Still has no class.


The former president must be bored and found a new target to attack. Donald Trump has launched an astonishing barrage of criticism at Meghan Markle. With hundreds of politicians to go after, he decides to go after woman that back another woman in the 2016 election.

And people actually voted for this whack job twice.

Entry #179


Avatar noise-gate -
*He is BORED. He injects himself into any topic, much like Bhagwan. He won't say outright that he going to run in 2024 because he does know what's going to be exposed in the Jan 6th Committee's final report of information along the way. He wants the courts to keep his dirty little secrets under wraps even though in a few years the public will find out through FOIA. BUT if he is successful getting another shot at the Presidency it will be " who cares what l did back then,l am now Potus, so stfu."

* Talking about that idiot Bhagwan...
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* He slyly called me out & thought l would follow his narrative. He brings up Zuckerberg & Dorset & when l light him up with information on why Trump is suspended till 2023, he gets angry & goes on a tirade. Why is it that the conservatives had no problem having one meeting after another for the Bhenghazi account & yet when one brings up.Jan 6th & what Trump knew & when- they get upset?

* What Donald should talk about " Pillows." Jim & Lindell could come up.what is the best pillow they have slept on instead of focusing on politics- l am sure Trump will be very convincing.
Avatar KAL035 -
Demhack47 and Noise-Fart (aka Farticus), can either of you dimwits understand "MAGA 2024"? Your senile old boy "Joepedo", governing by fear on mask and vaccine mandates is doing such a wonderful job on all fronts to totally destroy the USA and make us the laughing stock of the entire world. But you two dimwits are totally down with the "Hate America" agenda! Is it any wonder that both of you numbskulls are considered to be Anti-American communist trolls on Todd's website?
Avatar noise-gate -
* The election is over- Trump lost, just in case you forgot Kilowatt. Remember how you and others were lied to? You seem to love lies, don't you?
Remember this?

“We’re going to get those miners back to work,” Trump said at a West Virginia campaign rally in May 2016. “The miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.”

* How about this?

"Mark my words," Donald Trump said when he launched his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015.
Trump had just promised to "build a great wall," on the U.S.-Mexico border, "very inexpensively."

"And I will have Mexico pay for that wall," he said.

* The Maga movement along with all its supporters love not only the kool aid, but the lies that come with it. Why would you fall in love with a liar, what did you get in return? Upright people cannot stand liars, yet you guy cling to a known liar.

* New International Version
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. * John 8:44
Avatar Stack47 -
We can always count on KAL to start their comments with insults so childish, it would embarrass a 4th grade wanna-be bully. There still are a few of the dumbest pitifully stupid Trump supporters like KAL that will send their welfare checks to one or more of the MAGA 2024 groups, but will find out just like Trump's big lie, someone took your money and ran.

Can't believe people are so ignorant or brainwashed they can't understand that after losing the popular vote in 2016, making over 30,000 false or misleading statements in four years, flat out lying about the coronavirus, suggested ingesting disinfectants, and nuking cloud to prevent hurricanes that anyone but Trump would win in 2020. It was you MAGA supporters that got Biden elected president so live with it.

One problem with most of the either pitifully stupid or grossly uneducated people is they believe everybody thinks just like them. And anyone with at least a 6th grade education to them must be unAmerican.

How much did you donate to "stop the steal"?
Avatar Stack47 -
"They are going to be proud again to be miners."

Bet Trump Tower doesn't use "coal heat", but I'll bet the diehard tin foil hat wearing Kool Aid drinking MAGA people believe it does.

And speaking about the pitifully stupid, doesn't Trump have anything better to do than talk about the Queen of England's Grandson's wife?

Are those MAGA people always angry because they bet on the wrong horse or is it really because they know they were duped?

"Talking about that idiot Bhagwan"

Is that the same guy that after waking up every day just to post on LP decided without telling people that called him their "bestie" to stop posting for over seven years? Pretty obvious how they spent the "missing years".

Still laugh every time I see a post by a self-proclaimed conservative with a picture of a homosexual liberal for their avatar.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
@ stack..
Lmao... you are absolutely correct! They think everybody thinks like them, that's scary and sad at the same time.

I just can't fathom the idea that you don't like trump, he was the greatest thing in history....

