Lindsey Graham Calls For Putin's Assassination This Is The Only Way It Ends


Entry #30,125


Avatar rdgrnr -
Imagine how many lives would have been saved if someone was able to put a bullet in the back of Hitler's head when he started his insanity.
Putin is no better.
Avatar JAP69 -
Lindsey Graham does not want exposure to come out of the wood work if Russia wins the Ukraine battle.
The country of Ukraine is the capitol of world corruption.
Avatar rdgrnr -
That may be true JAP but the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
And Russia is a much bigger enemy than Ukraine could ever be.
They pose a much bigger threat to us than Ukraine ever could, no?
Avatar cottoneyedjoe -
LOL, why are they jumping down his throat for something everyone is thinking?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Where were Lindsay & other conservatives on the hill when Trump was cozying up to Putin? Where were the conservatives when Trump took Putin’s word over our known intelligence- they were all silent, suddenly they have a voice?

* l will bet that had Trump won a 2nd term, he would have pulled 3/4 of the GOP to side with Russia, after all, the guy is that insane. I often wonder if Trump was 5 ft 5 inches tall, would the GOP have been scared of him? America’s own Napoleon, oh the horror.
Avatar rdgrnr -
So you're saying Trump should have trusted Brennan and Comey?
They're committed Leftists just like you!
Gimme a break, you can't be that farkin' stupid.
The bottom line is this: Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un didn't DARE fark around with Trump in office.
Dopey Joe is now their favorite punching bag.
They know they can do whatever they want with that imbecile in office.
And despite the humiliation it brings you, you know it.
Avatar grwurston -
Hey Dumbass Lindsey!!...

Didn't an assasination cause WWI?
Avatar grwurston -
* Where were Lindsay & other conservatives on the hill when Trump was cozying up to Putin?

What is that, like the 4,368th time you've said that? Sure seems like it.

Avatar noise-gate -
* l must scare you guys because the minute l respond to something you guys think you can go toe to toe with, you pile on. It’s amusing, at best.

* Trump as l mentioned on another thread looks at himself as Royalty. Which President in the past demanded loyalty? Go ahead, think- l will wait. Thing is Trump demanded it, because he was a newbie at politics as a whole. Two, he needed the loyal fools to bail him out when things went South & they did on his watch. Stepping in and stepping out of it on a regular basis.

* Oh yeah, the other dictators didn’t screw around when Trump was in office- for one, Trump wanted to pull the US out of NATO & the leaders of those countries were hoping & praying the fool would do it. Don’t think for ONE F minute that they did not know Trump was a kindergarten at politics, this clown in Chief was doing their bidding without even knowing it. Putin had an ally in Trump you fools- as Trump
Inked to say” Go read the transcript.” As for Xi, those tariffs your fallen leader imposed on him did not work, he knows, and so do all the Republicans on the hill.

* Glad you can count G. Count this: Trump is the “ First” President to lose : The WH, Senate & Congress in his FIRST term. How many is that G?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Remember : ONLY I CAN FIX IT?
Avatar grwurston -
So who is buddy-buddy with the Russians? Looks like Obama to me.

Funny, how Trump never got $500K for making a speech in Moscow or a big donation from Putin.

Isn't this the guy who's been running his mouth all week about how President Trump shouldn't meet with Putin? That's Chuck Schumer.

Guess what? Biden will be the 2nd to lose all 3.

Avatar jarasan -
joepedo is illegitimate, and he is putting the entire planet in danger, he should just admit the demoncRATS stole the election and just let the grown ups fix the world.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You guys are collectively Insane. Obama DID not look into Putin’s and take his word over OUR intelligence, that did not happen at anytime during his term in office. Trump on the other hand did- in their 1st meeting, if memory serves me correct, l stand to be corrected on that point nonetheless. But be as that may- Trump was going off the notion “ You don’t get. 2nd chance to make a 1st impression.” Our fallen leader wanted Putin to know that 45 could be counted on, together “ we can achieve wonders.”

* To show 45’s commitment to Vlad: Trump took NATO to task- telling our European Allies that they were not paying your dues, l think America should get out of NATO, you feel me Vlad? Did l tell you or did l tell you, these Allies are a nuisance to you, l can tell- well Vlad, you got a friend in me, you just pick up that phone anytime day or night & like a Soul group from America once sang “ l,ll be there.”

* You fools do know that Trump wanted to get the United States out of NATO, right? Hey there he was a few nights ago going off about “ l strengthened NATO, that was me.” It’s always the me me me thing with him. I am surprised that after close to 18 months, you guys are still moaning about the loss, that is not normal behavior by anyones standards.

