Breaking news! Leaked! PowerPoint was sent on January 6th insurrection with step by step instruction


Entry #52


Avatar sully16 -
LOL, Joker that got passed around days before and someone gave it to Mark Meadows, this is not the smoking gun you think you found, the Democrats were behind the chaos, the Bernie Bros caused most of the problems , they were paid to be there.
Avatar sully16 -
And you know what, tell me how awful it was when the left wingers invaded the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings, please tell me how the violence upset you.
You don't don't 2 chits about any of this, you just think your're rubbing chit in our faces and sadly that makes you happy.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Yeah okay sully... you keep believing that. It's God himself came down and told the right-wing nut jobs they were wrong, it would call God a rino.

Just till the committee is finished with their investigation, no amount of your excuses will matter then. The rioters cell phones are you being investigated for the texts which clearly show they were there to do this.

Yeah sure, it was Democrats who were the capital, yes sure, that's why not one of the people who were arrested were from the left. Keep trying though, I know the desperation is real. Your orange turd followers
Avatar rdgrnr -
That's all been de-bunked a million times, time to move on!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
No it hasn't.
Avatar sully16 -
Bless your Heart.
Avatar grwurston -
There were leftists there. It was all a setup.

You should watch this video.
Avatar jarasan -
joker put the f'ing bong down, you weren't a fetus.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
You people definitely live in an alternate universe.
Avatar jarasan -
joker still not a fetus, our universe is reality, yours is swirling around in dirty bong water.
Avatar noise-gate -
* This is NOT made up- it's available in any news outlet, all one has to do is search!

* Attorneys including Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will have to pay more than $175,000 in attorneys fees to Michigan officials and the city of Detroit, a federal judge ruled Thursday, as part of sanctions the court had previously imposed against the attorneys for their lawsuit attempting to overturn the presidential election results.

*U.S. District Judge Linda Parker ordered the nine attorneys to pay $21,964.75 to the state of Michigan, on behalf of defendants Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and $153,285.62 to the city of Detroit.

*In addition to the attorneys’ fees, Parker also ordered the attorneys to undergo at least 12 hours of “continuing legal education” on pleading standards and election law, and referred the attorneys to disciplinary boards where they’re licensed “for investigation and possible suspension or disbarment.”
*Parker had previously sanctioned Powell, Wood and their co-counsel in August for their post-election lawsuit alleging widespread election fraud, which Parker ruled was “a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process,” but did not specify a dollar amount until now.

“This case was never about fraud—it was about undermining the People’s faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so,” Parker wrote in her August sanctions ruling.
Avatar grwurston -
I thought we were talking about Jan 6th?
Avatar noise-gate -
* We? You were, not me!

*I threw that out there to let you think about the fact that others working for your movement are facing charges for LIES. You can take your argument in any direction, but as they say “ one is judged by the company they keep.”

* Sidney has represented your cause, Sidney is one of yours & she has to pay up!
Avatar Stack47 -
The pitifully stupid here have no idea what the term "logical fallacy" means and obviously believe if tell the same lie multiple times, it miraculously becomes the truth. Makes sense to them considering Trump repeated 16 lies over 100 times each and four of his lies he incredibly repeated over 248 times.

"tell me how awful it was when the left wingers invaded the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearings"

Even though their "invasion" never happened, they will pretend it did. Must another big lie from an avid Kool Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearer.

"You people definitely live in an alternate universe."

Read where continually drinking the MAGA Kool Aid does that. It makes them forget Trump convinces hundreds of his supporters to do something so stupid many of them are serving time. The poor <snip> are still waiting for the pardons Gohmert promised them.
Avatar Stack47 -
"I thought we were talking about Jan 6th?"

Gr still can't comprehend or acknowledge it was the MAGA people that caused Trump to lose the election. It looks like Gr believes all the frivolous suits filed by Rudy, Wood, and Sidney had zero effect on the people attending the January 6 rally. Those people were positive they would get a full pardon and the "kraken" was coming any day.
Avatar grwurston -
MAGA people caused Trump to lose the election.

You're right. Next time they should cheat better than the democrats.

Saw HRC on the news, reading her 2016 acceptance speech and crying. Apparently she hasn't gotten over it either. She must've told biden, if you want to be president, you're gonna have to cheat better than I did.

Avatar noise-gate -
* Someone passed the PowerPoint to Meadows.” Really?
If that was the case, why doesn’t Mark just come out and say so? Is that mentioned in his book?

* These excuses get OLD. When folk broke into the Capitol, it became “ Antifa & BLM” folk. When Meadows memo is brought to light- it’s “ someone handed it to him.” Keep up the “good work” ghoul.
Avatar lakerben -
Usa !
Love it or leave it!
Avatar noise-gate -
* If Biden cheated as you say fool, why hasn't there been an arrest of a single individual? Surely to pull off such a massive operation, there had to have been some breadcrumbs leading the way to person or persons involved in this criminal behavior.

* What is your answer?
Avatar grwurston -
Arrests are coming. Gotta do it right.
It's already been proven Schiff and Cheney altered Meadow's text msgs. before their testimony. Just like when Schiff played his made-up-version of Trump's call to the Ukraine president. Schiff never expected Trump to release the actual call transcript.
The more the dems lie, the deeper they bury themselves. They never learn.
Avatar Stack47 -
"That's all been de-bunked a million times, time to move on!"

Speaking of "de-bunking", quite a few people here never questioned why someone that "got up every morning just so they could post on LP" suddenly and without explanation stopped posting. Or publicly asked where their "good friend" had been for over seven years.

It's hilarious reading the "where is rdgrnr" thread. Enough crocodile tears to float the Titanic. Were they in prison or is this just someone pretending to be them?

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