How the eff did half of America become a bunch of bats**t crazy insane asylum morons?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Wanna know something? All these Kool aid drinkers may not all post responses on your blog, but they read it, and squirm. I see the Ghoul is saying l “ went off the deep end” …, because l told Bhagwan where to get off. This fool was away for 7 years, and got out for “ good behavior “ and has been double the sour puss he was before. Probably dropped the soap a few times which is why he is so against the Castro District & CA as a whole.
* Gee talk about wanting attention so bad. The only folks who gather around him to shore up his ego are fellow Kool aid drinking buddy’s of he’s. Ever so now and then he gets a little ticked off by the adulation & throws a gesture my way in an attempt to see if l will kowtow to him, what an idiot. I mentioned his crappy blog because no one other than the faithful lapdogs who are drunk on the Kool A will post stuff there.
* l was generous in calling him an imbecile because in their fantasy world, you either with 45 on everything or you Anti American as Kalimantan puts it.
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* In that screwed up world of theirs: The Jan 6th thing was a sign of Democracy. Calling the supporters to DC was lawful, telling the supporters to March to the Capitol- lawful a well, storming the Capitol was .. what’s the word “ Upset Supporters “ who were simply acting out on their frustrations. So you see the world in which these folk dwell?

* The True GOP died off awhile ago, it’s now made up of mean UnAmerican folk. In the past, they went after their own who broke the law, like Nixon. Nowadays, they too afraid to raise their voices against an EX President for fear of retribution.

* The reason they cling to Trump is because the next person on the totem pole to get the nomination had polling numbers in the teens. That’s why- given that- As bad as Joe’s numbers are now, he would win in a landslide, that’s why they cling to Trump- The Great White Hope.
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One guy that has a thing for skyscrapers and big cigars called me a "buffoon" because he didn't read a LP news article and KAL called Noise and I "dimwits" and un-American because we don't drink his MAGA Kool-Aid.

These tin foil MAGA hat wearers crack me up because they can't comprehend irony. I post an article about dependswearingorange45 ragging on Meghan Markle for what he says is disrespecting the Queen. I can't force these obvious uneducated people to stop watching cartoons and read something anything educational, but why should they when (their words not mine) "the greatest president since Ronald Reagon" never read the Declaration of Independence.

Hint to jar jar and KAL: it's a list of grievances against the British Monarch.

If you have the time and want to see "the real MAGA people", look for Jordan Klepper on You Tube.

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"This fool was away for 7 years, and got out for 'good behavior'"

Still not sure if it's the same angry sexist bigot from seven years ago that sent me an email asking me to give some threads a "1 star rating". Bet he'll never say what he was convicted, but it must have been something really bad to serve seven years before getting paroled. Bet Eddie will be out in less than seven.

"The True GOP died off awhile ago, it’s now made up of mean UnAmerican folk."

The GOP died the day Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson asked Congress to approve a bailout to buy mortgage-backed securities that were in danger of defaulting. These were the same people that got tax cuts a few years earlier. Little hands was never part of the GOP even after getting elected.

Felt sorry for John McCain because his political timing was about as bad as when he found out the North Vietnamese had SAMs the hard way. A month before the election he finds out the Republican President was asleep at the wheel.

Depends Donald put the last few nails in his political coffin about 10 months before the election. Hey, people voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932 proving there will always be diehards.
Avatar KAL035 -
* The election is over- Trump lost, just in case you forgot Kilowatt. Remember how you and others were lied to? You seem to love lies, don't you?
Remember this?

No Noise-Fart, you and DemHack-47 are both unmitigated/unscrupulous/despicable/devious/ dumb/cheating dim-dem liars! The Mighty DJT won in a landslide and everybody knows it. Your boy Xo Biden, within less than a year of having been fraudulently installed as "Potato-Head-MUS" has managed to flush the USA down the toilet and make the USA the laughing stock of the international community You two nitwits must be so full of effusive joy. Your parents would be so proud. Too bad they disowned you both. MAGA 2024 Baby Boys!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Read this you fool.

*A federal judge in Michigan has ordered a group of lawyers who brought a failed lawsuit challenging the 2020 election results to pay more than $180,000 in legal fees to the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit, the latest in a series of rulings from federal judges seeking to hold lawyers accountable for trying to use the courts to overturn a democratic election.

* U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker had already ordered that the group of nine lawyers — including Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood, both allies to former president Donald Trump — be disciplined for their role in the suit, which in August she called “a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process.”

