Bannon's lawyer is claiming "executive privilege"


Of course he is. And let's hope he doesn't believe Bannon got a blanket pardon because it only applies to the Federal charges. Joe Arpaio learned the hard way he was admitting wrongdoing by accepting a pardon.

Entry #166


Avatar noise-gate -
* Richard Nixon also claimed EP and the high Court put a stop to that proclamation. Trump is expecting the Appeals court to throw out the Jan 6th Committee's request. My question, is what the American people are going to find out?

* Read where Bannon is going to come out a maryr with the Maga folk.
Anyone who stands against the investigation etc, is a martyr. All those conservatives talkshow hosts who refused to take the vaccines & used their airways to spread lies & who are now dead, they too are maryrs.
Another martyr waits in the wings: Mark Meadows, if he stands his ground he remains one: if not, he becomes a Rino.

* Rino's & Martyrs- it's the new game in town. I was looking at Bannon's pot belly, if he pulls serious time, that belly will shrink- guaranteed!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Richard Nixon also claimed EP and the high Court put a stop to that proclamation. Trump is expecting the Appeals court to throw out the Jan 6th Committee's request. My question, is what the American people are going to find out?

* Read where Bannon is going to come out a maryr with the Maga folk.
Anyone who stands against the investigation etc, is a martyr. All those conservatives talkshow hosts who refused to take the vaccines & used their airways to spread lies & who are now dead, they too are maryrs.
Another martyr waits in the wings: Mark Meadows, if he stands his ground he remains one: if not, he becomes a Rino.

* Rino's & Martyrs- it's the new game in town. I was looking at Bannon's pot belly, if he pulls serious time, that belly will shrink- guaranteed!
Avatar noise-gate -
Avatar Stack47 -
We already know the Republican Party is not even close to being untied and Bannon and others might be another nail in their coffin.

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