Could this be true?


Bombshell Report Says White House Staffers, GOP Members of Congress Met With Jan. 6 Organizers — Even Promised Pardons

We'll know pretty soon because the trials of the people arrested are beginning and if found guilty some are facing up to 20 years in prison and $500,000 fines. Maybe a few will decide to tell under oath what really lead up to January 6.

Entry #150


Avatar noise-gate -
* Nothing would surprise me at this point. How do you get 147 Republicans signing on to " not recognize Joe Biden" as the duly elected President of these United States? Consider this: No Court in the United States had accepted as " evidence" anything remotely attributed to fraud in the 2020 Presidential elections.

* Its a known fact that Mark Meadows floated a theory that Italian satellite's were used to " switch Trump votes to Biden." Where do these people come up with this crap. We also got the " perfect call" that got 45 Impeached the first time. We also got the majority of Republicans on the hill voting not to impeach Trump a 2nd time. The actions on Jan 6th were " not severe enough." Of course nailing Clinton over a BJ definitely was.

Remember when President Donald Trump tweeted that he thought it would be a "good idea," to have his face on Mount Rushmore which was not possible without jeopardizing the existing structure. This clown wanted his mug out there for all time. Yeah- He would have been the Only Impeached to be besides Washington and others- as though he belonged there.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Its a known fact that Mark Meadows floated a theory that Italian satellite's were used to " switch Trump votes to Biden." Where do these people come up with this crap."

They got and are still getting away with it because they depend on their base being pitifully stupid. I live in the center of a very red state and know some very intelligent people that a year ago were Trump supporters, but many stopped their support after January 6. Most say the Cyber Ninja nonsense and whatever the pillow crackhead is trying to sell is an insult to their intelligence.

"have his face on Mount Rushmore"

I did some research into a comment about Trump bragging about doing something for us Veterans only to find what he said he did was done four years earlier. Calling him "liar,liar, pants on fire" doesn't even come close to defining all the lying he did.

Really sad that some of the people here that bought into all the nonsense and don't have a clue they are repeating mostly misinformation and bald faced lies.
Avatar Stack47 -
"This clown wanted his mug out there for all time."

One would think that sometime at the start of his over 30,000 false or misleading statements Trump would have known he was being fact checked. I can't speak for the uneducated, but they are easy to spot; they're the ones wearing a MAGA cap and repeating the "big lie".

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