Trump is claiming WSJ is "white-washing his facts"


That's because the Wall Street Journal fact-checked Trump's letter to the editor. Tuesday will mark one year since Trump was legally defeated in his bid for a second term, but we're still hearing claims, without proof of course, of widespread election fraud. 

"Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come from amateur spelunking into voter data, Caveat emptor when this is done by motivated partisans unfamiliar with election systems. The ‘audit’ team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding of the files.”

Orange45 will never do an Emily Litella and say "never mind" even after court after court found his widespread election fraud baseless. He said ingesting disinfectant might be a cure for the coronavirus; wonder if Lysol could cure the effect his Kool-Aid has on his MAGA Supporters.

Entry #155


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
FACTS is like Kryptonite to the right-wing nut jobs. Exposing their constant lies with facts that like shooting fish in a barrel, sometimes I feel bad for them because they are so desperate.
Avatar Stack47 -
Like when our Government got sued for separating families in 2017 and 2018 and now the MAGA people want to spin it to blame Biden. Don't let the fact the religious right cheered when the Trump administration separated families.

Ask any of the MAGA people and they'll say "those people aren't like us and don't belong here". But they will never take responsibility for the millions their brainless orange45 cost the tax payers.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I have no idea why Trump doesn't just simple go away. Every President, whether successful or not, viewed their term in office as a great honor to serve the nation. The Oval office is not inherited, and when your time is up, it's up. There is no shame in losing the Presidency, because a loser knows that the voters who put him or her there have " changed their minds" they want a new course. If Pee Wee Herman was on the ballot & defeated 45, would he have claimed " fraud?" What makes this guy think he is so special?

*You didn't see Nixon whine about his lose to Kennedy, you didn't see that from Carer or HW Bush either. Who in their right mind will want to see this guy back in the WH? He whines month after month about his lose, thing is the fault lies with him: Not Joe Biden. A Fact that escapes these Maga folks notice is that Trump got away with a lot. He BS'd his way through a lot of things- but there was no way getting around the covid death numbers on he's watch.

* His simple solutions to complex crisis's did him in. The " Tgis virus will be gone before you know it" did not heal the nation, and he's inability to go before the nation & at the very least say " l and my administration miscalculated" Instead he went about his day as though the crisis would take care of itself.

* l never underestimate the stupidity of half the American voters, they prone to repeat the same mistakes, think l am kidding? Just look, a year after the elections, they still in moaning. Reminds me of when the Ayatollah Khomeini died, his supporters were crying uncontrollably, as though death would never come knocking. With 45's defeat, it's as though death paid him as visit as well.

* The new tactic now is : If a republican is defeated in an election against a Democrat, it's fraud. In their brave new world NO republican can ever be defeated moving forward. Elder, that conservative who ran against Gavin for Gov or CA, claimed fraud & rigging BEFORE the first vote was cast. If Trump got the nomination in 2024 & lost, wanna bet he would say the fix was in, nothing changed, and then we would be hearing from him into his 80's.

* See the seed Trump planted?

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