Powell got nearly $15 million in donations.


Her "non-profit" is being investigated. The only difference between her and the lottery scam artist is she has the list of Trump's Kool-Aid drinking donors. It's getting ready to hit the fan and she'll be wearing orange coveralls.

Entry #180


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A group led by Sidney Powell, an attorney who claimed last year's election was stolen from Trump raised nearly $15 million in the months after Trump's defeat. Of that, $5.6 million was used to cover legal fees and finance unidentified awards and grants. Will she give the other $10 million back to the Kool-Aid drinkers?


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* Are you crazy? Powell is not considered “ News” at least not NOW. I recall when she came out of left field and claiming that she had “ unearthed “ evidence that 45 had indeed WON the election, but forces beyond the US control were able to get through & destroy our precious democracy.

* There she was, this preening pea standing before the Mics claiming that her evidence was going to be Biblical. I got to tell you S, l was all ears. I thought she was going to expose Russian influence- making a fool out of Chris Krebs, the handpicked guy Trump said would insure that we had a clean & fair election, but Sidney was going to take on Chris, showing him to be a lackey. Of course when 45 was crushed in the election- Trump pulled the trigger on Krebs. However Powell was out there & we were all waiting for her evidence which ultimately led us to this..

* Funny how many of the Kool aid drinkers back then were carrying Sidney on their shoulders, especially the ghoul- saying “ Release it Sidney “.. now we have, what’s the words..C.R.I.C.K.ET.S.
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* I recall Sidney saying “ l would hope that people wouldn’t believe the stuff l was putting out there, claiming it to be true.” That’s direct finger pointing to these folks who supported her before she was exposed for the fraud that she is. If Powell had found a sliver of evidence of fraud, she would have been have been more popular than Trump, l could see “ Powell for President” or a future Republican VP.

* Her word would have been solid gold.
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Only a matter of time before they find out how much Trump was involved with trying to overthrow the government and what they plan on doing about it. Sidney, Rudy and Lin were all sent on snipe hunt while the pillow crackhead created a diversion making up all sorts of nonsense.

Nobody can create a multi-million dollar company and be that stupid, right?
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* Actually- Lindell is a rare breed. The guy has spent who knows how much to prove a wrong, a right. Cannot be done, especially when it comes to politics. Just think on this- let’s say that there was “ fraud or as 45 likes to say bad people doing bad things to keep him out of the WH.” Got one : Sufficient time has passed where there could have been a scintilla of fraud that has been discovered.

* Two: That would mean those hundreds of thousands of folks who were overseeing the election “ missed” something. Of all those folks- not the so called observers, l mean the folks looking at the ballots , NOT ONE could come forward & say “ well l reported this or that to my supervisor & he simply said Carry on. Where are those people? Are we to assume that the people who were counting the votes in the States Trump lost were ALL DEMOCRATS or independents that did not vote for 45?
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* Then you have those who simply cannot bring themselves to saying “ Trump lost.” Those are most to be pitied.

*It’s these deniers that will not believe when the times comes that 45 passed away. I can just hear “ they must have poisoned him, maybe some nerve agent that was passed to him.” In their reality- 45 is immortal.
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* l see Truesee’s posted a thread where a “ Christian perspective “ host is saying “ people “ are angry with Pence for what he did on Jan 6th.

*So according to the piece, attempting to destroy Democracy is a good thing. Sometimes one wonders if people have consciences. We talking about the throwing the Constitution under the bus to please a certain segment of society- namely losers.
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"Some Christians are angry with Pence"

Bet they are the same "Christians" that have no problem with Trump and the "mushroom" guy's thing with Daniels or the Billy Bush interview. Their Bible have the sixth, eight, and possibly ninth Commandments.

Even though Constitutionally, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion", lots of the "Christians for Adultery" want their personal religion and dogmas to become the official U.S. religion. They want the 13th Amendment repealed especially along with the abridgment clause in the 14th Amendment.

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