*You guys need to start eating your vegetables.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Jaracrap, l am curious- how is Biden putting the entire planet in danger? It’s not as though he is President of the world, so what do you mean by your nonsense? If you talking about Russia & Ukraine, you do know that America is on the other side of the planet. America is not close to Greece or Turkey!

* Seems to me you failed geography big time as a kid, which raises another question: Did you attend school, do you know what a classroom looks like.When was the first time you saw a crayon?
Avatar grwurston -
Last 4 presidents...
Russia attacked Georgia during the Bush administration.
Russia attacked Crimea during the Obama administration.
Russia attacked NOBODY during the Trump admininstration.
Russia attacked Ukraine during the Biden administration.

Seems to me like the guy you keep saying is not a politician and has no foreign policy experience was the only one capable of keeping Russia in line.
Just an observation but, the only time Russia didn't invade anyone is when Trump got the US out of NATO.

I'm quite sure the people of Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine enjoyed the little break from being killed fighting in a war with Russia for a change.

But apparantly you don't like that, since you think Trump getting the US out of NATO was a bad thing. Maybe you should ask the Georgians, Crimeans, and Ukranians if they preferred the US in NATO or not. Cause it seems to me as soon as Biden got the US back in, they went right back to being killed again in another f'n war with Russia.

Only a democrat would think stopping wars is a bad thing. But hey, if having a war will make Trump look bad, then you're all for it. As long as you ain't the one dodging bullets.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What you just said about Trump being thr only President who didn't have a war break out in his administration, was repeated by none other than 45 at the Cpac convention. Try thinking for yourself G. What 45 forgot to tell you & others is that Putin had no reason to attack Ukraine, Trump's antics by going after NATO allies was good enough for Putin, he had no reason to attack. The so called Rino- John Bolton made it perfectly clear about Trump acting weird to America's friends.

* You forgetting that Putin KNEW 45 was new to the game of politics, he wanted a stooge as Leader of the free world and he got one for 4 years. With the stooge out of office, now was the time to play his hand, but that only solidified NATO. As l mentioned Trump would have found some excuse to side with Putin, the guy was a political wreck. Just as 45 would talk.about his " love letters" from Lil Kim, Trump was a national embarrassment & only fools don't see it.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Huh? Did you just say Trump GOT the US out of Nato?

* You have lost it G, turn in for the night, please!!
Avatar rdgrnr -
You know what GR was saying Numbnuts, don't play stupid when it comes so naturally to you.
You're not smart enough to know how Trump was playing the NATO members to get them to come up on their military spending to make NATO strong enough to counter Russia. The Secretary General of NATO even thanked him for it. Obviously you can't see the forest for the trees.
And calling Lindsey Graham a Conservative is another example of your boneheaded lack of political acumen. Lindsey is as Conservative as Wrong Way McCain was, only at election time, and then it was right back to voting for stupid sh!t with the Democrats.
Avatar jarasan -
farticus has TDS plus Orange Crush syndrome, and joepedo is illegitimate, a grifter, and plagiarist. Just as recently as last Tuesday stealing the true president Donald Trump's words.

Fuque joepedo Bydone and Let's go Brandon!!!!!
Avatar noise-gate -
* So you saying Bhagwan that Trump is the greatest thing that ever happened to the GOP? That him showing up weeded out the Rino's so tospeak?

* That cozying up to Putin was a masters trike to make the party better? That anyone who spoke or speaks against Trump is NOT a true conservative? That folks like Mitch & others who have been on the hill for decades are useless all of a sudden? That Trump is actually taking the country into the promised land?

* Sounds like Cult of Personality to me.
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
I kind of like Lindsay Graham. But homosexuals are dangerous if you cant pray the gay away. Lindsay supporting NAZIS in Ukraine and the AZOV Battaliion will be good for America and the world in the long run. I mean just look what Obama did to Libya and Ukraine the last time. And Zelensky I am kind of rooting for him. He is a happy funny type of homosexual. I will definately be rooting for Michelle Obama in 2024. (I mean Michael) Homosexuals everywhere, they really know how to party. I cant wait till the sex tapes get out!!
Avatar rdgrnr -
It appears that you take everything Trump says in negotiations literally.
Trump was playing chess and your brain is wired for checkers.
Maybe you just can't comprehend critical thought.
You need to read "Art of the Deal."
Get back to me after you do.
Avatar grwurston -
This makes absolutely ZERO sense.

