.

Entry #149


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Not good enough. We need a hundred and Seventeen more audits to make sure. And if that doesn't work, we'll just make more stuff up. I'm so tired of the pillow guy, we need a blanket guy.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l always come back to the point that countries around the world have looked to America as the beacon of hope, the country that promotes justice, not only at home, but abroad. We never think of Russia or Britain for that matter in leading that charge.

* We even send people around the world to " monitor " elections, hoping for free & correct outcomes, and we along with other Democratic nations will " speak up when things are not right.

* Yet a certain segment of American voters led by the Potus himself took it upon themselves to claim that fellow citizens of this nation committed the greatest threat to our nation- to deny a President a 2nd term by the voters of this country. This charge if True, is serioys- heads must roll. But after all the so called evidence was presented to the courts- their conclusions were " there is no there there."

* Someone is lying, and it's the voters or the machines. We have had counts & recounts & the results have not changed. So go ahead and waste your States resources by chasing smoke, but just keep your BS agenda to yourselves. This nation deserves better.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Someone is lying, and it's NOT the voters or the machines."
Avatar noise-gate -
* For over 200 years we have had both outstanding & less stellar Presidents in our history.

* BUT it took a celebrity President to attempt to overturn a Korean. & fair election & install himself for a 2nd term " against the will of the voters."

*More alarming is the fact that supporters of this clown in chief attacked the seat of our democracy because they were so in love with this clueless F. That exact devotion was on display with followers of both Jim Jones & David Koresh.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Korean?".Should have said " free & dair elections." Lol.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Korean?".Should have said " free & fair elections." Lol.
Avatar Stack47 -
"l always come back to the point that countries around the world have looked to America as the beacon of hope,"

Five years ago "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore" meant something until a lunatic decided that only applied to WASPs.

When the courts ruled against an imaginary Muslim threat, WH adviser Stephen Miller said "the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned." As if the Constitution didn't apply to 45.

"install himself for a 2nd term"

More likely for life.
Avatar noise-gate -
* 50 years from now- American voters, especially Americans will ask their elders " How could voters have put Trump in the WH, and why did they feel he needed a 2nd term?'

* These clown in here that are carrying water for the guy never seem to ask that of themselves, why? because they are living an alternate reality. Only in their world do Democrats and other non Republican or conservatives lie. They cannot be trusted. Others Championed the Covid vaccines while they felt that it was a genocide vaccine, in their world- there was no pandemic.
Avatar Stack47 -
It's do bad people going to the Capital Building on January 6 didn't understand there was nothing to see.

But they were told "And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children, and for our beloved country. And I say this despite all that's happened. The best is yet to come. So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we're going to the Capitol, and we're going to try and give."

People really believed they were doing the right thing when in fact many of them will be fined and spending time in prison. However it could have been worse.

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