Trump backer, 4 others charged with voter fraud


Yep, the "they stole the election" crowd are falling like flies.

Entry #215


Avatar noise-gate -
* You can bet had the 4 or even '1" been a Democratic voters- these fools in the forum would have said " See, Trump was right." They forget that 45 in speaking to Georgia's Sec of State Brad Raffensperger, said " “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.” This clown even went so far as to say " “You know what they did and you’re not reporting it,” the president said during the call. “You know, that’s a criminal — that’s a criminal offense. And you know, you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. That’s a big risk.”

*This shows how crooked & devious Trump truly is. Notice he said " l want." It's always been about him & his objectives.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Bhagwan is going off about the election not being fair. Hey imbecile: Name us a single court in the land that agrees or agreed that there was fraud in the last election?

* Rudy, Powell & others have been hit with lawsuits for pushing conspiracy theories you ignorant A- hole. Gee, go clean your room & do your laundry.
Avatar noise-gate -
* This hemorrhoid of a human being thinks people are STUPID like the rest of those uneducated folks who flock to Trump’s rally as though an Angel is going to appear besides 45. There is a reason 45 said he loves the uneducated, the reason being he can say anything and they will swallow it hook, line & sinker. Did he not tell a reporter or reporters that he could shoot someone on a street in NY & get away with it?

* Well guess what, that has been proven true by this non brain individuals who despite the mounting evidence of this charlatan of a President, they still stuck with him. Saying there was fraud is easy- proving it is something else. In over a year there has been no “ wholesale fraud” that would have swung the election to Trump. What is it about this guy that makes these folk who cling to him THINK that it was impossible for him to lose? The guy was incompetent, he spent more time on Twitter than governing the country & he thinks the citizens of the country were no paying attention. America needed a hands on President & he was not it.
Avatar Stack47 -
They just can't face the reality that the majority of voters were voting against Trump especially in the states Trump won in 2016. Even if Trump had the best election advisers because of his ego, he probably would ignore them. The fool even told his supporters not to vote early or by mail so when he heard the large number of early voters, he knew they weren't voting for him. He knew his supporters will believe anything he says and opened the door for his election fraud claims.

He counted on his uneducated supporters to not understand the vote counting process. Trump knew that in several states mail-in votes would be counted after the election day vote and why he wanted the counting to stop when he had small leads. Basically the "hemorrhoid of a human being" doesn't believe in a democracy with fair elections. They are in fact unamerican.

Avatar Stack47 -
"I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state."

Speaking of proof of voter fraud, Trump's demand to Raffensperger is proof Trump wanted him to commit voter fraud. I began posting examples of voter fraud before someone was released from prison and fitted with an ankle bracelet. But hey, considering the number of lies Trump said, it's obvious groups like his "Trumps MAGA Convicts" don't know what the truth is.

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