If Putin really fears a unified Europe?


Why did Putin do the one thing that will unify the rest of Europe and most of the World against Russia?

Entry #228


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* There have been many politicians that have misjudged & miscalculated events over the decades. Putin is just one of many. Sure Russia is a country with nuclear missiles, and ever since the break up of the Soviet Union as we know it, l think he saw his power diminished. Like all strong men, the idea that they are surrounded by smaller countries that do not fear them, or their nuclear arsenal, makes them feel threatened.

* Take North Korea- Lil Kim is forever sending missiles into the neighboring seas, but even though he has nukes, he knows that launching one on his neighbors is sure to open up his country in a nuke being sent into his country.

* Russia is being isolated, this attack only fueled the rest of Europe and the world against Putin. Their currency is turning into Monopoly money, countries are pulling their vodka off their shelves, at the genie is out of the bottle.

*Leaders that miscalculated: In the USA Bush Snr- riding high after the gulf war, he seemed to be a shoo-in for a 2nd term, but, Lil known Governor from Arkansas had other plans. Robert Mugabe was another- he envisioned himself as being President for life- the citizens in that country had other plans. Finally Donald J Trump- after BS his way through 4 years, he imagined that he had enough charisma to fool Americans into giving him another 4 years.

* Putin’s has drank his own Kool-aid.
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I believe I read where someone said how "smart" Putin's attack on Ukraine was and some moronic quote about massing our tanks on the Mexican border. And a Congresswoman suggested the same should be done to the U.S. and Canada.

We were smart enough to vote out our lunatic leader and starting to look like the Russians will do the same. Especially considering people are protesting in several Russian cities.

Article 5 of the NATO pact is why Trump tried unsuccessfully to pull us out of NATO. If there is going to be a WWIII, it will either destroy the World or purge all the crazy people from power.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What’s breathtaking in it’s scope is the fact that you have a ex President who got voted out of office still: Crying about his loss, 16 months after the fact. Still thinks he has a voice in Washington where his advice should be heeded. Has there ever been a sore loser that couldn’t get in touch with reality after a year? Does his wife have conversations with 45 to simple “ drop it and move on?”

* With his admiration for Putin off the charts, one can imagine him coming up with excuses about “ Putin had no choice” but to do what he had to do. You know as well as l that there is no way 45 is going to turn his back on Putin, and l can just see that sycophants in his entourage saying “ The Pres spoke & you guys are taking it out of context.”

*The thing is, Trump had never got such attention in his life, as a hotel owner, you meet people, make. Deal, shake hands and that’s that. Being President, he had people surround himself, 24/7. Bringing information to his attention which he knew very little of & when he lost the WH, they took his toys away. It’s not the same since he vacated the WH, no one waits around for him or calls him as regular as they did for 4 years. Which is why he loves the rallies- it’s nostalgic feeling that that he misses. Having a helicopter waiting for him on the lawn, get saluted, rubbing shoulders with foreign heads of States- he misses that, the Peter Pan of politics refuses to grow up.
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So much for the "war that ended all wars". A hundred years later and we still haven't learned to get along with our neighbors so eventually war is inevitable.

Considering the invasion of Ukraine, probably a bad idea saying "things would be different if I was re-elected" especially after his "perfect phone call" got him impeached. And if Mexico didn't pay for his wall during a second term, was Trump planning a "Putin style war"?

The good news is we'll never know because we didn't wait and see a Trump second term, but now our real problem is the lunatic running Russia. Why is Putin mentioning Nukes and is it normal for a leader of country to sit at one end of a table while his advisors are 50 feet on the other side?
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Pat Robertson came out of retirement just to comment on answer my "Why did Putin do the one thing that will unify the rest of Europe" question. Apparently, Putin was "compelled by God" to bring about the "End of Times," as prophesied in the Bible.

But other than it's something the old guy read in the book of Ezekiel; the dots just don't connect for the invasion of Ukraine being "nations coming together to rise up against Israel".

Better luck next time, Pat!

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