Will Florida have the next self-defense test?


Pregnant Florida woman killed after hitting motorcyclist with her car.

She was shot and killed by the motorcyclist she hit with her car, drove off and he followed her to her home. She came out and pointed a gun at the guy apparently not knowing he had a gun too. When the smoke cleared, she was dead.

The country is starting to remind me of back in the day when the announcer said "return with us to the thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoofs of the great horse Silver! The Lone Ranger rides again!”

Entry #174


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* We dealing with a Stand Your Ground State, and there are many. I see the motorcyclist getting off. She hit him, she had a gun & so did the motorcyclist.it's going to be " who was faster to the draw."

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Going by the police report, the motorcyclist followed her home so there's a question of whom was standing their ground. I live in an "open carry" state and see many people carrying side arms but haven't witness any shoot-outs.

When people begin carrying for protection against the other people carrying, we may have a problem.
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Going by the police report, the motorcyclist followed her home so there's a question of whom was standing their ground. I live in an "open carry" state and see many people carrying side arms but haven't witness any shoot-outs.

When people begin carrying for protection against the other people carrying, we may have a problem.
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* She drove off, meaning she did not talk the accident seriously. The motorist l think was in his or her right to address her actions. If she came out with a gun, the shooter could claim " l had to shoot, my life was in danger."
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..did not TAKE the accident seriously..
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* This is nothing new, but it’s amazing that people who think themselves intelligent are completely dumb & may l add stupid. I pointed out that Hillary, unlike Trump did not go on a tour after he lose to complain about it- the ghoul steps in and says “ she did go on a tour & Bhagwan chirps in and asks for a definition that supposedly l missed in commenting on Hill.

* These clowns knew what l was talking about, but twisted it to say Hill “ did a tour.” I had to clear a little part of their brain to let them know that Hill’s tour was to let people know that what was missed was this & that. She conceded, plus Hill did not want recounts & spouted “ fraud & ballots not counted BS.”

* This is the Him Jones followers mentality. If the leader says this is right, even though it’s wrong- he said it, so it must be true. Heck, like JJ supporters, they left the US because he said “ follow me.” 45 says “ there was fraud & he’s supporters follow that claim as well. The rest of the world is watching & asking themselves- “ Do these supporters need to see a burning Bush before they come to theirs senses?”
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Trump never understood our federal election process and still doesn't. Next year he will split the Republican Congressional votes in the primaries, the loser's voters will be no-shows in November and the Dems will keep control of the house and gain enough seats in the Senate to eliminate the filibuster.

They want and need Trump to say something anything to justify whatever unintelligent remarks they make. You say "Hillary conceded" because Trump never did and they make all about Clinton. They say the judge that sentenced lottery scammers "has to be a democratic pansy." and I point out the Trump nominated that judge to a Republican Senate. From there is becomes a childish name calling contest from someone that has or had a LP montorator badge.
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* I think most uneducated conservatives were hoping someone as clueless as themselves would one day become President of the United States. They got their wish when Trump announced his candidacy. Just think, a reality tv personality sitting in the WH, what mischief could he come up with. Which l think is one of the reasons they loved the “ you fired approach “ to everything. When he torched reporters or talked down to other world leaders, whether it was Angela Merkel or Theresa May of GB, he was in his element. The Maga folks loved it.

* Telling certain reporters to “ be quiet & l am not taking your questions “ that was great with these folks. To them going after Mitch and other savvy politicians is just up their street. Thing is,at some point, America had enough of that nonsense and pushed back. Whether it was going to be Biden or someone else, America had had enough, and 8 years of that mess was to much. Obviously, he’s supporters cannot grasp that reality because they live in an alternate reality & continue to call it home.

* l see MrPillow is pissed with a so called Christian network that has pulled his adds. I wonder when Mike will wake up and smell the coffee because he is using his own money to feed his fantasy on voter fraud. The guy is addicted to proving that he is right and all the federal agencies that oversaw the election were wrong. It’s like my brother says “ when you in the company of fools, there is enough stupidity to go around, so beware.”
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IMO, not much different than any other cult followers. Trump ran as the anti-establishment candidate and won in 2016. His downfall was his inaction and impassionate Covid-19 response and acting like a fool during the debates cost him votes too. Telling people not vote early was pretty stupid too.

It sort of reminds me of lottery players that believe because they bought a ticket, they can criticize the winners. Being a member of the MAGA cult isn't free because if you don't send a contribution, Eric and Lara will hound them via email until they do.
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Even with no real evidence Lindell is compelled to believe everything he said about election fraud has to be true. He actually took his plan to overthrow the election to the White House before January 6. There is fine line between actual treason and what some of these people wanted to do.

Just the fact Mike Pense called Dan Quayle for advice suggests Pense was told to do something very illegal. The MAGA cult followers will never admit there was no wide spread election fraud and neither will the pillow crackhead.

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* Its one thing to say that Trump lost by say 12,3001 votes. In that case one could reasonably say " Let the President have a thorough recount and lets make sure that the Right guy won." But instead the mistake that Trump made was he himself " calling the election before" even the Networks did. l recall him going up there and saying " We won, there is NO WAY Biden can catch up to him. That statement right there shows that he had incompetent advisors to begin with.

* A savvy Advisor would have cautioned Trump going up to the mic and saying what he did. The advisor or advisors could have said " Mr President, your actions would be premature, the night is long and there are millions more votes to be counted, despite you being ahead!" It is quite POSSIBLE that someone did tell him that, but knowing how he thinks about himself, brushed off that advice- Hey, l am the President of the United States, l call my own shots." We may never know, but l will bet soup for nuts that there were many times where 45 overruled the advice he got from seasoned politicians, always thinking he was the brightest mind on earth. If it wasn't bumping heads with Healthcare professionals, its carrying out stupid policies that only hurt him in the long run. when Alexey Navalny, was poisoned, Trump called it it "tragic" but emphasized that he had a good relationship with the Russian leader. The same with Lil Kim-- that " love letter" nonsense.

* l want to see Mark Meadows get taken in- here was a guy that asked Jeffrey A. Rosen, then the acting attorney general, to examine debunked claims of election fraud in New Mexico and an array of baseless conspiracies that held that Mr. Trump had been the actual victor. That included a fantastical theory that people in Italy had used military technology and satellites to remotely tamper with voting machines in the United States and switch votes for Mr. Trump to votes Biden. He needs to be follow Bannon.
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"A savvy Advisor would have cautioned Trump going up to the mic and saying what he did."

But Eric and Don Jr. are not savvy! And someone did advised Trump against remarking on the "Rust" tragedy even though many of the MAGA followers are "quoting" him.

Trump will have "the big steal" on his tombstone but between now and then many of the people he and his lawyers accused of voter fraud are filing lawsuits. Do you think the Kool Aid drinkers here will ever understand that they elected Biden?

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