Did the religious right ask too much?


According to the Supreme Court they did when a group of Maine health care workers objected to the Covid-19 vaccine on religious grounds. In his decent Neil Gorsuch claims that a law is constitutionally suspect “if it treats ‘any comparable secular activity more favorably than religious exercise.’”

When deciding exemptions for any reason, shouldn't “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few*.” be asked?

*S'chn T'gai Spock

Entry #154


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The brainwashed indoctrinated religious losers always ask for too much. All because they think their imaginary Sky daddy told them.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I have absolutely nothing against folks who do not believe in God, that is their business & far be it for me to interfere. Personally, l DO believe in God, what l DON'T believe in is many of these religions out there " thinking" that God is with Conservatives or Republicans Only.

* Supposedly if you live in a Blue State, you evil, and that you going to burn or whatever. You won't find them criticizing their own in broad terms, it's a small ripple nothing more. That lunatic pastor Locke, proclaiming that he will not allow masks to be worn in he's tent, that Biden is demonic or in league with the devil. Really- so getting American citizens to get vaccinated is Evil?

*Where in scripture does it say God chose Republicans to represent him in America? Cause that's the thinking. Did Jesus not say " let the children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to suchlike ones"- innocent. Then you have Farwell Jnr doing the unimaginable, butbhey- he repented, so all is right in the world.

* Yet these self claimed " We got God on our side" are the first to want to round up children at the border & treat brown people like lepers. It's as l previously said : If America & other South African countries were blond, blue eyed & light skinned, there is no way a wall would be built.

* The majority of these folks South of the Border are Catholics, they too hope to go to heaven. Do these clowns in America rooting for the completion of the wall to be constructed " Think" there is a wall in heaven. What does their God think of their actions?

* See the hypocrisy!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Oops.

" South American countries were blond, blue eyed..."
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Noise, you would be correct if it just stayed among the general public, what pisses me off is that we have politicians who have power to legislate laws based on their religious beliefs.
Avatar Stack47 -
He saw a Demon????

Avatar Stack47 -
"politicians who have power to legislate laws based on their religious beliefs."

This was about the "prohibiting the free exercise thereof" because the group was arguing getting vaccinated was against their religious beliefs. If all legal exemptions are allowed based on religious beliefs, we might as well throw away law books.

Today the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against the Texas abortion laws. Marc Hearron, a lawyer for a coalition of abortion providers, argued "In enacting SB 8, the Texas Legislature not only deliberately prohibited the exercise of a constitutional right recognized by this court, it did everything it could to evade effective judicial protection of that right in federal or state court,"

Justice Amy Coney Barrett expressed discomfort with the idea that a federal court could not hear the challenge and wondered if a federal constitutional defense "can be fully aired" in state courts. She seemed troubled that a state court hearing would be sufficient to air constitutional grievances.

And Justice Brett Kavanaugh wondered if other states might copy the law to restrict other rights concerning such issues as gun control and free speech. He asked whether the law couldn't be "easily replicated in other states that disfavor other constitutional rights."

Don't know if the religious right is as fervent about gun controls or outright bans on assault weapons as they are about a woman's Right, but if Texas is allowed take away Rights, there are 49 other states that can do the same thing.

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