The childish name calling in the forums is back.


But according to the rules:

No personal attacks.Criticize ideas, not people.  Flaming will not be tolerated.  This includes any material which is vulgar, defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others' privacy, sexually-oriented, or violates any laws.

Don't know if that rule applies to blog entries and comments though noticed an blog entry was censored for mentioning a harmless synonym for an adult beverage. 

I don't make the rules nor am I complaining about how the rules are applied. Just saying if childish name calling is fine in Lottery Post Forums, the rules should be amended to reflect that.

Entry #197


Avatar jarasan -
You have like crepey skin? Thin skin??? Get some of that lotion and rub it in until it is smooth, soft, and thicker.
Avatar noise-gate -
* They live in an alternate reality. To them 45 was the greatest President this country has ever seen. Past Presidents did not have the time to go on “ twitter” or whatever whenever someone said something negative about them. But 45 did.

*The guy worked 4-6 hours a day as President and lounged around watching press reports etc etc. He had the attention span of a seagull. Think l am kidding, well after instructing he’s supporters to go to Capitol Hill, guess what he did? You guessed right, he took it all in by sitting and watching the chaos unfound on TV. If he returned to the WH, get ready for more tv viewing.
Avatar Stack47 -
Everyone knows you're pitifully stupid, jar jar so why do you always try to prove it on my Blog entries? Are you so incredibly stupid that you can't comprehend the Lottery Post rules?

And I thought it was just a coincidence your avatar is a cartoon character.

Avatar Stack47 -
By condoning very childish name calling, jar jar must be a rule breaker too. Though not breaking rules the type of rules that would cause them to disappear for seven years. What is so difficult in discussing lottery playing strategies causing some people to find it necessary to make derogatory remarks about the person or the person's character?

"No personal attacks. Criticize ideas, not people."

That rule is in some form basically in every message discussion type forum. Some even have rules against opinions saying someone's remarks are pitifully stupid.

Hey jar jar, did you miss where I said, "childish name calling in the forums is back"? Or is it necessary to explain the difference between Blog entries and Forum Posts?

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