* You forgetting that Putin KNEW 45 was new to the game of politics, he wanted a stooge as Leader of the free world and he got one for 4 years. With the stooge out of office, now was the time to play his hand,

Why in the world would Putin NOT invade with a stooge in the WH?
Oh wait, he just did!!!

Second reason for him to invade is like you said, Biden is a national embarrassment & only fools don't see it.
Avatar noise-gate -
* We going in circles here. Just accept the fact that Trump lost because God does not allow haughty folks to succeed & elevate themselves above others. Enough was enough & the crestir allowed Trump to lose. Want to argue on that?

*A King during the time of the Apostles decked himself with fine clothes and bragged out in the open- a voice from heaven was heard & he was consumed. Trump's services were no longer needed.
Avatar grwurston -
We're going in circles? Glad you finally realized your arguement was meritless.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Give us chapter and verse for all this scripture you're preaching.
I didn't know you were a man of the cloth.
Baby-killers like you usually avoid scripture (unless they're using it to fool somebody).
Give us the chapter and verse that says it's ok to kill and shed the innocent blood of His little ones too while you're at it.
I must have missed that one.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Seeking to be taught by me? Hmm, l am humbled Bhagwan.
Acts 12:21-23 Son.

* Yeah we going in circles, by repeating stuff which you claim l do. I say Trump lost, you say he didn't. Btw: Trump goes in " circles as well" repeating his lies about being defrauded a 2nd term.

*You and your ilk going in circles by going along with those lies " Knowing full well" that every court in the land agrees that 45 lost the Presidency through self confidence mixed in with arrogance & stupidity. Throw in incompetence in there for good measure.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You forgot the chapter and verse part.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Ridge.... your own supposed God killed the firstborn supposedly, I don't see you getting mad at your God for that. How many tens of thousands were they? Your book is nothing but garbage, silliness, and full of evil. You're supposed God that doesn't even exist is a tyrant just like your deer cult leader.

Oh I almost forgot, he sanctioned slavery also. What a nice loving God he is LOL if you don't believe me, check out Exodus 21. There are different rules for Jewish slaves, and other rules for non-jewish slaves, you can beat them and if they don't die you can keep him for a certain amount of time and hand them down to your children when you die. A lot of Christians try to wiggle out of that one by saying, it was just indentured servitude, buls**t! Let me beat you a few times with a stick and see if you'll call it indentured servitude.

Hypocrisy at its best. But you got to keep preaching about killing babies, no wonder the Republican party's confused.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You ought to read up on the one unforgivable sin, son.
Or just read your last post....
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Ridge you're an atheist to all the other religions that people believe in. It's all about where on the planet you were born, and what religion you were indoctrinated under. I don't believe in any of them, they all claim to be correct and the others are wrong just like you guys say. End of story.
Avatar rdgrnr -
That's the end of the story for you maybe if you don't change your thinking. Literally.
I can't speak for other religions. I can't hardly speak for my own beliefs and experiences. They're too miraculous. Some words from a song come to mind though...

He knows my name
Every step that I take
Every move that I make
Every tear that I cry
He knows my name
When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
And can't see the light of day
I know I'll be just fine
'Cause He knows my name

I don't know what tomorrow will bring
I can't tell you what's in store
I don't know a lot of things
I don't have all the answers to the questions of life
But I know in Whom I have believed
And He knows my name
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
What happened? The cat got your tongue? All religions can't be correct at the same time right? Showing the lyrics of a Christian song doesn't mean Christianity is correct.

Believing in anything without evidence is a horrible idea. What's worse is christians who have power to legislate laws based on their belief systems.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l did quote Chapter & verse, not paying attention again Bhagwan? I notice you always bring up " killing babies" or abortions as though it's only done by Democrats. We all know that Republicans are like the driven snow: None have had or have abortions, Republicans don't read or watch porn either, don't break laws of any kind... but they love carrying guns, storming Capitol, building walla to keep, yes- God's children out of the United States even if they fleeing crime & violence back home.

