Every day another January 6 rioter is speaking out.



Capitol-riot defendant calls for Trump to be 'ostracized from any political future' and says January 6 was a 'disgrace'

Not the first time a large group of people didn't understand exactly what they were following when they played "follow the leader". At least 25 people were killed in 2020 during what they thought was going to be their 1st Amendment Right to peacefully protest. Regardless what the protest is about, IMO if saw some of the other protesters packing AKs, 15s, and other similar stuff, I'd start doubting that it was going to be a peaceful protest and get out of Dodge.

Don't know if Trump can be forced to testify or even appear at one of these trials, but expect to see more of the defendants pointing a finger toward Mar-a-Lago.

Entry #152


Avatar noise-gate -
* l have yet to read of Democrats or independent voters who were rounded up for storming the Capitol. Why was it just Trump supporters?

* Every single person who’s face was captured on tv, from those without masks to those who tried to cover themself up in an attempt to go unrecognized, turned out to be Trump worshippers.

* Then we told we the ones drinking the kool-aid.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Noise... that's because all the right-wingers on every forum that I visit try to alter Reality by what's called "Projecting". They learned that from the orange blob moron.

That's what dictators are known to do.
Avatar JAP69 -
Saving their own hide to get out of jail or for a lighter sentence.
After sitting in jail that long they want out.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Then you have that idiot Congressman from Arizona. Goes by the name Gosar. Tweeted , he “ Wanted Biden’s Resignation on his desk in the morning.” Where does the Repub party find these fools?

* Marjorie Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gosar & yeh other idiots that signed onto that de certification proposal.

* The Dems have done loose cannons, but nothing like these clowns.
Avatar Stack47 -
The right-wingers all try using misinformation and make something that's false look true. Like when Sully while probably meaning well told 3838 "Trump signed an executive order allowing veterans to go see their own Dr.'s." when in fact Trump signed into law the bipartisan Mission Act replaced the VA Choice Program. Instead of saying WE did this, Trump took full credit.

Those people also believe everybody thinks like them; if they watch Fox News all day, the moderates and the left must watch MSNBC all day and every day. Because Trump holds "pep rallies" and brags and exaggerates crowd size, Biden has to do the same thing.

When the Jan 6 smoke finally clears doubt Trump will be held responsible, but he will never hold another Federal office. IMO, Trump lost the election because of his failure with the coronavirus that flat out turned off the independents. Thousands of Americans were dying while Trump was playing golf and suggesting injecting disinfectant as a cure.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Saving their own hide to get out of jail or for a lighter sentence."

I agree, but blaming Trump is no different than saying "the devil made me do it". Doubt any judge will reduce their time in jail or the fines for saying that.

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