Republicans Bail Out Biden and Pelosi To Pass $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill


Entry #29,710


Avatar sully16 -
Just another way to embezzle money, fire them all.
Avatar noise-gate -
* it amazes me that when 45 was in power, those Tax cuts for the rich was not a problem whatsoever. Now that there is an infrastructure bill that is going to help all States, but Red & blue- it’s a problem. Sure all bills come loaded with stuff not everyone likes, but fo goodness sake- be civil.

* There will come a time when Rep is back in the WH and the same bs will raise it’s ugly head as well. It is part of politics. It doesn’t help that the Dems have so much infighting amongst themselves because they want more of this and less of that, but that’s their own fault.

* Lastly, dealing with comments: We have articles put out there by Kate and company, but what is noticeable is that many people are not commenting on them, at least not like in the past. My take is that person’s are too critical on what other’s post, it is driving the audience away, plus the voting grade is a total discouraging factor IMO.
Avatar sully16 -
You really are a slimy Weasel, the tax cuts were for the middle class, we are solidly middle class and we did benefit, so Mr. I own my own business richman, if the tax cuts were for the rich you would complain?
This is not even close for Infrastructure, Planned Parenthood? Grants for Publishers? Gender Studies?
this is just another way to move money into their own pockets. They keep having these infrastructure bills and guess what, nothing gets done.
and look at you, throwing Kate out there, very clever but also so very transparent, nothing is driving the audience away, the post count tells me people are reading them, not everybody will comment, if you have a problem with the voting grade, talk to Todd, don't cry about it in a blog, makes you look weak.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Slime? Who were were folks storming the Capitol, who ARE the ones claiming 45 Won? Unlike you yourself, l don’t think only for myself & those tax cuts did not trickle down to the middle class, and l never claimed to be rich, if l was- l wouldn’t be putting up with the likes of you & your clueless friends who find it necessary to challenge me on everything. As for the infrastructure bill, we all know that there are no bridges & roads in disrepair in Red States. It’s as though the pressing needs are only in blue States, much like the thought that the folks on food stamps are ONLY in blue States, you ought to read the crap for responses you put out there.

*Btw- No one is “ throwing Kate” out there- her name is on the piece you moron, It’s about the responses to the piece fool, not her! It’s the collective insanity of you & your ilk constantly seeing who agrees with them to upvote. For instance - I posted a response to the guy who won twice with a gif, and it got downvoted, not because it was vile, but because “ l” posted it, so spare me the “ l am not like you” BS. People see that hypocrisy & simply stay away. See, you were taught something.
Avatar rdgrnr -
On this issue I would have to say in my well-known, unbiased, neutral observer status:

SULLY: Game, Set, Match.
Avatar sully16 -
Okay, follow along skippy, they pull this infrastructure crap all the time, not about red or blue, they all need fixing, they use the term to fool people like you.
I don't know why you keep throwing food stamps in there?
Oh I know exactly what you were doing you butt kissing name dropper, looking for sympathy and an ally.
If you were nice to people maybe you would not get down votes, but Hey I'm just a dumb ole uneducated Indian what do I know. You Keep calling me dumb, stupid, and uneducated, I've been hearing that my whole life from people like you.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Got a mirror handy? Go take a walk over & take a good look at the person looking back at you. I am no Saint & l am the first to admit it, but goodness grief. Take a freaking look at your attack on Dems, on Biden on everyone that does not agree with your way of thinking. Let’s take Joe as an example: The guy can do nothing right, be it the Afghani pullout, to let’s go Brandon crap & stuff down the line .. and you being up “ being Nice?”

* To hear your lot, Biden was born in another country. Oh, 45 & others tried that with Obama, how silly of me. The problem we have is : unless one thinks like you and other like minded folk, you an enemy. In your world, your thinking is the correct one & opinions other than your own will not be tolerated. Which is one of the reasons, disappointment is not in your vocabulary. There is no losing in your party & in arguments as well. Which is one of the reasons none of you can bring themselves to saying “ 45 lost.” That would be turning your back on everything you have come to believe and love.
Your world consists of” Us against them.” Which is why you had Oath Keepers & Proud Boys- all conservatives. What a sad existence you lead.

* l post opinions, because l like to, l am not here to get into
fights with persons because they have a different opinion from mine. You lot ought to let other opinions in, practice the Golden rule, because it is Golden.

* In conclusion: Read up on : The desiderata, it’s a poem of sorts, it can do the mind some good.
Avatar sully16 -
Goodness weasel you are coming unglued, I have every right to complain about Biden, free speech, ever heard of it? I ought to let other opinions in?   Translation want me to agree with all the goofy crap you keep spouting.
Go post in all the forums you want, if up and down votes dictate your day then go get some help with that. I have no control over what other people think.
Avatar sully16 -
ooopsy almost forgot   LET"S GO BRANDON!!!
Avatar rdgrnr -
Listening to Numbnuts telling the Right to let other opinions be tolerated would be funny if it wasn't so absolutely, mind-numbingly ridiculous. And I mean UNFRIGGINGBELIEVABLEY RIDICULOUS. He must have went to the Dorsey/Zuckerberg School of Insanity for Fun and Profit and taken a class on "Silencing Anyone Who Disagrees With Us."
Avatar jarasan -
farticus is an idiot, proves it every time it posts a comment.
Avatar grwurston -
* The problem we have is : unless one thinks like you and other like minded folk, you an enemy. In your world, your thinking is the correct one & opinions other than your own will not be tolerated.

Isn't that exactly what you do?   Asking for a friend. ;)
Avatar rdgrnr -
That's right, GR.
The heroes of the Left wouldn't even let President Trump's voice be heard. They banned everybody from the Right whose opinion differed from their own and then accuse the Right of doing that. And then, they're obnoxious about it like they didn't really do that!

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