* In your world: There is segregation in heaven: if you from South of the border, your dwelling in " way way over there" if you Evangelical, your spot is next to Savior- what l am saying is you a hypocrite & so are the Maga folks.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I didn't say the song proved anything. It just came to me as I pondered your missive. You have the power to believe whatever you want. We've had this discussion many times before. You have your beliefs and your rationale and your logic and your science and I have my faith and my knowledge. We can leave it at that.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You're right, I always just skim over your posts very quickly so I missed it.
For your information I'm not a Republican so you can stop haranguing about that. I'm a Constitutional Conservative. I usually vote Republican because there is simply no better alternative most of the time. I can't vote for baby-killers, just one of my little quirks, I guess.
And I find it a chore lately to debate issues of faith with atheists with closed minds. There was a time when I would but it reminds me now of a passage in the Bible that says if your words are not received by the people in a town to leave that town and shake the dust off your feet as you leave.
The sound you hear is me shaking my feet.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Well you just want to sweep it under the rug, but you still haven't addressed the hypocrisiy. You hate abortion, yet you don't hate the fact that you're supposed God killed the First born of thousands, and you're okay with that.
Avatar rdgrnr -
God created everything, He makes the rules.
Does the clay tell the potter what he should have made and how he should have done it?
Do you think the One that created everything that is, couldn't have made the deaths of the Egyptians' first born painless?
I'll guarantee you it was nothing like being dismembered alive in an abortion.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Man gives nothing and has no right to take anything away.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So you a conflicted soul? I get it, it's what people at one time called " Cafeteria Christians. " You will pick this, but not that. Lsst time l checked, Jesus said " you will always have the poor with you." Yet in the recent past- you railled against homeless folk with obvious mental health issues defecation on the street in SF. The thought never once crossed your mind that the city is dealing with a crisis, but being humane at the same time.

* If there's one thing l have learned, its self righteous folks do not gain entry into heaven, we have but to look at the Scribes & Pharisees in Christ's day to know that.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Oh here come the excuses. There's no evidence of your God in this thing, neither any other gods. Dying is dying no matter what. Nevertheless, he supposedly took all those thousands of kids lives, whether they felt pain or not, you keep making excuses for your Tyrant God. Oh so you want pain? How about all those slaves that were tortured and beaten by their slave owners? What excuses are you going to come up for their pain?

Your tyrant God sanctioned slavery. Sanctioned massacres, sanctioned taking the virgin girls for themselves when they won the wars. And you are so worried about abortion, pathetic. The Christian religion and the Bible are rife with hypocrisies. Just admit it, there is no evidence, and you are only believing because you were indoctrinated.

Avatar rdgrnr -
Numbnuts, you're an atheist, why do you keep pontificating on things you don't believe in?
Jesus said that to Judas if I recall when Mary Magdalene annointed His head with expensive oil and Judas being the Treasurer of sorts said the oil should have been sold and the money given to the poor (but he really intended to keep it for himself). Jesus told him the poor you will always have with you. That has no bearing on the topic at hand. But you don't believe in God so I don't understand your affinity for discussing it.
And SF brought that problem on itself with its insane Democrat policies. Act like a 3rd world nation and you will soon look like a 3rd world nation. You voted for it so wallow in it.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Yes, I was indoctrinated as a child but I read the Bible and asked Jesus to come into my heart when I became a man and He did and He changed my life. I always try to earn that and I have failed Him in the most egregious ways a million times but He always forgives me.
As far as pain and slavery and all that you have to remember that Jesus said the devil is the Prince of this world and He told us not to love this world or the things in it. This world is rife with evil and demons who walk the earth as roaring lions seeking whom they may devour. (I've been eyeball to eyeball and holding hands with one). And whom the Lord loves He also chastens. You seem to expect heaven on earth and if you get hell you blame Him. You think you got it rough? Read the Book of Job sometime. You want to see signs and wonders but none will be given to a generation of vipers. I don't think you'd believe if you were shown signs and wonders. You'd say it was Penn and Teller.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l am an atheist, based on what- my not supporting Trump? Do you even know the definition of the word? Your problem is thinking God appoints people to political positions, if that was the case, individuals like Hitler, Stalin, & Pol Pot just to name a few would never have become leaders.

* When Samuel the prophet took one look at one of Jesse's sons, he said " surely the anointed of God is standing before me." He was wrong, that eventually turned out to be David. But... you guys took one look at Trump and said " This is the one" and you guys were wrong.

Avatar noise-gate -
* I said you guys were wrong because God does not use an arrogant narcissistic liar to do he's will. He certainly wouldn't use an individual who attempted to overturn Democracy despite carrying a Bible- end of story!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Yes you were indoctrinated Ridge oh, just like all the other religions, people were indoctrinated into believing the other Gods you don't believe in. So does that mean they are wrong and you are correct or vice versa? They have just as much conviction in their beliefs as you do, who is ultimately correct? My answer is none of them including you. Until you provide evidence that your God is the real one and the rest are fake, it's all a bunch of nonsense to me.

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