Did you see where Biden wants to give illegal aliens $450,000?


There is a difference between crossing the border illegally and seeking asylum, but that didn't stop the Trump administration from separating families. A Federal Judge order the government to pay those families and it could cost up to $450,000 per victim. 

Had the Biden Administration been responsible, they could have fought the compensation in courts. But which Biden Lawyer could seriously argue Trump had good attentions when separated families?

Entry #156


Avatar KAL035 -
Hey dumbass, here's a news flash for ya: Children/juveniles have NEVER been permitted anywhere in the USA to remain with parents locked up in a detention facility. I know it's asking too much, but please try to get a clue before posting such nonsense. Since you are so personally aggrieved, I suggest that you cough up the 450k per "victim" I'm not giving so much as one dime, but you go for it boy!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kalo has so his nose so crammed up tRump's ass crack, im surprised he can still breath and type.

Trump said it himself, I love the poorly educated. What a bunch of morons you people are.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Children/juveniles have NEVER been permitted anywhere in the USA to remain with parents locked up in a detention facility"

On June 20, 2018 Trump issued an Executive Order to end the family separation policy. How exactly did Trump plain on not separating families if the children of those seeking asylum were not allowed in a detention facility with their parents?

"Since you are so personally aggrieved"

Which part of my remarks did the MAGA Kool-Aid you're drinking retard whatever brain cells you have left made you comprehend I said anything about being "aggrieved"?

Calling Kalo poorly educated insults the intelligence of the poorly educated; Kalo's remarks are just plain pitifully stupid. This is a prime example of the type of people that donated money to the "reinstate Trump" fund regardless of the fact his reinstatement is impossible.

The Trump people should be ashamed of themselves for taking money from those poor souls' public assistance and SNAP checks.

Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Yup... I shouldn't have put down the brainless tard people... they are much smarter than the ilk (kaloss) of people who send money to a wannabe despot who couldn't give two schitt's about them. Fake God-fearing Hippocrates who don't even follow their own Bible.... and "what would Jesus do" crowd. Once they leave their church on Sunday, all that bullshiit goes right out the window, and they become dictator loving morons like small hands, the xenophobe racist bigot until next Sunday where they pretend to care about people. Just for a few hours at least.

Yeah kaloss...eff your feelings !
Avatar jarasan -
Joker go climb a couple flights of steps drink some more of that vodka kool aid. For God's sake it is hypocrites not Hippocrates, the only brainless tard here is the one you see when have you the guts to look in a mirror at your own ugly bitch face.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
It was speech to text... I should have edited that. I'm not having any more episodes, I think the part of the vaccine that was giving me problems has waned.
Stop your whining and prove that the election was rigged, until you do it's all just blah blah blah blah blah, when is the next date set by the pillow guy?
Avatar Stack47 -
"the only brainless tard here is the one you see when have you the guts to look in a mirror at your own ugly bitch face."

Is this your argument for or against separating families seeking asylum or just childish name calling that insults the kids on grade school playgrounds?

Jar Jar, have you ever thought about what you typed before hitting "post comment"?

We all understand you're doing your best to impress Lazarus, the Stroud guy, or whomever they are, but based on what you're posting, even the pitifully stupid are questioning your intelligence.

Avatar Stack47 -
"when is the next date set by the pillow guy?"

I should post links to his interviews with Jimmy Kimmel.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
It reminds me of The Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs Bunny keeps Drawing the Line in the Sand, Yosemite Sam steps over it, and Bugs Bunny draws another Line in the Sand, and Sam steps over the line LOL

I firmly believe he never stopped smoking crack.
Avatar Stack47 -
Jar jar, apparently you missed where I posted "On June 20, 2018 Trump issued an Executive Order to end the family separation policy". It was Trump's “zero tolerance” border policy that created the family separations with more than 5,600 migrant children were separated from their parents. Neither Bush nor Obama had family separation policies though it's obvious families were separated during both administrations.

I know you're smarter than to just read bias headlines and know enough to actually research a topic before commenting. Family separation was the inevitable result of the "zero tolerance" policy whether or not that was Trump's intention when he signed the order.

The order to end the family separation policy is why the ACLU is representing separated families in a federal lawsuit and are negotiating settlements with the JD.

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