Morning Joe Co-host: Republicans silent about election security after they pick up wins


Entry #29,704


Avatar JAP69 -
I see two or three stories about election chicanery today.

One I see is a NJ district had 100% of the vote in with the results going to the Republican and then all of a sudden the vote flips to the Democrat. The Jersey steal.
Avatar sully16 -
We got some here in Michigan as well, somehow Democrats get these impossible wins from way far behind,
last minute stuff.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
They may be silent to others, but you can bet there are many eye's on them.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Leopards can't change their spots.
Lying and cheating is simply the nature of Democrats.
It's who they are.
It's what they do.
It's in their DNA.
They didn't just start cheating in the last Presidential Election, they've ALWAYS cheated.
They just got so used to Republicans being so wimpy and not saying anything about it that they got sloppy and blatant doing it that time.
I mean c'mon, keeping Republican Observers away from seeing what they're doing and closing down the vote and telling Republicans to go home and then re-starting the vote after they left? WTF? It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see what was going on there. And then the Slick Willy routine of deny, deny, deny coupled with the Alinsky strategy of ridicule and derision. It's textbook radical stuff that is obvious to anybody with half a brain (and I've been told I have half a brain many times).
Avatar JAP69 -
I remember when the Democrats and Republicans entered into a binding agreement where the Republicans could not challenge an outcome of an election.
This agreement went on for a number of years being renewed frequently by the same Liberal Judge.
It was not too long ago that the agreement ended.
Democrats were in their glory with that agreement.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Delusional is not only found in the dictionary- it’s alive and well in every direction, including on the internet, in homes on the streets & even in so called places of worship.

* That religious nut who says “ masks are not allowed in his tent.”
* Your QAnon brethren in Dallas who showed up to welcome JKF Jnr from the dead. Supposedly Jnr was going to usher in the re appointment of 45 to the Oval officer, and get this: Kennedy Jnr was going to be Trump’s VP.

*Talking about “ always cheating.”

* McCain “ actually defeated” Obama.

* HW Bush “ actually defeated Clinton.

* Nixon “ actually defeated “ Kennedy.

* In this world of make believe, a Republican has never been defeated since the Constitution was drawn up.

* While we are roaming around in this fantasy world: John F Kennedy is still alive, so is Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa, Reagan, Bela Legosi, Mozart, Ayatollah Khomeini.

* The drinking of that Kool-aid will do that to you.

Avatar sully16 -
Someone let a Brandong out of his cage.
McCain was a traitor, he did not die of brain cancer and he did not leave this world on his terms.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Numbnuts-gate loved McCain because he was cut from the same cloth. Except for the fact that Numbnuts-gate's cloth had sh!t on it from the sidewalk in front of his low-rent tenement in the Castro District.
Avatar noise-gate -
*What’s your fascination with the Castro District- visited there, to do what exactly? Please don’t say to “ sight see” that’s excuse would be on crutches. All of you guys posts are so predictable, you lack imagination- but you knew that already.

* If it’s not Castro, it’s poop. How low can you go? At least you show up to read my posts, which by all accounts trill you to some extent. Why not put your thinking process to figure out “ Who stole the election from your Man?” You seem to have an opinion on just about everything since you returned from the dead Bhagwan.

* Do something useful like coming up with original material- you know earthshaking, like “ l think it was those Dems in X & X that pulled it off.

* By the way how about commenting on your brethren who showed up in Dallas to await the resurrected JFK Jnr. You like throwing your opinions around in the forum- give it your best shot. Did you go to Dallas, if not, why not? After all- Jnr was going to seat 45 back on he’s imaginary throne.

* So Bhagwan- why were you not there? Why wasn’t Cruella either? Support lagging for 45? Better reach for your stashed bottle of Kool-aid.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Since when are you an authority on who died with dignity? McCain was serving this country while your ex Pres was grabbing women by their.. you the last person to be talking about “ dying on his own terms.” Is that written on a pamphlet circulated on a QAnon site?

* Next your impulse system is going to say the folks that stormed the Capitol were actually heroes? You have got some screwed up matter up there for brains.
Avatar sully16 -
Military family A-hole,
Avatar jarasan -
Repubics won every race in PA..
Avatar jarasan -
forgot LGB and FJB!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FJB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LGB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar noise-gate -
* You morons are Trump worshipers. When 45 was doing he’s rounds the first up out running for Prez, this clueless fool said JMcC was no Hero.” What does he know about heroism? Nothing, and that goes for you all as well. Your division of the Armed forces did you serve in? Where were you detained by the Viet Congress, what sort of food were you fed?

* The problem with your ilk, you denigrate anyone who Trump tell you to, it’s worship plain and simple. This ex Con of a Prez knows nothing about the military, accept to maybe salute them, but he like yourselves are quick to label some of your own kind Rino’s and not supposedly True Republicans. Since when did the Republican Party embrace the QAnon movement? Why were you not in Dallas awaiting the arrival of you know who? Why weren’t you in Washington on the 6th, storming the Capitol, because you feel your demigod was robbed? Why were you hiding behind your computer monitors instead of showing your true allegiance, taking one for the Old Man As l said- all mouth!

