GOP can't escape Trump fueled election controversies


Entry #30,026


Avatar noise-gate -
* Every American President that has either won a 2nd term or not, had a great administration & the country had benefited from it, has at the end of the day folded their tent and gone home. Until we got this fool, he thinks by sticking around and giving Biden a bad rap whenever he can will make the “ American people love him.” That’s some F up thinking right there. Who the H wants a Commander in Chief that is bitter, vengeful & doesn’t respect the Will of the American people when they said loud & clear “ we gave you 4 years, be satisfied!”

* Mr “ Only l can fix it” was sent packing and instead of taking it like a Man, he has been crying in his 🍺 ever since he’s election loss. He trotted out Rudy & others to go bat for him, and they ended up being handed their lunches by justices in very States- in some they have to pay the State for filing BS & wasting taxpayers money. This narcissistic P needs to disappear for good, he is fouling the establishment.
Avatar rdgrnr -
There you go again, Numbnuts.
"Handed their lunches."
Do you even know what a mixed metaphor is, you babbling idiot?
I won't even get into dangling participles and split infinitives.
Were you educated by a roving band of marsupials, or what?
Avatar jarasan -
farticus, AKA numbnuts, is an idiot.
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise-Fart, the babbling idiot, was edumucated by a roving band of marsupials! LOL! It all makes sense now! Ain't nobody possible save for Noise-Fart's late-night CNN opossum-faced instructor that told him DJT was the Anti-Christ and Xo Biden was the Saviour for all clueless Dim-Dems.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Just part of the idiot pack that NEVER takes apart my posts and add facts to counter. No, it's all about attacking me, and therein lies your F problem. Instead of starting with " No noise you wrong, because's always, going after the messenger, not the message. You guys are hopeless. Just as Giuliani walked his sorry A** into court and was asked flat out by the judge, " did you vet this information?" Rudy's response, " Well no Your Honor, l got it off the internet."

* Like l said " You guys, all of you who hang onto Trump's every word as though it is gospel is what got him into this mess. Hey, Morons,look down- you waist deep in Trump manure.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Here's a easy one fools. How did a political newbie manage to hijack the GOP in 4 years? A guy with ZERO political experience has the conservatives on the hill & in Red States throughout this country by the " short hairs." How is that even possible?
Avatar rdgrnr -
I'll take a "political newbie" over the likes of Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of that evil cabal any day of the week.
There, I just "handed you your lunch" LOL.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You ought to have been born in North Korea, your thinking shows you would have love being ruled by a Dictator. Which reminds me, 45 wanted to be like Lil Kim & Putin. What’s with the “ lol” point, l see nothing funny in attempting to overturn Democracy. Why not run along and play youngster.

Avatar rdgrnr -
The LOL is for your use of the English Language.
There, I just "handed you your lunch" again, LOL.
And you "seeing nothing funny" is because you have no sense of humor.
That's a very common trait with godless Democrats.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hmm, sense of humor- well l think you say way off. First off, you ought to read the caption of Truesee’s threads. It says weird, wild & wacky world… l stick to that because it is what it is. My posts on Trump are spot on though & despite what you & others may say or do, your reaction to my posts shows you not looking at it from that POV.

* That behavior of mostly you guys overflow me to my posts in the News Column as well. Take my last piston the Tipton case- l mentioned that the Parole board “ may have” thought this or this, immediately l was down thumbed because of an opinion. Well let’s check this out: Amir was attempting to claim the original jackpot payout “ 14 years after the fact” that’s reaching IMO. Apart from that the court in that State, in not too many words told him to take a hike,”. If anyone needs to” lighten up” it’s those who took my post too seriously. Education- you gotta love it!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Oooops for the spelling mistakes.. Humor huh?

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