* Your CLAIM of Trump winning in a Landslide was " probably missed" by this Federal Judge & judges across the States.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Kalo, more for you to wrap your head about fool..

* David Fink, a lawyer for the city of Detroit, said: “These lawyers abused the federal courts to advance the big lie. They must pay a price for their misconduct, and this ruling is a good start.”

One of a series of lawsuits filed in several states known as the “Kraken” cases — after Powell promised her lawsuits would amount to releasing the mythical creature in Trump’s defense — the Michigan case had been brought on behalf of six local Republicans in late November 2020, after Joe Biden’s victory in the state had already been certified.

Your Kraken BS..
it argued that Biden’s win had been marred by fraud and asked Parker to require that Trump instead be declared the winner of Michigan’s 16 electoral votes. Parker rejected the request in December, writing that she was being asked to disenfranchise “more than 5.5?million Michigan citizens who, with dignity, hope, and a promise of a voice, participated in the 2020 General Election.”

* Last week, a federal judge in Colorado ordered two other lawyers in that state to pay nearly $187,000 to public officials and private companies they sued in a failed challenge to the 2020 results, writing that the lawyers needed “to take responsibility” for the legal misconduct represented by the suit.

Grievance proceedings have also been opened in multiple states to examining whether lawyers involved in such suits should be disbarred. New York state in June suspended former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani’s license while a committee of judges explores his efforts as Trump’s attorney to overturn the election. Giuliani is appealing the order and has said he is confident his license will be restored.

* Get your head out of your A, not only you but Bhagwan, Madhatter, the Ghoul and others. You guys got served up, right on time.
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* Just Remember- the Lake of Fire is reserved for Liars. Unless you fools are more afraid of Trump then everlasting destruction.
Avatar Stack47 -
Don't expect KAL to ever post anything intelligent, but does everything they post have to look like an eight-year-old said it?

KAL either missed it or couldn't comprehend what it means when 3838 said "They think everybody thinks like them" and then goes into to some weird rant fully believing we're following some cult that's against the depends wearing obese orange45.

But someone has to show the World what it's like going through life being pitifully stupid, eh KAL?
Avatar Stack47 -
"after Powell promised, her lawsuits would amount to releasing the mythical creature in Trump’s defense"

If that was Powell's only problem. She'll probably be disbarred for listing lawyers on her briefs without their permission and her and Wood might do some time for setting up fraudulent stop the steal fund raising groups.

Many of the anti-vaxxers are dying every day and if most are tin foil MAGA hat wearing card carrying obese orange45 supporters, there won't be anyone left to vote for him. But don't tell KAL the cult he's following is losing members as we speak.
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* It’s amazing that these clowns have not mentioned anything about Sidney Powell- l wonder why that is. In fact Trump has said nothing about her either. That should tell these clueless fools that 45 is only interested in himself. Just as long as you purchase his picture book, he knows he can still count on the uneducated to support him.

* Thing is: The Maga base is NOT growing & his crying over the election for over a year is definitely not winning over the independents, but will the fool get it, highly unlikely. The same goes for these fools here.
Avatar Stack47 -
"The Maga base is NOT growing & his crying over the election for over a year is definitely not winning over the independents"

They're reading comprehension is terrible. Someone called deducting taxes from lottery winnings "a fee" and then corrected herself. Based on many of her posts, she's not a knowledgeable lottery player so gave an example of when banks in Ohio charged a $10 fee for paying and process winning tickets between $601 and $5000.

It was the first time the teller ever processed a lottery ticket and she asked for the $10 up front. Asked the bank manager to "help" her out; problem solved. Somehow one of our local Kool Aid drinkers interpreted that to mean the teller was trying to "rip me off" and said "If you let a bank teller rip you off for 10 bucks or any other amount"............. I wasn't ripped off so there was no "letting" .............. They went on to add "and you're too timid to say anything about it, well, you can't really blame anybody but yourself."

Making a logical fallacy is SOP for some Trump supporters; the majority just flat out lie. It's usually done by a tag-team where another supporter agrees with an idiot trying to be clever.