* If you got an email from 45 asking you to kill yourself to show your loyalty, what method would you guys use. Now, now- don’t rush your answer. Wait your turn..

Okay Cruella you first, then jar jar and the other idiots can make their decisions known after that. Ok, lady’s first!

Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Simple minds: A year ago, your pompous A**H of a President, lost to Biden. The confetti was swept up 365 days ago along with DJT.

* Mark your calendar’s.
Avatar sully16 -
You are way off in left field Weasel, you want to believe the crap you spew, Do some research, real research not this wiki page crap or your Qanon stuff, start with the Marshall Islands, children coming up from the border and going into Arizona and ending up on the Marshall Islands????
Now do some research, ISIS, who made sure they had weapons and money????? Being a POW doesn't give anybody a right to be a traitor.
ISIS was a black op funded by the cabal.
I voted for that basturd and the more I learned the angrier I got and buddy that was along time before Trump, Like I said we have many family members in the military.
Military tribunals, yes they are happening ,
Avatar noise-gate -
* l’m off? Reading your response only reinforces the message that the Republicans are SHEEP. John Mc was known as a Maverick, a person known to “ break “ with the party when things did NOT feel right with him and his conscience, something that is sorely lacking in the present GOP. Your party allows airheads like Marjorie to spew nonsense about anything she slept on the next morning. John Mc was no saint, but at least the guy stood for something- the voters in AZ sent him back time & time again to Washington, in the other hand- the voters sent 45 packing. How about them apples?

* The sheep mentality still runs strong with your party. Take Liz for instance: Her voting to impeach 45 got her in hot water, she is now pariah & that goes for everyone you did not side with 45, sane with Mitch, this hotel owner has it in for him & conservatives across the nation. What’s the word l am looking for…aaah yes, Sheep!
Avatar sully16 -
Trump did not lose, the democrats cheated, it's called a Coup.
Avatar noise-gate -
* At one time beneath your avatar you had “ Ring Leader.” I asked myself a couple times, ring leader of what exactly, and over the course of the year’s- it dawned to me that you the RL of stupidity.

* You and others say “ Trump did not lose.” Well IF he won, why is he not in the WH? Saying “ they cheated “ demands that Law Enforcement arrest & send the culprits to jail. The only problem is you guys have no evidence that 45 won, say he did is not good enough in the United States of America. That may be pulled off in some 3rd World country where a Dictator will “ Stop the count” and declare himself the Victor.

* You and your Kool aid drinking ilk are forgetting we live in a Democracy, you thinking of Zimbabwe or some African country where that will fly. We, unlike 3rd world countries “ DO NOT attempt Coups! Your people tried that after the election & almost pulled it off. Sane heads prevented that from happening & because your coup failed- you guys are blaming Biden for putting an end to that. That’s the part that hurts you guys the most. Your inability to deny legitimate votes from being counted because your evil leader “ said so.”

* For 4 years you listened to the BS of a confident con man, the personification of a snake oil salesman in layman’s terms & the sad part is that the scales have not fallen from your eyes eyes. Perhaps in time you will be wise. But if you and your ilk continue to believe this lie- you only have yourself to blame.
Avatar sully16 -
At least I'm not you, and for that I am thankful, you're not just an idiot, your a buttkisser.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Who in their right mind will want to be you? You gullible, reckless ‘ think you always right. Point: in the past you would wait for me to post an opinion in the news section & pounce on what l said- attempting to take apart my argument. You come off both silly & annoying. I have 2 sisters so p know how to get around their earlier BS. You couldn’t walk on their shoes & your comments dealing on certain topic is insane.

* I kiss no one butt, but that an opinion l share. If we going to talk about kissing butts- you & others laying out the red carpet for ridge’s return was the height of butt- kissing. To make your situation even worse is adding your comments to his to shore up your fragile ego. I don’t need another to stand with me, they show up on their own & lastly..

* l do not, have not drunk that Kool aid you continue to consume. In your make believe world, Trump is still President. Fine, believe what you will, but do not try to convince sane folks that he is. A year has past and all this grown A** man has done is wallow in his grief. It’s as l said- you guys are sorry he lost in his “ efforts to overturn an election- Aka, have a Coup.”

* To show the depth of your stupidity: Seasoned politicians who have lost the Presidency like Carter, Bush & McCain did not resort to surrounding themselves with other corrupt advisors & plan how to turn the election results in their favor- you and your sorry lot wanted a Hotel owner to do just that.

* Try defending that fool.
Avatar grwurston -
*Try defending that fool.

All this blah, blah, blah, from somebody that didn't even vote, Pfft.

Still waiting for you to defend your buddy biden.
Go ahead. Try defending that fool.

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