But more people attended my rallies so it must be voter fraud!


And that is the bases for all the unproven/false/groundless election fraud claims Trump made and is still making. Crowd size can be used as a ballpark estimate of the final outcome, but depends on where the rallies are held. Drawing 20,000 people in Beaufort, S.C. a state he easily won doesn't translate into votes in De Pere, WI where only 750 people attended that rally.

His aides and advisers knew that crowd "size didn't matter" in the states he would easily win, but it mattered in the swing states and while just a guess, his people probably decided not to tell him the facts. And we're talking about a guy's golf cheating that is legendary; “He kicks the ball out of the rough so many times the caddies call him Pelé.”

We know all about his ego so is it possible because of it his thought process and in his mind, the only way he could lose is if he was cheated?

Entry #158


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
You know what's worse than being stupid, not knowing that you're stupid. This orange buffoon needs to be taken away onto an island, and all his supporters need to live on that island and be happy together. And leave us the hell alone with his garbage.
Avatar KAL035 -
Wow! Pick3Retard, I can tell from your well thought out, in-depth commentary that you be so smarts, LOL!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
I'll even buy the ticket for you one way trip. K k k low
Avatar Stack47 -
LMAO@Kal talking about "well thought out remarks".

They couldn't even explain how Trump planned to reunite families seeking asylum after he ended his family separation policy. Are all the Trump kool-aid drinkers pitifully stupid?
Avatar jarasan -
Barry Soetero separated hundreds of thousands of families over 8 years, he also built cages to herd the children.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
This Presidency isn't about Trump anymore buffoons. You're stuck with the one you voted for, Suck it up
Avatar Stack47 -
Jar jar, I'll address your argument in the $450K thread,
Avatar Stack47 -
"This Presidency isn't about Trump anymore buffoons."

We "buffoons" as an LP moderator childishly called us are discussing the fact the former President is still whining about being thoroughly rebuked by the voters a year ago. He sadly believes size matters because he was told more people attended his revivals.

An entry that is somewhat about "this Presidency" is down the hall.
Avatar Stack47 -
"You're stuck with the one you voted for"

That and the crowd size at rallies are interesting ideas but the Constitution explains the Presidential election process much differently. Something you should have learned in middle school.

"Suck it up"

Bet you wanted to be stuck with the one that repeatedly spread misinformation about coronavirus testing, masks, unproven treatments and even claiming that injecting bleach might treat the virus.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Well, I think Buffoons is very fitting since my Avatar offended you. Like I said, it's not about Trump anymore, but you professors continue to drag it on. And again you got who you voted for so lets hear a little about him why don't you. Talk about childish, since my "word" buffoons, also offends , why don't you go back to your coloring book
Avatar Stack47 -
"Well, I think Buffoons is very fitting since my Avatar offended you."

Are you hallucinating?

Nope, your avatar doesn't offend me for the same reason the WW avatar didn't offend me. Your avatar subliminal messages are none of my business. Don't ask, don't tell eh?

"Talk about childish, since my "word" buffoons, also offends"

Seriously, what type of person believes calling someone a "buffoon" will offend them?

"why don't you go back to your coloring book"

Aw, an example of what the type of person that believes calling someone a "buffoon" will offend them would say. FYI, I'm not offended but do find most of your remarks pathetically weird. But hey, didn't Trump say he "loves the poorly educated"? Looks like you're trying to prove you're one of them most poorly educated Trump supporter.

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