People do come to LP and ask legitimate "how to" lottery questions and the pretend lottery experts just confuse them.
Avatar KAL035 -
Demhack47 and Noise Fart Forever, you two vile/deranged Anti-American leftists are so nutty as to defy all comprehension. You will both need strait-jackets in the state mental institution of your respective jurisdictions when the Mighty DJT reclaims his rightful position as POTUS! You are are both clueless nitwits Duh!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Kalo, why don't you spent the afternoon getting reasonable thoughts together BEFORE turning your computer on, cause you come off insane. You keep repeating yourself and that's not a fun thing to do. l previously mentioned that despite your Great Love for Trump, the Maga base is NOT GROWING. In fact it is diminishing, and you want to know why?...... L.I.E.S.

* Remember this fool?

" On December 23, 2020, Trump called the chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state's office, who was then conducting a ballot audit in Cobb County. Raffensperger had ordered the audit in response to allegations of fraud. Trump asked her to scrutinize the ballots and said she would find "dishonesty". The Washington Post reported on the telephone conversation with apparent quotations of President Trump's comments to the chief investigator. It based these quotations on an anonymous source purportedly familiar with the call. At the time of its reporting, it emphasized that President Trump had instructed the investigator to "find the fraud" and that she would be a "national hero" if she did so. Based on this reporting, some legal experts said that this phone call appeared to be bribery or obstruction on Trump's part. On December 29, the audit ended. Georgia officials concluded that there was no fraud. Trump was unhappy with those results. You Voted for a LIAR yet you seem comfortable with that decision, you all are, why is that?

* This is the EX President...

*During the phone call, Trump maintained falsely that he had won Georgia by "hundreds of thousands of votes", insisting that the certified election results were wrong. He said that Raffensperger should "reevaluate" the election's results, citing a variety of different conspiracy theories regarding voting in the state. Raffensperger, in response, answered that the election results in that state were correct and legitimate, and that Trump "had got his data wrong". During his attempts to pressure Raffensperger into changing the election results, Trump said, "I just want to find 11,780 votes", the minimum number needed to overcome Biden's advantage in Georgia. Trump also tried to intimidate Raffensperger, hinting that Raffensperger and his attorney could face a possible criminal investigation. Trump said, "You know, that's a criminal offense. And you know, you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you.

* Now who deserves to be in a straitjacket for... believing this crap?

Avatar KAL035 -
Blah, blah, blah, same ole same ole meaningless/lying routine, whatever; Noise Fart (aka "Idiot Savant"), kindly press the red button on the remote control for the nice night charge nurse to bring you your medication. You are starting to annoy me. MAGA 2024 Baby Boy!
Avatar noise-gate -
* The resident Morons were talking about the Threats to Ms Greene. They forget that she...

* Defended President Donald Trump against accusations that he incited the Capitol insurrection, Greene argued: "The timeline doesn't fit the narrative. Trump supporters could not have listened to President Trump's speech at the WH and then been 'incited' by him to walk to and attack the Capitol."

* Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, during an interview on a conservative podcast, compared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to continue to require members of the House to wear masks on the chamber floor to steps the Nazis took to control the Jewish population during the Holocaust.

* This insane woman should leave Congress and find a Real job, maybe at Walmart.
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* You are starting to annoy me? You brought your sorry ass in here fool, l did not go looking for you because you have nothing worthwhile to say.

* Btw- you say l am posting lies? Ok. Know what's TRUE? Trump is out of office, now that's simple enough for you to understand. Know what else-if he does win the Rep nomination and loses in the General Election, he will say " There was fraud in the 2024 Presidential election as well."

* Probably tells people he didn't file for business bankruptcy as well, and you fools would believe that.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Kalo- Do you get your kool aid from the same distributor as the other fools?
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL ignorantly believes because the biggest liar in US history says the election was stolen the majority of Americans believe just like them and rest of the pitifully stupid people.

The facts are the minority that do believe like KAL is getting smaller every day. How many of the 702 charged in the January 6 Capitol insurrection are still supporting the MAGA "ideals"?

According ex-pres orange45, "Anybody that doesn't think there wasn't massive election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid or very corrupt."

Shouldn't that be "anybody that thinks there wasn't" or "anybody that doesn't think there was"? But becaus the "best pres since Ronald Reagan" used the dreaded double negative. he called himself and his hard-core supporters pitifully stupid and/or very corrupt. And that I can agree with.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Hey Kalo, why don't you spent the afternoon getting reasonable thoughts together BEFORE turning your computer on, cause you come off insane."

That's to be expected from someone following "double negative" Trump. I laugh every time I think about Trump calling himself and his supporters "very stupid or very corrupt".

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