A year after


the Biden election was certified by Congress and after a year of not only seeing courts dismiss almost every election fraud claim and many of the lawyers having their license suspended, some of Trump's Kool-Aid drinkers are still pretending they have "proof of widespread election fraud". Spreading false and misleading election information must be their hobby and while as useless as it is, some gullible people will believe it. 

Political false and misleading statements under the 1st Amendment umbrella is one thing, but potentially endangering the lives of gullible people is border line criminal. Still haven't read a logical reason for spreading vaccine misinformation or why it's necessary to tell people they won't be getting vaccinated. I heard people argue that Trump never said "Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get (Covid), it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take the vaccine" probably because their uneducated minds can't distinguish the difference of him being in favor of getting vaccinated and and against mandates. 

The last time I looked over 832 million Americans died from the virus so why anyone wants to chance that someone will take their bad vaccine advice is beyond logic. One of the resident anti-vaxxers only posted one day in the last three weeks and mentioned something about the reason being "day to day". I sure hope the reason isn't Covid. 

Entry #196


Avatar noise-gate -
* What l do know is this- Trump loves the spotlight. There is no “ go gently into that goodnight” for this charlatan. Every one term President in living memory has “ passed the baton” whether they thought they deserved to hold onto it a little longer. But once the voters have spoken, it was time to let reality creep back in, but not this guy. That’s what makes him a worse CREEP. In waging this “ the election was stolen” bs talk, he was telling the American people that he had a “ right” to govern over them for 4 more years, whether they liked it or not.

* That’s similar to you breaking up with your nutjob gf or bf and them telling you “ No one breaks up with me, if there is any breaking up, it will be my doing.” What l am saying is he “ Is A Nutjob.”
Avatar Stack47 -
Many of his followers are tuning on him especially the anti-vaxxers. While looking for the current death count, I read where an anti-vaxxers said to get vaccine and mask mandates, public officials are saying .832 million Americans died from the virus because it looks much larger than 832,000.

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