Trump: I will easily win the Republican nomination for president if I run in 2024


Entry #29,800


Avatar noise-gate -
* Sure you will- getting Americans as a whole to commit an egregious error twice is a totally different thing altogether.
Avatar KAL035 -
Shut-up Noise Fart, no need to belabor the fact that you're an idiot, duh! We already get it. MAGA 2024 baby boy and be happy!
Avatar rdgrnr -
The egregious error was trusting Democrats to be honest in the voting process.

And never doing anything about the fraud that has been going on for decades and decades.

It's not in you to be honest and truthful, and I think, I hope, I pray we have learned to NEVER EVER EVER trust a Democrat or a Democrat's word of honor or a Democrat's Oath.

You are all lowdown, dirty LIARS and always have been. It's your nature.

You are of your father the devil and he was a liar from the beginning.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Quoting scripture relating to politics is asinine. Jesus wanted nothing to do with politics so trying that nonsense won’t work here Bhagwan. Liars will not inherit the kingdom either. Look no further than the guy you punched the ticket for. He has been on a LYING TOUR ever since he L.O.S.T.
Even spilling his guts to MrPillow about how he was screwed over.

* Where are these folks that robbed 45 of 2nd term?

Avatar noise-gate -
* If there is one thing we learned, that it took a newbie boastful idiot to attempt to destroy democracy, which it would
D seem to be just fine with you self righteous bigots. Trump in your mind did nothing wrong. Look in the F mirror when talking about liars etc etc. You see, to love quoting scripture, well just remember that LIARS end up in the Lake of Fire. It’s in the book of Revelation, if you can find it.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I'll not discuss Scripture with a reprobate baby-killer that knows nothing about it, thank you very much.

Look at what you've done with your life and the depraved, perverted lifestyle you've chosen and the causes you support. Are you proud of that? You need to get right with God, son.
Avatar noise-gate -
* First off- you know Sh** about me. I just so happen to see Hypocrisy when it's out there. If there's one thing l personally cannot stand its Hypocrisy from anyone, and that includes democrats as well. So don't even try your crap about the idea that " God it with you" cause that's nonsense. If God was with you, Trump or others- you guys would be winning races left & right. Your leader lost because his actions with more with Satan than anything else. Trying to overthrow democracy us not Godlike.
So shove I'll Man.
Avatar sully16 -
Weasel is discombobulated again, stop with the mint chocolate soylent.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
LMAO, the orange turd becoming president or even being nominated in the first place. LMAO, magical Sky Daddy LMAO, baby killers LOL

Which insane asylum Ward is this?
Avatar jarasan -
farticus, we know everything about you.
Avatar rdgrnr -
By their fruits ye shall know them
-- Matthew 7:20

Perversion and dead babies are your fruits, son

Kinda hard to miss that.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You right, by their fruits shall ye know them. That also implies those who entertain lies, lies of any kind. So you keep up your work in believing lies that have been proven to be just that.

* Revelation 21:8
King James Version
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and #@$%*mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

* So keep spreading your lies about anything, whether it is about " He won, when it's been proven he didn't saying people are killing babies, simply because they not part of the Maga movement and just being a disgusting person all round" - Remember: the Lake awaits.

* Not my words, so DONT say no-one told you.
Avatar noise-gate -
* L.A.K.E. O.F.   F.I.R.E.
Avatar KAL035 -
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to Heaven where the angels fly
They go to the lake of fire and fry
See 'em again 'til the fourth of July

Noise-Fart, with all that nasty flatulence incessantly emitting into the room from your faulty bung-hole 0-ring , you gonna fry for sure!
Avatar KAL035 -
Amberjack, take another hit off the crack pipe and fade back into oblivion. Ignorance is bliss with you and your ilk (American Marxist reprobates). But there's some good news! MAGA 2024 Baby Boy! That's all! (said Dr. Michael Savage)
Avatar grwurston -
Some people here think that Joe Biden doesn't lie. Politifact has pages and pages of him doing just that.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Lol @ people who believe in magical Sky Daddies , Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and unicorns... and you're telling me to go smoke crack? Go back to your caves you knuckledraggin morons!
Avatar rdgrnr -
You can deny and contort and deflect and make all the excuses you want but one fact remains.
You need to get right with God.
And in your heart, you know it.
Come out from among them. (And you know what I'm talking about)
Avatar jarasan -
joker writes, "Lol @ people who believe in magical Sky Daddies , Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and unicorns... and you're telling me to go smoke crack? Go back to your caves you knuckledraggin morons!"

This is the same buffoon idiot that believes vodka is medicine, LOL! HAHA!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
At least vodka is real. Keep believing in your fake magical Sky Daddy. Dumbass! I keep sending your hard-earned money to those shysters on TV promising you Heaven if you send them a donation....lmao... suckers!
Avatar grwurston -
* I just so happen to see Hypocrisy when it's out there. If there's one thing l personally cannot stand its Hypocrisy from anyone, and that includes democrats as well.

When Trump banned travel from China last year the msm, dems and biden called him rascist and xenophobic for weeks.
Biden just banned travel from South Africa but no ones calling him rascist and xenophobic. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Right ng?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Again... the right-wing morons like Gwurston spreading his infected brain with lies.

If you had two brain cells to rub together amd did a little research on your own, you wouldnt jump on the bandwagon of morons spreading lies. When Joe Biden said that Trump was wrong for doing what he did, it wasn't about covid-19 and China you insufferable moron.
Instead, it was posted in response to a Trump administration policy that would make it more difficult for citizens of Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan to obtain immigrant visas. When asked by reporters what the rationale was for the policy, Department of Homeland Security officials cited concerns about passports and information sharing, not COVID-19.

Avatar grwurston -
Hey STUPID!! Maybe YOU should do better research before calling everybody else names and spreading your own lies. Maybe you should look at other things besides the msm. and how about posting links to back up what you call the "truth?" Notice the date, Jan 31
On Jan. 31, the Trump administration announced the United States would temporarily ban the admission of people who were in China 14 days prior to their attempted travel to the United States. The restriction took effect Feb. 2, and it exempted U.S. citizens, green card holders, and certain other people.

Now notice the date in biden's tweet. Feb 1 the very next day.

We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.
5:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020·TweetDeck

Ironically, more people have died from covid since biden took office then when Trump was in office before there was a vaccine. So maybe he's the worst one to lead us through a global health emergency as he put it. If anyone is spreading hysteria and fear mongering it's him.

Avatar grwurston -
Remember this when biden said this?

Bidens plan ain't working.

So who's a hypocrite?

Avatar grwurston -
I really like this one. Telling Trump to take responsibility. Do your job.

But yet he blames Trump for everything, instead of taking responsibility for his own screw ups. WTH??

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